What's his Endgame™?
What's his Endgame™?
Make fun of fake bitches.
He's trying to form some solidarity between fans which I admire, but it's a losing game. People have already made up their minds. It's a philosophical debate at this point.
I literally just got back from seeing this and my face hurts from cringing so much. CM is easily the second worst MCU flick after IM3.
>Shazam actor copying the Captain Marvel actress copying the Shazam actor
why does the guy on the right look like he's genuinely enjoying the sodeepop more than the dude on the left?
>It's a philosophical debate at this point.
lmao, allow me to rape your sister.
If you think a bunch of millennials discussing capeshit is philosophical in any way give suicide a chance.
I literally just got back from seeing this and my face hurts from cringing so much. Shazam is easily the second worst DC flick after Suicide Squad.
This. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
y i k e s
how would you rate it vs captain marvel?
>It's a philosophical debate at this point.
This is one of the stupidest posts ever made. It's astounding the amount of retardation that went into it. How is it possible to express such low-level thought in a being that is supposed to be rational?
They’re both equally bad but Shazam is going to be loved because capeshit wars.
Cap Marvel was bad because of Brie and bad cgi
Shazam is bad because the humor and cgi is awful.
lol seething discord trannies
Seems like he's trying to emulate Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool comedy a bit.
is that a portrait of yourself?
She copied him first
no lie i wanted shazam to be good for incel reasons and because i genuinely like zachary levi. but i believe you.
One thing I noticed- you can tell Levi is drinking because his cheeks are sucking inward. Brie is just mimicking drinking there, she isn't even looking at the camera. What a fucking autist.
Brie Larson makes Danny Rand seem like Iron Man RDJ. Her acting is 18 levels of wooden. I just dont understand how she got the job.
>Brie Larson makes Danny Rand seem like Iron Man RDJ
slow down homes
iron fist was terrible, danny fag got dealt a bad hand, but he was STILL total garbo
She has a vagina and was willing to say whatever Disney told her to.
he's lying
he was memeing this post he didn't actually watch it
and probably didn't watch captain marvel either
I want to eat his taint
nohomo but hes definitely a beautiful man
Actually Brie’s straw has visible soda in it while Levi’s doesn’t
he's drinking sprite fag
It’s speculation either way, cunt
wanna suck each other off?
I laughed
holy BASED
Fine but don’t fake it for the camera
Is she autistic? She seems incapable of any genuine facial expressions with out looking like a cunt. I have the same issue so it seems to me like she is
you gonna wear a wig and lipstick?
both are cringe as fuck
>as fuck
haha fuck men for speaking out
>is that a portrait of yourself?
Imagine being attacked by this... what is it even? This "Thing" that somehow got a starring role in the MCU. Of course, there hasn't been a good Marvel movie since Iron Man (2008) because The Mouse bought them out. Logic follows that they would shit all over it at any given opportunity. And thus we arrive at this freakish creature, locking its predatory eyes with poor Robert who took this photo moments before he was stabbed to death by those scissor like "fingers"
is that you captain fungus?
when shazam tells the kids to say his name and they say "billy" enthusiastically was literally the best. You probably didn't even watch the movie
Yeah dude if anyone tries to address any hot-button issue in any capacity at all they are CRINGE as FUCK. We should all just shut up and let everything happen, because doing otherwise would be SO FUCKING YIKES, DOG.
In fact, I'm gonna pre-emptively OOF my own post, bros. OOF! This AIN'T IT, chief, and if you aren't brushing off every potential controversial topic with a meme from Twitter, you're basically CRINGE.
I hope a big success, Zachary Levi looks like a nice dude, besides his character is the true Captain Marvel...
what a queer. trying to be cute like Brie
>Brie Larson
The biggest demonstration of plebeian taste
>Ryan Reynolds invented being goofy
Ryan Reynolds stole his schtick from the Freakazoid cartoon
honestly, id wager decent money (~$35) that he actually drank a soda and ate that popcorn, whereas she faked it and threw it away.
that, and he showed up in some tourist-tier comfy shirt and pants, rather than his fucking costume.
Damn he's based