I'm 6'4'' and I didn't understand this scene
I'm 6'4'' and I didn't understand this scene
Of course, only us 5’6 chads do
I'm 6'4 and I love this meme because it makes me feel like a big guy.
stupid lanket
it a depiction of the hectic political climate in northern Uganda
me neither, someone please explain this scene for me
They should get S. Craig Zahler to remake at least the first Matrix movie. Or just make a new one.
What's to understand?
>hurr Neo you're just a cog in the machine, the messiah shit was just a joke lmao
Fuck the sequels
i don't really remember this scene very well so i couldn't understand it even if i had the capacity to understand what i would have remembered since i don't remember it well enough to begin understanding it
should've traded some height for brains when you made your build
this except the sequels are actually based
Stop having sex
did netflix or some youtuber suddenly review the matrix and expose zoomers?
Why the sudden spike in shit threads?
he was like "you gonna do it for the pussy, nigga? or is you gonna do it for ya homeboys?" and then neo did it for the pussy but the story ended as we expected it to so it doesn't really make sense since it was such an obvious diversion.
I’m 6’0.
Hello Brother.
As a 6'5 guy I really liked this movie
this except the sequels are fag-tier garbage
the sequels were so bad the directors gave up on everything including being men.
It needs stilted dialogue and terrible pacing?
just brainlet sheep things
let me guess you think the sequel should've been "zion is another matrix lmao"
you're stuck in the patrician/plebeian matrix of argument, m8. break out before you're a fag for life.
The sequels should never have existed, clearly cash grabs and only loved by pseuds like you
He risked the rest of humanity to save his gf
Shilling. There’s extending the series. Studio was gauging response, but now just trying to raise awareness of the series In general. The goal is to get younger viewers to familiarize themselves with the series.
t. Work at an advertising firm and I don’t give a fuck about my disclosure agreement
I make 500k dollars a year and this scene is great.
it just went over your head, is all.
Tell your bosses that any potential sequel will suck
Concordantly, you failed to understand that which cannot be understood.
Seriously, that's a great underused word and Bravo to the Wachowki Bro-I mean Sisters, for repopularizing it.
No. S. Craig Zahler's films don't have those problems. The Matrix films just need a better aesthetic and a politic point of view that isn't GAY.
i saved spring break and completely understand these scene.
its something only a hero could comprehend
first time i saw it i literally didn't understand a single word that architect nigga was saying