Post a crappy show that a girlfriend made you watch

Post a crappy show that a girlfriend made you watch

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South Beach Diet
but I enjoyed it because I was with her bros....

Jane the Virgin

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Except it is actually based and redpilled™.

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hardmode: post KINO a girlfriend made you watch

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kinda liked it but i cant watch it anymore without getting vietnam-tier flashbacks of my ex

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I feel your pain on that one.

while I was living at home, my father always watched the bachelor/the bachelorette as it aired. whenever they did anything interesting, I thought the show was at least going to get better for 5-6 minutes. they always make whatever they're doing worse. my favorite part was seeing the women/men voted off leave in the limo. they should have extended those shots for 5-10 minutes.

>tfw shared all my kinos with her
>tfw they are all ruined now because I can't watch them without thinking of her

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OITNB is great
pic related for me. it's not bad it just really wasn't for me.

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i liked it

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She tried to make me watch OITNB but I watched The Leftovers instead

Only show a girl made me watch was Death Note back in high school. I think she may have made a weeb out of me

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>implying season one wasn't kino as fuck
>implying 2-4 weren't watchable even if they weren't good

Never realized how much paris absolutly mogged her friend

I brought a chinese girl back from the bar one time and she put the american remake up on netflix before we started hooking up. It was genuinely hard to fuck to that noise

the Death Note movie is so bad it's good

Both promote the worst parts of humanity. I weep for the future

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I liked this show. Decent soundtrack.

>Post a crappy show that a girlfriend made you watch

I know, it's a terrible show.
But she could deepthroat and swallow at the same time. Amazing.

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forgot this existed

yeh this shows good

Yeah same

It was honestly pretty decent.

Cheesy as hell, but there were some cool elements like with Rumple.

>absolutetly hate musicals
>ex gf LOVED musicals because she was a dancer
>mfw sitting through grease, mary poppins, and mamma mia

To be fair she did usually blow me during or after the film. So that was something to look forward to.

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Not a crappy show at all, but damn if it wasn't tiring binging it. I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan though, so it was cool to see all the parallels throughout

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lol I'm the opposite, I fucking love musicals and force all my girlfriends to watch Grease and La La Land

Fuck this show and fuck you Amanda.

This premiered around the time I started dating this girl, thankfully it didn't last long.

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guess i should get around to finishing it since dumping the cheating whore 10 years ago

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Ugh, my gf made me watch all the seasons with her... twice

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We broke up when we were about halfway through the series. I watched the rest of it by myself and contemplated suicide because I missed her so fucking much.

Show was kinda okay too, the titular baby daddy kind of reminds me of me.

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My girlfriend made me watch this and I accused her of being a lesbian cause i said it was gay porn.

My girlfriend made me watch the Sopranos and Rome.
It was shit.

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I can only say "south beach diet" to the tune of "zoot suit riot" in my head. Help.

>TFW i have a huge thing for fairy tales so I was the one that made her watch this one.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize the obvious name reference.

Your girlfriend had much better taste than you

my ex never made me watch anything, she would even watch hockey and soccer with me
heard she's happily married in silicon valley now

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Fuck now you've passed it on to me

>heard she's happily married
I know that feeling bro

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I live in Silicon Valley. Want me to “pay her a visit?”

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my ex and I watched all of LOST together. best tv experience of my life... fuck

>women in prison show/movie
>they don't even show gratuitous scenes of strip searches and showers with attractive women naked

They did, though. A huge criticism of the first season when it came out was that it was just a step away from softcore porn.

itt: guys with 300 pound ham friends

OitNB isnt too bad, had some decent eps, like the one with that Rosa chick, or when that black chick dies.


Currently on season 5, is it worth finishing?

my freaking sides OP
you can go back now

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They showed lots of boobs and butts, but no frontal nudity IIRC

Orange is the New Black would have been a 10x better show if every black character was removed. Not even racist, they were just fucking annoying.

I will never understand the appeal of this show and don't want to understand anyway

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I don’t get drag queen/king culture at all.
I’m not against it either.

I even filtered the threads

it was good up to season 4
no idea why they keep dragging this on and on
it's not even scary anymore and the story makes no sense

Doctor Who
mortal instruments
sensate (only 2 episodes, there is a limit)
ornge is the new black
that one the same actress plays clones of herself
legends of tomorrow
Doctor Who
game of thrones(gave up after season 4, but had to keep watching it)
the 100
the grimm
Doctor Who
the one with that warehouse with magic items
agents of shield
hemlock grove
Doctor Who
jessica jones

ex-wife, thank god we broke up in early 2016, imagine having to watch the crap from the latest years.

Men have no clothing they can wear to feel sexy. It's casual or a suit. Women have dresses, lingerie, gowns, and dozens of other things they can wear or do when they want to feel sexy. And then there's the very obvious appeal of "my current life/persona is boring so I'll act like this awesome lady instead." It's really not that hard to see it.

There's a lot of popular female singers that do music that's fun to dance to, so it's popular with some gay clubs to have guys that dress up in goofy outfits reminiscent of those singers or divas in general in order to have a laugh while having fun with the music.

It's also pretty routine for them to do a lot of lewd humor in clubs so they're like lewd lounge lizards in that respect.

Stranger things
That shitty Netflix cyberpunk shit
Zumbos just desserts (I actually liked it tho)
She's tried to get me to watch queen eye and making a murderer and I refused

not going to lie, its good to see a show that is not afraid to show blacks do more crimes that whites.

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My girlfriend has tried to make me watch shit. I just tell her I'm not interested every time.. because I have a penis.

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um, my boyfriend posts here and he wanted me to watch an episode of The Simpsons, It was the fifth episode of the eleventh season if I remember correctly. He said it was very beloved on this website??Should I???

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Gilmore Girls
I unironically love it but still pretend I watch it for her

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