Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm not sure about this, but if it makes my movie get a sequel I'll do anything...

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Silly user with his low-res bread pic.

Attached: NEW BREAD.jpg (523x697, 81K)

Attached: shipdoor.webm (1226x512, 2.93M)

Reposting these .webm from last bread.
What Did You Do?
I'd Give Him My Life If I Could
It's Where You're Going To Die
The Soul Of A Survivor

Attached: spinning around.webm (960x402, 2.83M)

god damn it you beat me to it.

Attached: is-this-motorball.png (511x521, 320K)

Alita is showing you her true colors user. And that's ok she is girl trying to experience everything a human girl does!>

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And dubs, too.

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Did he ever coach her?

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Coach her on what exactly?

Attached: whateverihad.webm (960x402, 626K)

Nice, but I was referring to the door that wa under water and that Alita has to force open.

Cowgirl while fondling her purple boobs


This one is for all the fans of manga Alita. I also can't help but reference BR2049 it seems so I hope you all enjoy. Relevant pic too.

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>more writefag

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have sex

>all that expensive crap
2ho do spend the money on this shit

in a deleted scene, sorta.

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>Pre-order sold out on Alita hot toy
How long until the sequel is announced?

The rare vector is appreciated.

>Indeed, Disney still hasn't disclosed an official number of jobs they plan to cut. Analysts estimate 4,000-10,000, though several employees say the number being floated among people in the know is closer to 3,000.
> The Commission is authorized by Congress to provide monetary awards to eligible individuals who come forward with high-quality original information that leads to a Commission enforcement action in which over $1,000,000 in sanctions is ordered. The range for awards is between 10% and 30% of the money collected.

What did the feds mean by this?

Attached: they_see_me_rolling.webm (420x236, 1.26M)

Based NEW BREAD user

I haven't been to these threads in a couple of days, have I missed any news?

We had an AMA with a crew member the other day

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Well someone on the crew who worked on the movie answered questions. Other than that, new OC's and memes.

nope, just a steady influx of new oc.

Attached: life-before-alita.jpg (1370x2606, 770K)

Lots of new OC
A crew member did an AMA
Some countries adding more screenings
Taiwanese and Chinese people buying out whole screenings or even purchasing a stake in movie theaters to keep the movie playing
Box office totals declining in France(?!)
Reminder: Flipped, sequel whenever
Thousands of Disney employees facing layoffs.

what do you think of Zapan BRAAAAAAAAAAPPER

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>Alita on a date.

Attached: Thoughts on Alita Dating 2.png (536x538, 229K)

Wall: Me

>Alita will never paint ultraviolet streaks on your cheeks.
Why do you torture me writefag?

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I love it!!! It's so sweet. Every new one is better and better!

>ywn never get to be Zapan in that moment

Attached: alita-disappointed.webm (870x720, 2.23M)

I'm sorry Ido! She's in good hands.

How does Alita rank among your favorite movies? Idk if its top ten for me, but i did see it 8 fuckin times. So god damn rewatchable. Screw it, i'll put it at #9.

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>sharing a tipsy dance with Alita under a neon ocean
You're so goddamn good at this.

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It's legit my favorite movie of all time now.

Attached: ty.png (1280x538, 1020K)

>being confused by this
Politicians are the scum of the earth who are willing to throw voters and their interests aside if it means getting a big fat check from a corporation to act a certain way.

Fucking stop this shit already

I love you guys. I really wanted to lean in to the cyberpunk and after the Elvis reference from BR2049 came to mind I knew what I had to do.

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Can someone please post the "I do not not stand by in the presence of snacc" pic, please?

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rapidly moving up to #1 honestly. It's in weird company too. My current all time favorite still remains There Will Be Blood.

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I don't have one favourite but it's definitely shared with my top tier.

What does alita gen think of this? youtu.be/lRPiiYWBDiw

On the positive side, it seems like Bob Iger is eyeing a career in politics, and opposition research done by rival candidates in his own party as well as the other party is likely already being gathered.


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It's still available on the main website.

Also this was the model I used for the colouring albeit with matching boots/jacket.

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For now.

Pretty soothing to me. Between this, Boosette and the Android 18 pickup lines, I get good sleep.


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A lot of breadposting

It's /comfy/. This is the best way this ASMR could've happened. She's clearly a fan of the movie, and if this had to exist, I'm glad she made it and not anybody else.

