Why did she do it bros?
Why did she do it bros?
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Can't touch this.
She didn't have a 6'4 guy in her life fucking some sense into her.
She did it because all women are liars and whores who deserve to be raped and murdered
Based and redpilled
To get my attention. Mission achieved.
Pussy pass
Honestly this. She needed to have a baby put in her at like 19. It would have mellowed her the fuck out.
For the nookie
Because stealing money from progressives is based
Holy shit what was
I want her to give me a handjob without ever breaking eye contact or blinking.
She hated toons
>ITT: people that don't get what a Psychopath is
Look its lisa Simpson again
You don't either, because she fits the sociopath type much more.
I probably don't really understand a psychopath, but I do remember reading that they are fairly intelligent. She seems very smart on one hand, yet it seems retarded to go down the path she did when eventually people would find out it doesn't work. I just don't get it?
blease fugg :DDD
>when women do it, it's bad
>when men do it, it's totally fine and chad behavior
really makes me think
her parents never said no to her and she always believes she is right. she'll never believe she did anything wrong.
when is she going to jail? martin shkreli got sent to jail and he literally didnt do anything
Name a more evil character in dokufilm history. I'ill wait.
based retard
intelligent and evil people get what they want, psychopaths think they can do the same and always end up fucking themselves up
Don't even try to save face here. You are completely objectively wrong.
life is a wild ride.
Are you the ASStralian that spams the 'all women are whores' thing? Or perhaps it was the Brenton dude that's in jail now. He was a /pol/tard therefore Yea Forumsirgin as well.
I would marry her
When they say "intelligent" is because the people who studied them first stated clearly there were no delusions, and no idiocy as cause of their antics. Not that they are smarter then other people.
A dumb one will write with turds in a public bathroom or start a "2049 is Dishonest" thread for the 500th time. A smart one will be a short time successful, long time disastrous CEO.
>that picture
>"How do you do fellow humans?"
My research tells me they can be the nicest people you'll ever meet first
nice trick with the voice. very clever girl.
based fucking imbecile with no clue
ruined orgasm dot com
could you handle her?
she probably has npd. it should be against the law for npds to have children
She raised millions of people's hopes up, defrauded her investors, and when it went to shit ran off with another billionaire. She IS the definition of a sociopath.
Brenton was the type who had literally stopped consuming all media.
Men and women are different, champ.
Just google both words. It's not funny, I'm not mad, you're just wrong.
Based Dunning-Kruger effect retard that does not get the point
Like a female zuckerberg
Shrekli criticized Hillary Clinton, which is a federal crime under our cucked DoJ. She, on the other hand, just exploited some gullible leftists, which is pretty much the Feds' modus operandi.
Psychopaths don't know what they're doing is wrong.
I don't care about your personal message faggot, the bitch should be behind bars.
Martin went away for securities fraud, Elizabeth is facing two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and a bunch of counts of wire fraud. She could go to prison for life since each count has a 20 year maximum, plea deals notwithstanding.
That goes without saying. She is dangerous, on many, MANY levels.
Fucking retard.
No. They do, but they don't care. And the difference between Socio and Psycho is arbitrary, and they are used as synonims by some author. Other use Socio as someone with ASPD, and Psycho as someone that has a sort of ASPD + a huge narcissistic component, a fundamental lack of... humanity.
I am proven right, just read.
/pol/ should have memed how it was really the glass ceiling keeping her from success.
Don't you mean empathy?
You are right, but it causes confusion. They are not like autistic people, They GET what is going on but they don't care. Is a different level of detachment.
Also conscience is not there, either (see Rober Hare's book).
It's anyone with XX chromosomes
because she can
>She could go to prison for life
she will not spend a single night in prison
All women need to be exterminated
Based soiboi pretending to be an incel poster
I actually doubt that pretty heavily, because a few of those fraud counts are pretty cut and dry. But, we'll see.
this but unironically
She literally didn't do anything illegal, she literally just scammed a bunch of super rich jews and well connected businessmen through sophistry, and so they all paid for media attention to try and get their money back and look as favorable as possible in their lawsuits. They will probably get all their money back too just not from her and probably from the government and former employees who were innocent.
