ITT: Terrible sequels

ITT: Terrible sequels

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Where is this? Northern England or Scandinavia?

This sort of architecture should be a capital offence.

Original was bombed during WW2

all symbols of white supremacy should be torn down

post war german architecture is an abomination
maybe we shouldn't have bombed their cities so hard

It's understandable that countries like Germany were forced to rebuild due to WW2, but it's absolutely disgusting that countries like Sweden tear down their architecture and replace it with brutalist rubbish.

I say we didn’t bomb them hard enough

t. Bomber Harris

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Without the 6 gorillion, would the US be the bad guys for purposely targeting Japanese and German women and children at the end of the war?

A time capsule buried by the network in 1992 in front of Soundstage 18 was removed in August 2006 and later paved over. It contains items deemed important to the children of 1992 as voted upon by Nickelodeon viewers, including bubble gum, a skateboard, a comic book, a phone book, a Home Alone VHS, a Back to the Future VHS, assorted photographs of bicycles, trains, cars, politicians, and celebrities, a piece of the Berlin Wall, the Orlando, Florida TV Guide from the week of April 30, 1992, a baseball, a Barbie Doll, a Nintendo Game Boy, a Nicktoons T-shirt, Michael Jackson CDs, Twinkies, an issue of Nickelodeon Magazine, Rollerblades, a can of Nickelodeon Gak, Reebok Pump sneakers, and a copy of the Book of Endangered species.

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Lmao I used to live in this absolute shit hole.

The worst crime Hitler committed was starting a war that set German art, philosophy and culture back to pre-Roman levels.

why dont we make beautiful buildings anymore? Like seriously, imagine if we still made buildings like that? Cities would be extraordinarily beautiful


Toronto has an even shittier city hall

soul vs soulless

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>not instantly recognising the German rail company logo.
Speed 2

This gave me aids

I like some modern and onwards architecture but replacing classic buildings with it is a waste, those buildings should be built anew in a different area of the city

Whore on the left, whose name I have forgotten (Bella or some shit?), can't dab for shit even if her life depended on it

just nuke the western world tbqh

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