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For some reason, the Alita movie twitter hasn't made a new post or retweeted anything in 3 days, since the 20th... which was when the Fox buyout was finalized... what could this mean?

What's going on with the depressed guy and the camera? Is helifting that with his head?

Negotiations are going on and they have to keep things on wraps.

You always knew...

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His lifting all of those “>tfw no Alita gf” feels

Alita...I'm sorry...

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He's giving Ed Skrein a reference for where the wall could be. You can't film through walls, and especially not with those huge monstrous 3D cameras.


delete this heresy NOW

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>No one will dare believe that you won't get a sequel again

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Cute vid

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Ty bro

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That’s like two floppies of data.


>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

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We should go back to measuring everything in floppies desu

Hope the guy wasn't fired...

Seriously though, fuck Disney.

this whole day has been soul crushing and I have no idea why
and on the other hand, where is the sequel announcement?

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STAN: Battle Kid
Because original Stan is dead, Kenny gets his name.

The mouse is strong, but we are stronger

Well I'm going to bed. Tomorrow night I'm going to see Alita in the theater for the last time. Already bought all my snacks and Arizona tea, hope this will be a great experience. I think after 12 times, it's time to go cold turkey and say goodbye... for now. Night anons.

Attached: Career Opportunities Alita.webm (960x540, 2.27M)

If Walt Disney were alive today, he'd be a fan of Alita: Battle Angel and would want his own company to either wake up and get back to not doing fucking stupid shit and making the toppest quality products and services or...burn down to the ground.

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Is Ed's stuntman thrown against that guy for the scene where Alita throws Zap against the wall?

we still need your webms m8, you can't leave us.

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It truly boggles my mind how much i love this movie. EVERYTHING i want in a movie is in it. Its like cameron went through and checked off a list of what i need and want in a movie.

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When Alito and Ido are standing at the kiosk trying to find the bounty for Grewishka, what does he say when he takes her hands? "I don't want to be (something) for these hands too" or something.

good night! and bless you for that macho man webm

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>user? I feel like I'm fading. Please hold my hand, I'm scared.

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Nice palindrome

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"I don't want blood on these hands too."

Have fun Peaches and come back with many webms!

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>Why do I have to go? Don't you want me here?

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Sorry to hear that user. There's good OC in previous threads if that helps and I have a new story up if you want to be /comfy/.


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That would be funny though, wouldn't it? "Yeah, you be the wall - we'll fix it in post.

why has it been soul crushing, user?

>Help me hold on, user. Please... Just one more day... one more hour...

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Oh no, I didn't mean leave the threads, just stop seeing the movie in the theater. These threads are a second home now.

Attached: ido_stop.png (1018x916, 138K)

>What holds it up? Magic?

fuck Ido's so broad



How many times have you seen Alita: Battle Angel in the theater?

I've seen it 6 times. Gonna try one more time tomorrow before it's pulled out.

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Six as well. Gonna try to see it at least twice more, though. It's still playing in my area.

>What holds it up? Shitposting?
>Something stronger. Healing.

Five I think.

I made it!

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Im full of optimism to do something, but there has been nothing to do here and it has been foggy and rainy the whole day. But now I read up the threads and also the manga finished downloading and Im already feeling better you magnificent bastards.

also your stories always warm my heart thank you

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Why aren't YOU paying +$200 on a coin?

Something like twelve? I only stopped because it was temporarily pulled from my theater, and I don't have anyone to go with anymore. I love the movie but there's only so many times I can watch it before I get numb to everything and want to be doing something better with my time.

only 2, but i got 12 people to go.

Blessed quads. 12 is amazing and you'll have a great time reengaging with the blu ray when it drops.

no touchy oreng juicy

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I don't remember seeing any coins in the movie, though.

4 times.

this scene was my favorite desu. i would kpost in this same post if i could too

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These threads have lifted me up before, too. We're always here for you.

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Vector gives them to Hugo when they bring him Kinuba.

Fuck that's neat I just got three of these at the Iron City experience

last night was fourteen. Grabbed a shirt. 4 overpriced beers and a fairly packed theater.
also I'm beyond happy that Soldier is getting any love in these generals.

Attached: where-youre-going-to-die.webm (960x402, 2.68M)

already started

I saw it six times, twice in IMAX. I think I'm set until the Bluray comes out. Hopefully the theater calls me back about any posters they have left once they're done showing the movie.

