Am I too late to talk about this shit? Has it already gotten stale to you fuckers?

Which is your favorite?

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Other urls found in this thread:!l6hTUAqR!OIGDbvZT7yyRbKbryQMLX3dn21Klx2HktRypV_CCxRc

I dropped it 2 minutes into episode one with that strong raped womyn with her antifa looking friends bullshit

Secret War is the best desu
Aquila rifts second

zima blue is the only great episode

1. Beyond the Aquila Rift.
2. Secret War
3. Lucky 13
4. Fish Night
5. Good Hunting
6. Shape Shifters
7. Sonnie's Edge
8. Zima Blue
9. Suits
10. Three Robots
11. Helping Hand
12. The Witness
13. The Dump
14. Sucker of Souls
15. Blindspot
16. When the Yogurt Took Over
17. Alternate Histories
18. Ice Age

Ignore the whiny ramblings of the virgin numales that are threatened by women main characters. These people will never emotionally mature past the age of adolescence and will likely never meaningfully connect with anyone or anything and they should be ignored.

t. soicuck

>Beyond the Aquila Rift.
>Secret War
Yea Forumseddit detected

Aquila Rift unironically fucks you up

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>so threatened by females that he has a panic attack when he sees them in a major role
>calls others soi
Why haven't you had sex

>strong raped womyn with her antifa looking friends bullshit

The fuck is wrong with you? Just because a story includes rape and badass women you got so triggered you turned it off?

Oh look the snowflake got triggered.

Come the fuck on. Beyond the Aquila Rift was also good shit and many others.

Zima Blue was the best episode by a pretty big margin. Other than that and a couple other episodes I found it exceedingly mediocre.

>Three Robots anywhere but last
>Zima blue near the middle



I've watches 10 episodes so far and I've liked most of them except the dracula one and the rednecks fighting aliens
Favorite is yogurt

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Why did he scream like a little pussy?

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I'm 6'2 with a girlfriend and a nigger sidechick. There aren't very many people like me. There are billions of forgettable people with shit taste like you.

>lucky 13
>anywhere near the top

>There aren't very many people like me

Not true at all. The world is full of racist assholes.

Peak fucking numale

You're just afraid of niggers because you're a scared beta bitch boy that feels threatened by everything that's black including your own shadow.


>Ugh, fucking MEN.

This is literally a line of spoken dialogue.

have sex

I don’t like muh strong black lesbian mary sue pilot get over it fag

Unironically have sex

Yeah, there's a bitchy woman in one short that is sexist against men. So fucking what? You want every character to be a perfect little angel go watch a fucking Disney movie sweetheart.

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>4. Fish Night
are you retarded? that's the worst thing ever made by man.


and the rest are okay

>fish night not on the bottom
>zima blue not in the first spot

Coz he was spooked

shouldn't we be discussing who was our waifu by now

chink titties (witness) > greta (rift)

pro-tip: you can't

Like I said, you normie.


I think she is right, you are retarded

Literally the Wakanda scene from Infinity War, but with no backstory. That episode sucked.

yeah! what are you gonna do about it?

>The werewolf soldiers episode
That was the most deviantart furry fanfic shit I’ve ever seen.

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The episode with literally half human half wolf vagina and tits was way more furry than based Dog Soldiers episode.

it's literally just redneck stereotypes fighting monsters, and we're supposed to care when one of them dies?

And after he dies it doesn't even seem like anyone cared. So fucking dumb and pointless.

Back to your little nicky threads faggot soiboy men are talking.

>Gold not at the bottom
>Trash not at the top
Shhh kike.

The funny part is, she wasnt raped, she just lies about it to sell her story. she was really hit by a van.

we should discuss how disgustingly plebian you are
>alien waifu trying to save you
>dumb stripper who can't chill out for one second and listen to a goddamn explanation

Yeah, but they don't say that in the episode. The short story is so much better, and it's obvious why they didn't put it in, and it (and a few other changes made) keeps the episode from being perfect.
what's your skin color?

THIS, but was half fox desu

t. teenager

the irony in this post is staggering

Still going through it.

Any theories on the OP episode? I think it was Aquila Rift. What did it seem like the real motivations we're for the Alien species? Eating the stranded survivors or just using them as sex toys?

Given the spider-like appearance and the webs, I guess it's doing what all spiders do: keep 'em webbed and static until the hunger comes.

you are worse than the antifaggots. Buy a fucking rope and refrain from posting what offends you or not on the internet.

>2. Secret War
Dude, it's nice animation but it's kind of boring, might as well suck the werewolves cocks while at it.