She sent unreliable results to people with cancer, you dumb fuck.
It's illegal to knowingly give inaccurate blood test results to patients retard
t.drones who don't even know anything about the case specifics and blindly believe media stories
the deals made with the drug stores are the drug stores pharmacy problem more than Theranos literally Michael Jackson all over again
>She literally didn't do anything illegal, she literally just scammed
>anything illegal, just scammed
Just like that. There's also a webm where she doesn't blink or move her eyes for 1 full minute while the camera closes in. It's horrifying.
>interview someone for an entire day
>cherry pick a clip that makes them look crazy
>US Attorney: You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down...
>Holmes : What one?
>US Attorney : What?
>Holmes : What desert?
>US Attorney : It doesn't make any difference what desert, it's completely hypothetical.
>Holmes : But, how come I'd be there?
>US Attorney : Maybe you're fed up. Maybe you want to be by yourself. Who knows? You look down and see a tortoise, Leon. It's crawling toward you...
>Holmes : Tortoise? What's that?
>US Attorney : [irritated] You know what a turtle is?
>Holmes : Of course!
>US Attorney : Same thing.
wrong tranny discord, she knowingly lied to drug stores
Here, this was picked up by Holmes herself
Happy now, you braindead idiot?
why shouldn't we? you want to play nice?
I love Holmes but she legit looks crazy 95 percent of the time.
Kissinger was her scam runner, she's not spending a day in prison.
because nobody checked her delusion
>>women are wonderful and amazing
>>they should be in charge
they are so desperate to have one women proof that they are worth more than their smelly cunts
Isn't Kissinger one of the people scammed?
>I love Holmes
Maybe the wrong word choice but convincing someone to invest in your company is a risk for a reason, yet they clearly don't think so and want all their investment back notice how all the media suddenly pushed this story hard? There are a lot of powerful people she pissed off one of which is Rupert Murdoch who owns fox news another Henry Kissinger even the Walton heirs the list goes on. Lots of prominent names with plenty of money made to look like retards. Why risk making themselves look stupid with this story? Because the money and punishment as an example is more important to them. She clearly hurt their wallets and is viewed as a threat.
I want her to give me a handjob without breaking eye contact or blinking. She also did nothing wrong.
He was literally on the board of directors along with Mattis, those cunts were scamming investment funds to put in money in order to keep the ball running since they wanted to start selling people's medical data but the whole thing came crashing down before they got to that stage. That fat kike tried to do damage control by saying he got scammed too.
Without someone like Kissinger Holmes never would've even made it to the news in the first place.
>Without someone like Kissinger Holmes never would've even made it to the news in the first place.
This is sensible.
I also think that /pol/r9k/ has a point - media, especially certain type of le empowered female journalist, really WANTED a successful female entrepreneur. Same with all those associations that made her a member just because.
based desperate loser
dumb Steve Jobs larper
why the fake tranny-sounding voice though?
Mattis loves to get his hands in the healthcare pie. It was his last big move as secdef.
>a very intense hand job
literally to save billions
she put her self on a pedal stool and soared to high into that son
>that fucking weird ass glance
>that obviously fake voice
it's like uncanny valley but with a live person wtf
>guns covered in politics memes and random occult shit
>stopped consuming all media
I find it funny that literally no one thought her voice was fake until the media said shit about it being possibly fake and now everyone is 100% convinced.
She took the "Fake it til you make it" to an insane degree. Many startups don't have any certainty that their business plan/product will work. But they have to project confidence in order for investors to give them money. At some point she said the technology worked(when it really didn't) and that's when she crossed the line, then doubled down, then double downed again by putting machines that didn't work in Walgreens stores to give tests to actual people. I think deep down she really thought she could keep the train going, and someday the technology will work and then all the bullshitting she did really wouldn't amount to much.
They also can't plan ahead very well. They get a way with a lot of shit simply because they're so brazen that no one is quite prepared for it. But when shit hits the fan their schemes come unstuck very fast, but you'll never see one panicking or getting desperate. They just stay detached all the way to the bottom.
> Men don’t create companies that engage in fraud
At least her device didn’t kill anyone. At least that I know of.
Are you a retard?
no u