8 as of last night. It should be my last time, but it keeps bringing me back. The first 5 minutes is worth the rewatch alone.

Only twice. My anxiety is too severe for me to be able to relax when I'm at a theater. I've thought about maybe going a third time, but I'm probably going to wait for the Blu-ray.

>Doctor says treatment is simple. Cyberpunk kino Alita is playing in theaters. Go see it. That should pick you up.

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8. I'd like to see it once or twice more next week before it disappears in my area

Soldier kicks ass. I'd always watch that with my mom and brothers.

4. Three times in IMAX and then once more in 2D after she got booted. 2D convinced me to chill until the Blu-Ray drops.

Can't deny that I'm already jonesing for another watch however. I'm going to drown myself the moment I can watch it at home, I know it.

>I'm sorry user, your healing is terminal.

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Check'd, Based 12-timer.

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She so cute

Alita no!

no touchy!

>Alita no!

Is this guy Grewishka overcompensating for something?

What do you think you're doing young lady?

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Attached: YOW.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)


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Don't worry about it, Alita. I'll distract Ido while you grab it.
She was just heading downstairs, because I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH HER LATER, PAST CURFEW.

That's so fucking cool. I wish I had $200 to blow on this.

Get my hammer.

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Kurt was so good in it. Criminally underrated movie.

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Nah, I don't think we'll need it. We might head back to my place before it gets TOO late, so..
Quick, grab it!


haha this meme is funny

I literally had this exact conversation with my dad the other day. Got mad when I said I saw it again.


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>*Steven Irwin voice*
>And here have the illustrious Alita, native to stalking glasses or orange juice! Crikey!

Juiceposting is so fucking dumb but it makes me laugh every time


Alita if you drink this orange juice I won't like you anymore.

his nipples were really big and he increased the size of his body accordingly

goddamnit I laughed out loud

it is, but it's endearing and I enjoy it.

Thanks user, it means a lot

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There's so many concurrent memes and discussions in this thread it's nuts.

Going to see Alita again tonight.. I really hope there is going to be a sequel to it.

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We are making so much OC its fucking insane

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>something stronger

I've only told my dad ive seen it 3 times when ive actually seen it 8 times. He loves cameron and is a movie buff, but he'd be so dissapointed in how im spending my time and money.

...why... Why Alita, that's so sweet of you.

Attached: Kiss.webm (1036x720, 2.63M)


Attached: when you drive by an Alita so FINE.gif (310x200, 2.46M)

Friendly anons convinced me to watch this in a thread a few days ago, I finally got my hands on a shitty camrip - wish me luck!

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hell yeah my dude. These threads ain't slowing down.

Attached: foundsomesickraybans.png (502x488, 426K)

Which thread was this?

Not bad for a bunch of incel shills sperging and waifu-fagging over a flopped movie, huh?

I hope you Alitans know this is sarcasm.

Attached: 1552334382112.jpg (1240x1574, 107K)

please don't

KICK 2.0, its not too far back.

There a no words that can describe how stunningly beautiful she is.

Attached: FUCK.jpg (970x545, 50K)


Of course we'd know because you posted top tier fan art. No flop-kun would do that.

Based Cinemark still doing 3 screenings a day next week, and not even on their smallest screens.



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Yeah quite a number of my local theaters in South Florida are still showing at least 2 to 3 showings. Going to catch one tomorrow night.

damn I opened this hoping for a voiceanon post I hadnt heard yet

I watch the wembs constantly when I write to get the details of her face down.

Swan Song made me feel things I wasn't prepared to feel

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>Before opening that vocaroo
I bet it's K screaming Goddamn it
>After opening that vocaroo
I can read you guys like a book.

Only twice, but once was IMAX, so surely that counts for something. I'm gonna try to see it next week. I'm wearing my Hunter Warrior Alita shirt right now, and I bought the artbook. Anticipating the BD, will buy deluxe.

Oh fuck you don't give me ideas for her jumping out at you after waiting with a surprise.

Once I get an idea in my head I can't focus until I get it out.

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DON'T DO IT user

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Attached: 144 mb of feel.gif (287x191, 2.77M)

Where in SF? Cinemark Palace 20 for me.

>Guys? Have you seen my beserker body?

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I've only seen it twice but people close to me still thought I was fucking crazy when I said that.


