Were they gay?
Were they gay?
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nah just good bros
Want to be in a threesome with them
This scene was so awkward. Elio looked like he regretted the whole thing and Oliver gave him that weird smile. Then in the next scene they're acting all lovey dovey again.
>tfw no homosexual experiences with hetrosexual frends
Well, that's the point..
Do you ever like want a best friend that you could fuck? Like he’s your bro and you shitpost and play video games together and then he sucks your dick? He’s not a flamboyant stereotype or anything, he’s your friend and you hang out like all your other friends. But he tells you he loves you and asks for you to nut in his butt while you’re fucking him. Then you watch hockey game and drink while naked cuddling on the couch. He’s better than a girlfriend; he’s your best friend with benefits. I sometimes wish I had a friend like that. Anybody else or is that weird?
If you watched the movie you'd know they were both very straight.
Daily reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children
based & redpilled
I wish
Prove it
t.virgin who has never been in love
So it's normal to be awkward the morning after you first have sex?
Yeah. I often have fantasies about falling in love with my best friend who is like this cute dude, right. We get along really well always talking massive shit we like all the same things and end up making each others lives better, you know? And I'm like sitting here in love with him and when I go to confess and I'm nearly crying because I don't want to be a gay but I say "I love you man. " and then he stands up and says "David I love you too but..." and on the verge of tears he says "...I'm not gay." and then he kisses me and I realize, I've fully committed to this. I'm in love with my soul mate and I don't care what gender they are. I'm in. But as we are kissing he pulls away. "AnonI'm not gay. I'm a girl." And then he takes off his shirt to reveal a surprisingly ample bosom and I suddenly realize why he never wanted to hit the showers with me at the gym and that time I was talking about boners he said he was wet and I pound my best friends pussy as hard as I can and she loves it and gently caresses my face and says nice things to me like "I love you" and "It's not THAT small" and afterwards we watch movies play videogames and talk shit.
My best friend told me he loved me recently. Cuddling him in bed, caressing his hair, pressing his head to my chest, and he whispers "I love you". I've never felt happier in all my life.
I wish you guys nothing but the best. Closest thing I could get to that was sucking my best friend's dick and having him bust in my mouth. He said he only liked women afterwards
Fuck I'm so jelly
Imagine the smell
Tomboys and bois are truly the patrician choice.
He may be my favorite character in any musical ever. Based Rex destroying thots left and right!
Strted out nice but
>I'm a girl
That’s sweet good for you, are you gonna date him now? How’s the sex?
Being a faggot isn't normal. There is no way 2 males can fall in love. That's an abomination and the only true love is between a man and a woman.
Stupid fucking roastie, your time is over
Yeah 2020s are all about being in a committed and passionate relationship with your bro
Being incel isn't normal either and yet here you are.
Have sex.
Where to find cute non-annoying heterosexual passing guys who are into shitty movies, weed, video games and sports?
Were you gay?
>Have sex
With another guy
Gladly, you fucking faggot!
There seem to be a lot of at the very least bi dudes on Yea Forums these days; part of me wants to start a discord for them and post the link in future gay threads so it’s easier to connect with each other and hopefully snag one of my own. But then I get lazy and realize it’s an exercise in futility anyways and I scrap that pipe dream. Hopefully one day a different user pulls it off.
I know of one but it's mostly for husbando posting
I matched with a bunch of guys like this on Tinder when I tried it. I didn't meet up with any of them cause I felt like it would be awkward.
That’s kind of a bummer, but it’s a start I guess.
I’m mad jelly my man
Homoerotic, maybe. Homosexual, I'm not sure.
why it's so rare to find openly gay/bi men that look like this? of all the handsome/attractive men I know personally only two or three are openly gay (and usually in relationships), the remainder of openly gay guys I know are too unattractive or annoying to go for it... I don't care if a gay guy is flamboyant or effeminate as long as he is attractive (when I say attractive I'm not saying a 10/10, I mean anyone who is moderately good-looking at the least), but most that I know or see at nightclubs are usually quite ugly, like unmanageable ugly.
the rest of the very attractive men I know are always straight... well, some are probably "straight", if you know what I mean, but I'm often intimidated to approach them, you never know the reaction. some might get offended with the thought that they were mistaken for a gay men, but I think many of them still can't get it that gay men CAN be manly.
maybe it's where I live, who knows. and on apps like grindr and tinder you have to go through dozens of guys that are extremely uninteresting to find only one who is attractive. it gets tiresome with time and after some failures. so whenever a handsome guy who seems to be gay enters my life, it's usually an event and quite unusual, but I'm also too coward to make a move and possibly be rejected (to be rejected by a straight guy is something that you get over quickly, but being rejected by another gay guy is very very painful, because it usually means not that he doesn't likes men, but that he doesn't likes you or something in you).
Sorry to hear that
Maybe try a pride parade or event come June?
wanting to fuck a beautiful human is not gay, per se
thanks for the consideration bro, that's good advice