So everyone agrees the parents did it right
Madeline Docuseries
Can anyone give me a quick rundown?
The minute the McCann’s PR team literally pulled a “SHUT IT DOWN” on the comment sections of their articles I knew they were guilty.
Mother and father accidentally drug their daughter too much so they can go and swing with their cracker ass friends. They dump the body and fabricate a story of an abduction, white people worldwide start virtue signaling until two based doggers destroy the narrative and somehow the Portuguese are the villains
Yeah you’d have to be a brainlet to not think the parents were guilty and knew more than they put on. I have an eye for liars and they’re terrible ones.
Casey Anthony was best little girl case. Watching Nancy Grace finding some minor detail to shout BOMBSHELL TONIGHT everyday and falling to her wearing that handcuff choker when I got home from school. Great times.
I thought it was the Podestas?
the fact that her kidnapping became an international story killed her. the kidnappers originally planned to sell her on the black market as a child sex slave, but that became impossible with her face on televisions everywhere.
You want the real redpill on this?
Madeline...was Mossad.
The parents definitely did it. They’ve been shady since the beginning, and the only evidence gathered, although very little, all points to them. There’s no evidence at all for a break in.
they dident fucking do it yeah so they drug there kid keep it in a freezaer for 30days someone where to put in the rentacare they got aqfter the dissaparenace all the while looking everywhere
could you get someone that’s not a nigger to explain without sounding like a monkey?
I always thought the parents did it but I was never really sure if they did it on the night or killed her for a while before they reported her as missing on that night. The only thing is that she was allegedly at a day care that afternoon. That puts a dampener on any theory that they did it before that night UNLESS the logs were forged and there were no witnesses to Madeline’s presence. I think there were witnesses that said they saw her that day? I’m not sure. I know the log is there though.
Without a doubt the parents did it. Mom dodged 45 questions and stopped her husband from saying anything else after the doc was about 3/4ths finished.
The lesson here folks, is lawyer up, don't talk to cops, don't be a complete fucking retard, and you can get away with a lot of shit.
>or killed her for a while before they reported her as missing on that night
Aren’t there records proving they had picked her up from a daycare earlier that day?
fuck off nigger
Did you even read the rest of my post you absolute brainlet?
Wait, sorry, nevermind. I posted before I finished reading the post. I am an idiot.
>2 hour window for them to kill and dump their daughters body in a foreign country
Only retards think it was the parents when a pedo ring is much more likely
>no break in
How'd the ring get in?
This is bait. Don't answer him. No one can be this retarded.
again, who what where when and why should I care
also what does this have to do with tele
>no break in
Clear evidence of the window being tampered with
Also the sliding glass door in back was unlocked according to Gerry
Only from the inside though, which would mean that they had to have had one of the kids open the window.
Wrong there was no evidence found of window tampering in any way. No marks or prints or residue. Except for the mom’s fingerprints that indicated she was he last one that opened the window.
>only from the inside
Gerry opened it from the outside this is false
Only Kate’s fingerprints were found on the window, and no evidence of anything untoward.
read you dumbass
If the parents had done it they would have been caught ages ago.
Getting rid of a body with no trace is really fucking hard especially when you are under a giant spotlight from one of the biggest media circuses of the century
the only thing the parents did was be neglectful. there is no way the parents accidentally killed their kid. you need to be a professional to hide a body, you need connections in the country. the kids were seen alive previously so they would have needed to either planned all of this shit out or have to have known someone to pull it off. the police in portugal were shit, it's the same with other countries, especially like italy, people end up in jail over wooohoo shit all the time. if they say you did it, they will terrorize you until you sign your life away. I think she was kidnapped by someone locally and then snuffed out once word got out. i dont think she was sold off. there were rumors of a team of kidnappers but it's probably something much easier than that. her body is somewhere in portugal that i think for sure.