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I've told my mom at least 10 times, she doesn't care. Lost count how many times ive actually gone, going again tonight.

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*ting ting ting ting ting*

Attached: ahem.png (445x518, 170K)

Shit, that's just a 40 minute drive from where I am. I'm down at Cinemark Paradise 24.

Oh no

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That's dumb. People saw Avatar multiple times, same with Titanic. And think of all the times you've rewatched Aliens and the Terminators and would have gone back to see them again and again projected on the silver screen. Actually, I hope the 40th anniversary for Alien brings us some showings for it and Aliens.


You've gone 10 times and not once did you take your mom with you? You're heartless.

Dont worry anons, I will watch the hd version again when it comes out. But I just want to see what all the hype is about and these threads are so comfy I couldn’t wait :3

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I took her once, tried to a second time but she barely understands english.

Why the fuck does my gf refuse to watch this movie unless I'm going with her? Fucking horse shit, she needs to know the glory that is this movie.

But...but you're supposed to see it in the theater, user.

You better buy a blu ray user

it's a shame this is your first impression of it tho

She wants to spend time with you, user.


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>LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING VECTOR, it's been hard to live with man, watching the motorball brother, watching the false angel seduce all the novamaniacs! BUT LET ME TELL YOU, there ain't gonna be any chocolate and orange juice for the Battle Angel brother, because Nova's taken his vitamins and said his prayers and the Battle Angel is gonna hope Ido had never dug her out of the trash heap dude, cause Nova's gonna pick her up and SLAM her back into the garbage where she came from! And when she tries to crawl back up brother, Nova's going to make sure her filth will never poison the minds of novamaniacs again and drop the big leg on her and let all that trash bury her for another 300 years! SO WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN NOVAMANIA IS GOING TO DESTROY YOUUUuuuuu!

Attached: Hulkster_Nova.png (408x306, 195K)

Is Cinemark your best theater in the area? Definitely is for my area.

My theater is doing showings of Alien in October for the anniversary. You could probably find out on your theater's website

I know you gonna lynch me, but facebook has some pretty good memes

At least you tried. Bless her heart, and bless yours.

Attached: 1549226928076.png (446x435, 81K)

I'd love to see Alien and Aliens back to back in the theater.

I made this meme. How have you made the filesize bigger than my original?

Attached: alita1.jpg (693x655, 306K)

I don't see the resemblance

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That's the power of magic.

Hulkpostinghours are upon us and I'm ready

Attached: alitabiglmao.jpg (1200x675, 210K)

I'm happy you're here with us user, truly i am, but this movie deserves to be seen on the big screen.

Attached: 1551466294684.webm (1744x720, 2.97M)

WHY ;__;

Ok, but we live in different states, and she's absolutely refusing to see it until she comes and see me, which will be when we have to drive for an hour just to see it cause no cinema will be having it be then.

I hope that you found the feelings worth it even if they were hard.

that would be so rad. We can dream.

Attached: itsyourdream.png (498x538, 296K)

I saw you post it before but I was phoneposting and I hate doing that so I didn't respond.
Highkey underrated post
Well, that does put a damper on things.

unironically gave me thw worst gut wrenching feeling i have ever had on this site. wtf man

Too socially akward to go to the movies alone

If i like it

Fair enough but at least im not watching dunkirk on an ipod nano hehe

Attached: pain.jpg (1191x914, 204K)

>thread filling up so fast no one will notice me drinking user's OJ

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Where did you get those horns alita

Never noticed how... erm... mature her beserker body looked until I had to do a cut out job on it.

Please don't kill me Ido.

Attached: BeserkerBodyFront.png (1527x1598, 2.97M)

It's a movie you can experience alone.

guys I love you all this thread is so comfy

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this is nice and all but why would anyone need a cutout of this?

Sure but it’s too embarassing being at the movies by yourself, who does that? I feel like the “no singles policy” meme has some truth to it where ppl think singles at the movie look weird, idk but id be self conscious about it

Me too. It's not cynical like Yea Forums usually is, and it's not like Reddit where people have no chill and act like complete unfunny nerds (Gunnm subreddit is alright though.)


Attached: and-i-love-you-random-citizen-gif-2.gif (250x174, 435K)

We love you too user

Attached: Hugs.png (654x1105, 1.81M)

Put Zapan's head on it. Duh.