It's a reddit-tier show. First episode is MAXIMUM EDGE, second is 'lol so random, lolcats!!!", 3rd was alright, 4th was alright. I stopped watching there

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Secret War by far the best

I maintain that the book did it better

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unironically one of the worst

you have horrible taste

It's by far the best episode because it works on so many levels. Case in point, you two autist plebeians who didn't understand anything beyond OOH SPIDER SPOOKY yet still liked it.
She's a hero, not a villain.
>webbed and then eaten
Pointless. She's obviously been surviving for a long time, and therefore doesn't need to eat humans. And if she did, why not start with his dead crew members, and who even says humans are edible to her? And then the problem of the simulation happens.
>sex toy
Pointless since she has a simulation indistinguishable from reality. And why would she want to fuck as a human, why would she even have the concept of fucking? It's also pretty easy to argue she's gone through the simulation several times (knowing things about his past, his emancipated appearance, so on). Not many times, but a few. Why would she participate in such a benign experiment repeatedly?
So what is her goal?
Well, unless her actions are nonsensical, which she gives no indication ever, she is telling the truth. She's trying to wake him up to his reality. Not only is he stranded in space, and everyone he has ever known is long dead, but his surroundings are out of a literal nightmare, and his only companion is an unspeakable horror. Basically, he thinks exactly like you two, without the benefit of a viewer's observation and detachment. She's Lovecraft's Angel.
Considering the resilience of the human mind, I'd love to see what happens next, as he finally breaks through the horror and attempts to live a nightmare. That would be interesting. I'll probably write something like that and throw it up on ao3, the story really caught my imagination.

>The short story is so much better, and it's obvious why they didn't put it in, and it (and a few other changes made) keeps the episode from being perfect.
Care to elaborate?

I was super close to dropping it after the first episode went on a rant against men, but I'm glad I stuck around. It had some real gems.

Can someone explain Zima Blue to me? I thought it was dogshit but I see others rank it as #1. Am I some sort of brainlet or something?


>claims to have stopped watching the show in 2 minutes because he got triggered
>spends a week crying about it on Yea Forums
get the fuck out of here


Asceticism. But it is flawed due to poor writing, just like Sonnie, and the final message becomes one of lobotomy.!l6hTUAqR!OIGDbvZT7yyRbKbryQMLX3dn21Klx2HktRypV_CCxRc
here is the epub. I'm getting a bit bleary eyed, so forgive me, but basically
>rape is bullshit, connie got injured in an accident, she said it just to manipulate the guy
>the guy is quite clearly more of an asshole for throwing the fight and not because hes a fucking white male
>lady assassin has all the lines and scenes given to the old guy at the ending, makes her a much stronger character
>sonnie says lines that her squadmates say in the animation
basically a lot of really subtle changes that drag it down by reducing the strength of sonnie's character. I haven't read any of the other sources, but I plan to. I heard Aquila was far weaker (which is nice, good to see them actually improving a story for the big screen) since it's implied the spider just abandons the guy in the simulation, but I'll read it out of curiosity anyway. Zima Blue too, interesting to see what they changed.

My favourite episode was The One You Don't Like, it was much better than Your Favourite Episode. I also really liked That One That You Can't Remember The Name Of but I was disappointed with how much it reminded me of Some Other Dumb Shit You Care About. Prove me wrong.

was it just me or was lucky 13 heavily Halo inspired and suits was literally Wildstar

wtf I love reddit now

I was hoping he'd accept her being a creepy psychic spider alien and they'd settle down and start a family.

Aquila Rift was boring and predictable

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I took your suggestion and just plowed a 5 dollar whore, but I still feel the same way, that scarred up bitch and her elite squad of inclusivity faggots were complete shit and you should feel like a beta bitch for sucking her cock. Get a life, faggot, and quit letting your woman peg you in the ass.

I read the short story a while ago but haven't watched the episode. From what I remember, the premise is true. The station is a refuge for any and all amiable species that get stuck there because an accident/misuse of the ancient aliums jump tech. It's simply that it wasn't humans who built it and so the illusion is necessary. I don't remember any devious connotations, besides, of course, her wiping his mind once he realizes the truth and freaks out.

Brilliant observation you nob. You're just another twazzer that believes the mere act of dissatisfaction denotes "triggering". What a simpleton. What a nimrod. Get cultured and get laid by interesting women. Expand your horizons and be less of a fuck up, it'll make the world a better place.

I liked the one with nudity in it

First episode left a bad impression with the thickly layed strong women stuff but I was able to see past it and the rest of the series was pretty damn enjoyable in varying degrees. I appreciate seeing so many different styles and stories being conveyed.

>I'm not triggered
>proceeds to be triggered
can you two faggots go kiss in another thread or something? trying to be comfy here

What's the difference between Secret War, Suits, and Sucker of Souls?

descending order in
>animation quality
>story originality
>interesting dialogue
I could go on, but in absolute general terms, each one just does everything better than the lower ranked one.

That idiot just kept chasing her without saying anything till near the end. Then he charged her when she had a gun.