Why didn't she play Captain Marvel?

Why didn't she play Captain Marvel?

Attached: paris-jackson.jpg (970x546, 71K)

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Why didn't who play captain marvel?

perfect Wonder Woman right there
skin tone fits with the Greeks

Why does she have no black features if her dad was black?

Is MJ the most based black?

He hated niggers to the point he bleached his skin and has white chilldren

>Michael Jackson
Get a load of this guy.

Nobody wanted to be captain Mahvel. Brie was like their 36th choice because everyone else shot it down

>You're black, be proud of your roots
she makes germans look arab

(yeah i know, but you know what i mean)

Attached: 1552751252011.jpg (1737x1439, 992K)

Too white

Attached: download-123.jpg (1280x854, 185K)

Turks are white

Because shes too beautiful and not a shriveled five head feminist like brie "are you mansplaining" Larson.

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Find me porn equivalent of Paris Jackson right fucking now or shit's about to go the fuck down.

there's only two turkoids in that pic tho

>wears a $1,450 top that looks like it was knitted by my neighbour's grandmother who has dementia
money is a meme

Uma Jolie

you're welcome

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No. Uma doesn't have those glamorous facial features, only eyes fit.

do you understand how genetics work? She's not gonna inherit the plastic surgery he did so he could look like a white woman

Attached: 1553384075835.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Im sorry I was in a daze from those eyes

Greeks are literal arabs lmao

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>this considers herself black
Allow me to bleach her, then.

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>he thinks those look alike

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i think it's very likely that paris is his because prince has vitiligo and looks like blanket, who is obviously his

why would he use his nut for two of the kids and not one?

Attached: ScvKaoi.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

Kebab rape-babies

she has his fucked up baby teeth though

and it literally doesn't make sense for her to be his only kid that isn't a bio

Attached: sZfTEp4.jpg (640x640, 55K)

Is pic related her?

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>Implying they didn't pay hear to wear it

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none of the children are his

Man, she was really dark when she was a kid.

>darken a ugly pic of her
>"wow so identical"
you're crazy

>Kebab rape-babies
Turks unironically look whiter

Attached: turkey-protests.jpg (700x394, 57K)

bro wtf are you talking about

Attached: http-www-news-de-stars-com-michael-jackson-michael-jackson-son-fils-blanket-danse-aussi-bien-que-l-b (373x194, 11K)

She looks like she smells.

I didn't darken shit lmao

I didn't even make that pic.

Attached: Michael-Jackson-and-his-daughter-Paris.jpg (1200x900, 81K)

Smell this, faggot.

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You're right, Dani Daniels would have been great in the role.

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wow those two sure look like children, that means he's the dad

meant for

are you naturally retarded or have you gradually worked towards it?

Attached: TgNImzk.jpg (452x317, 17K)

if i went into photoshop rn and darkened his skin, i'm 100% sure you wouldn't be acting this impaired.

>toddler baby nose vs 12yo black kid nose
really makes you think

>post two people in similar pose
>they must be genetic kin
MJ was full on black, and his daughter is completely white. If she was his biological offspring, she would be visibly mixed.

it's not just skin. It's bone structure, eye color, hair, nose, chin etc

Genes don't always work like that.
Just like how two people with blue eyes can give birth to a kid with brown eyes.

>black and white photo
>only white
really makes you think

they're positioned that way specifically for faceblind people like you. It's more of a guide. It's pretty evident that this one is his.

you can say prince and paris aren't because they look white as shit, but Blanket literally looks like a mini jackson5 MJ but lighter

this was his mom bro no shit her genetics are strong as fuck

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that pale blonde blue eyed girl came from those two?

My grandma was part black, i'm blonde blue-eyed pale af (while my brother has her nappy hair). It's "possible" but only likely when the black in the admixture is dilluted down through another generation

we're talking about different kids

blanket came from that chick

use a older pic of blanket, he looks way more like jackson when older

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they totally killed him bros


pic related I could at least think "yeah that could be his son"

Attached: blanket-jackson-825x580.jpg (684x968, 200K)

Like heaven

You’re probably onto something there user

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>tfw no dumb, smelly hippie gf to bang like rabits with

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What's wrong with the nails?

Where are her black features from michael?

Brie really got this board good, didn't she? They are painted as far as I can tell.

that's nail polish my dude


she got dem monkey ears


when's his album coming out?