>too socially awkward to go to the movies alone

I don't get this. You don't have to interact with anybody except the ticket people. And if you go at night youll probably get the theater to yourself. I love going by myself.

Love you too user

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Y-you kn-know why...

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Attached: ugonnadiebitch.png (1280x538, 1011K)

oh no

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can you name it something else please

oh god
do it user
Agent Klita

Sad thing is Captain Marvel is on her watch list

That was original creator's filename. Guess just change it to KandAlita

ngl, I need to see Captain Marvel. I'mma watch
Endgame, and I'm out. D'you think it'll be on netflix? I really don't wanna give them my money.

the battle angel subreddit produces some content but it has the issue that ALL of reddit has: dull, unfunny community. The only good subreddit is the one for cum town and that's literally it.

Attached: how-deep-can-we-go.png (877x829, 1018K)

>That was original creator's filename.
I know.

Love the edit, user. Probably my favorite OC out of everything here.

I feel dirty doing this...

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I dont know. Honestly, I'm only upset by that because she'd rather go see CM than Alita. I personally dont want to watch it cause I've grown tired of Marvel. It's Avengers 4 and that's it for me.

then what's that?

Attached: rosass.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

thanks user
but I feel bad for naming it that

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Attached: stare at your own risk.gif (500x218, 998K)

Right there with ya. If I don't see CM it's not a big deal, but I feel like I need to to see Avengers 4.

Attached: Casino Royale - Car Crash.webm (1280x520, 3M)

>I need to see Avengers 4

Attached: Zapan laugh.webm (720x304, 210K)

I know, I know.
I like Iron Man enough to go see it though.

May it'd feel awkward if you went for a primetime night showing, but it's pretty common to go solo for matinees. No one cares, your movie theater staff are teenagers, and by this point the screens should be empty.

the most brutal accident Rosa has caused yet

Attached: heykid.jpg (1331x544, 78K)

Captain Marvel is definitely better than Alita

There's actually no better experience than having a theater all to yourself, even better if it's a large screen.

>but it’s too embarassing being at the movies by yourself, who does that?
tons of people.
>I feel like the “no singles policy” meme has some truth to it where ppl think singles at the movie look weird, idk but id be self conscious about it

>I care, I find it's the only way I can have fun, watching you watch the movie.

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goddamn it
>>I feel like the “no singles policy” meme has some truth to it where ppl think singles at the movie look weird, idk but id be self conscious about it
dude literally who cares? Nobody cares if you come in alone, they aren't even thinking about it. Maybe that user is meeting somebody, or maybe it doesn't matter at all because people don't talk to each other in a theatre anyways.

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I've seen it six times. Five were alone. Nobody gives a shit, i promise.

We've upgraded to plane crashes help

that butt cannot be stopped

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>factories far away



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the girl behind the register recognized me after the 4th time, felt a little embarrassed but once in the cinema those feeling disappeared and i got comfy again.

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Hi again, user! The usual? I saved a spot for you up front!

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Honestly I wish mine did, I'm not embarassed about Alita and it'd give me an in to ask about getting a poster.

The evil algorithims of google produce only mean nasty Alita jokes. No positives. Try it for yourself.

Google Alita memes. All are negative. We need to fix this.

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Thanks, Gangsta

*cracks open a deckman*
*sips brains*
Yep, the Crash King, now there was a real Motorball legend. Not like that sissy Jashugan.

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>just people making fun of her eyes
why so mean

lol nice one

Alita & Jhonny wick crossover, when?

Fuck that gives me an idea. What do you guys think the various bounty hunters do in their spare time. Like what does Clive Lee do when he's not out adding to his 200+ kill count. Do you think Zapan has any hobbies?

He bangs his sidebitch, zapan probably does cyber fightclub or something along those lines.

Zapan seems like the kind of guy who gets drunk and goes home and jacks off with his free time.

It's all they got. No arguing the story, or the acting, or the message. Nothing but "OMG lOokz at her eyes!! They're creepy, right" Nothing else. Painfully obvious that they have not watched anything more than a trailer.

what a loser haha

Zapan spends a lot of time jacking it to other hunters failures. He has issues.

They will never be /healed/

So that's what was happening to Boeing.

