Was Chrissy a Sociopath?
Was Chrissy a Sociopath?
Sure, they all were. Remember the guy? In the woods? That winter?
No. Sociopaths are obviously more likely to be criminals, but most criminals aren't socipoaths.
He's just a regular garden variety hoodlum desu.
does anyone on this board know what the word sociopath even means? i see people calling manipulative girls sociopaths
No, but please enlighten us, Lisa Simpson
Women are sociopaths tho
he was a junkie and a criminal
Spoken like a true sociopath.
this is the simplest explanation possible.
knowing this it's pretty obvious that pretty much everyone in the Soprano crew besides maybe Sil and Bobby were sociopaths. i'd argue that Tony was the worst of them all since he was constantly being confronted with the psychology of his behavior but still refused to change. the others were very ignorant
That diagram just makes it sound like psychopaths are smarter sociopaths
sociopath just seems like a lazy term made up by a bunch of psychology hucksters to dismiss someone's humanity.
that's pretty much the distinction. high iq psychopaths run corporations and things, they are very well suited for the corporate life. high iq sociopaths are like the Soprano crew basically, violent assholes who make money and spend it
Was the house a made guy?
Tony is a psychopath for sure. Sil probably is too. The others are less organized in their thinking so sociopath
Why didn't they sic the house on the DiMeo crew? Tony would have been fucked.
He was an addict with an absent father figure who found male guidance in the wrong place. If he hadn't been in the mob he would have been an anodyne fuck up with funny delusions of grandeur (honestly a fine enough dude to get a beer with) but the criminal lifestyle corrupted him
psychopaths aren't always smart and cunning. I don't know where this meme comes from. your average serial killer has a double digit IQ.
more like serial killers aren't always psychopaths. psychopaths and sociopaths are both different sides to antisocial personality disorder. hack TV writers have started the meme that all serial killers are psychopaths, psychological literature has more in depth definitions which you can read about if you search for antisocial personality disorder
Manipulating people is literally a sociopath trait
No, but he wanted to be one
you can manipulate people without being literally antisocial
Chrissy was a fucking lazy ass faggot
I'm not really too keen on splitting it down the middle like most people do with the psycho/sociopath dichotomy. Serial killers are just a good test group for observation of psychopathic behavior (which is higher among them than elsewhere) as it relates to their general intelligence.
It take more than a hoodlum to kill - especially a person begging you for their life.