Chadzam was capekino. Just watched it and i enjoyed it, it was wholesome, fun, scary, and a little emotional. 4/5
Chadzam was capekino. Just watched it and i enjoyed it, it was wholesome, fun, scary, and a little emotional. 4/5
Other urls found in this thread:
Post lewds of Mary Marvel
go tell one of the other ten threads.
Wisdom of Solomon
Strength of Hercules
Stamina of Atlas
Power of Zeus
Courage of Achilles
Speed of Mercury
The OG Captian Marvel knocked out superman and out ran the flash. Captian marvel is nothing to Chadzam.
Chadzam needs a kino movie poster like Aquachad.
>iphone poster
>calls anti art trash kino
>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
>praised by rotten tomatoes for "fun"
This is a capeshit made by reddit for reddit. Regular capeshit was always bad enough but at least it didn't self consciously strain itself to have "meme moments" like this and GOTG turned it all up to 11.
This was great, it was basically DC's version of Raimi's Spider-Man.
Fuck yeah, bro.
Yep same here, I dont even like capepoop but this was a classic. Shazam! is capekino.
Based nihon
Why do trannys love soizam so much?
Not bad at all.
Interesting how Japs like it. Probably because this movie is closer to the shounen genre they're use to.
>> this bitch autistic?
I could say something about all women being autistic but that would be very wrong of me.
Speaking of which.
But isn't this a kid's movie?
Its a kids movie that has a legit adult, for capeshit, tier bad guy.
the seven deadly sins are pretty scary. one of them eats some ones head.
It's a movie for adult children like OP as well