Zapan hobbies includes going to the beauty salon and chill there

Continuing the questions. Do you think McTeague takes care of stray dogs? Is there an on going poker round at Kansas? Do the hunter warriors show up at motorball games for shits and gig outside of being hired to hunt?

they might realize it when blurays drop/whatever streaming service picks it up. Then they'll pretend they liked Alita the whole time.

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Dont take this the wrong way but are you fat/autistic/social reject/still lives with monmy vut over the age of 30/ or all of the above by any chance? Going to the movies by yourself is fine as others have pointed out, but normie would see the same film more than twice or so. 4 times? 5 times? That reeks of social issues

How many of you would get full cyber bodies, like Alita's or Zapan's, where nothing is organic but your brain?
I definitely would, and be hella cute.

Absolutely. Probably keeps some treats in his pockets too. I could see him tryna play poker, but he doesn't really have a buddy for that.
I could see some going there to blow off stream.

>But we will know, won't we Bruce? We are initiates

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>How many of you would get full cyber bodies, like Alita's or Zapan's, where nothing is organic but your brain?
>I definitely would, and be hella cute.
Not voluntarily.

Underrated lines, scenes, etc.?

Here's a few of mine:

>When Ido storms the Kansas bar, after saying
OR NO MORE FREE REPAIRS! , he apologizes to the bar owner for the mess Alita has caused and, in an attempt to spruce up a little, turns up one overturned glass.
>When Alita says to Hugo [Ido] built all of me. Except my core. That's mine. It's so cute the way she says it, with a sort of cheeky laugh, like showing that she's proud of her core and is trying to impress Hugo without being braggy. SO CUTE!

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If you can play essentially the same video game through lots of permutations or listen to your favourite songs on repeat there's nothing wrong with seeing your favourite movie in cinemas repeatedly if you have the capital to do so

Fuck yes I would

Clip my response. I will be calling them out. Alita deserves more than latecomers could ever provide.

>How many of you would get full cyber bodies, like Alita's or Zapan's, where nothing is organic but your brain?
Alita has never fallen for a guy with a lot of organics so...

I think the movie is a bit weird in that respect, I mean when all I had seen of it was the trailer, posters and production stills my only thoughts were "why the fuck did they do that with her eyes, what the fuck is James Cameron thinking, is he fucking insane" Then I go into the movie expecting the eyes to weird me out the entire fucking time, I sit down and watch it and five minutes in I had totally forgot about the eyes and suddenly I'm totally fine with them and looking at them doesn't weird me out like it used to.

There is an adjustment period needed before you accept them and that period is sightly longer than watching the trailer and passing a few posters.

leave my dong/face/hair alone but otherwise I'm ready to be more machine than man. Having Zapan's hands would be so cool.

he runs a cyber-kennel

Zappan pays for his weekly roads to Florida for unknown reasons

Nova watches Animal House every night before bed or otherwise, he falls asleep, yes, but nightmares come again

Alita likes the tiny meatballs in pizza.

just once, it was quite enjoyable

Why not?
Humanoid, or something like the motorball big guys?
I wouldn't think Alita would care all that much. Besides, it's an excuse to stop by Ido's clinic on the reg...
understandable. i'd want cyberhair like Alita's so I didn't have to get it cut all the time.

Just got back from an early screening of Shazam!, US, and my seventh viewing of Alita
It was nice

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Figure Four is totally human except later he gets a robot arm

>Ido's very quiet "mhm" when she hugs him.
>crazed look after the first fight with Grew
>that slightly crazed look the second time as she's psyching herself up before Grew fires the cutters.
>"yeah, right :P"
"you made these for me?"

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Cyborg girl is threatening her in the alley and she just
lifts her fists, looking a little unsure of herself.
>You made these for me?


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The whole "Uncanny Valley" bit is garbage. All of these shitheads spewing that line were never pulling for Jake to live with his blue waifu in Avatar. Like you said, five minutes into the movie, and her eyes were no longer in your thoughts except for a constant reminder that Alita was no longer fully human.

this day was so comfy

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new thread when

>c-come at me :v

yes perfect

it really was. Plentiful oc, discussion, swift shithead removal.

It's your first date with Alita. Where do you take her?

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No idea. I haven't been on a date in so long I can't even come up with anything.

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To the best possible view of the city that I know and talk about what she sees in the world around her.

Man, I want to cut that out buy my brain hurts right now from all the other work I did. lol

i will make new thread

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What do you think her dream is?