Is Jim Jefferies Finished?

Video related:

Rundown of story:

>JJ does hit piece on "Islamophobia" featuring Avi Yemini on his SJW talk show
>Edit Avi's answers to slander him
>Avi Yemini secretly films the whole interview
>Video released and shows evidence JJ completely edited Avi's answer
>Video shows JJ drawing Prophet Muhammad, jokes that a dingo would throw up a Muslim baby and he will just edit it all out because he never looks bad in his own segments
>Video starts going viral and outrage ensues with people posting the video on JJ's social media
>JJ and Comedy Central silent, but now deleting the hundreds of posts on Facebook

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jim Jefferies admitting he drugged a 17 year old and then fucked her. Isn't that rape?

Can the commonwealth just keep their fucking rejects? We're sick of your unfunny faggots washing up on our shores and being handed a show.

His comedy special has 10 minutes of "uncut dicks are gross" so I'm done

you can't expose liberals for their hypocrisy
they can just spin it and play victim

Who gives a fuck , get a life


this, we've already moved on from elizabeth holmes, jessie smollett, jane fonda...

never change

lol no. He virtue signals so much and the guy he was interviewing is anti Muslim. It's been a few days an nobody cares.

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back to /pol/ discord tranny

we don't want them either, why don't we send them to canada

jussie will be acquitted

>trying to stop a discussion
>tells others to go to a 'safe space'

>Its another /pol/ whinybaby eceleb youtube thread

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no shit, so will holmes, not sure why they even bother charging them

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Have sex

I guess he's finding out what happens when you mess with incels and /pol/

It's been 3 days and still not a single Journalist has written one of there tantrum articles trying to take down another racist white male.
Really makes you think why they would be so picky when they obviously love doing it so much

>Is Jim Jefferies finished
Did he ever really begin?

His old O&A stuff is a goldmine for career-ending quotes.

He was one of my favorite frequent O&A guests, but that was before he gained an appreciation for politics.

this dude's channel is great in exposing these social climbing comedian pieces of shit

jim used to be some MRA dickweed version of doug stanhope now he's woke when (((corporate overlords))) pay for it

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It's amazing to me how much of a career JJ made out of having 3-4 really good stories and several decent quips on comedy panel shows. Every other second he's painfully unfunny.

>siding with a jew
Found your problem, OP.

They're both Jews though

That's not funny user. He has a medical condition. Didn't you see his scalp?

Shut the fuck up shlomo you whiny ass bitch

>trusting a kike EVER

Fuck I hate Jim jeffries. Now I know what sjw's feel like when they pounce on right wing celebrities.


I wonder what percent of Hollywood liberals are truly liberal and don't just put on an act to keep their jobs.

I think you may be on the wrong board

here, let me help

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> "comedian" slanders the holy prophet Muhammad [PBUT] on television, no less
> singlehandedly ignites a Global Fatwah against Comedy Central for his tasteless act of haraam
> somehow not Yea Forums related?

What is your endgame, here?

It's a monster they themselves created.

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>Implying he's not correct

True, but I wonder what the actual number is. Some of them probably became liberal after pretending for so long though.

I just found out about it now. Been tagging various media outlets throughout the Middle East to raise awareness.

I only hope somebody doesn't Theo van Goghthe poor soul. But that would be up to the infinite love and wisdom of Allah to decide, now wouldn't it?

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>one on the far left
I can't tell if that's supposed to be bobby hill or a self portrait

Kill yourself pussy.

others have King of the Hill tattoos so its bobby lmao

It's Bobbeh, other chick has a Dale and Bill tattoo. Sure, they probably got them together, but it's fucking baffling. KOTH is a fairly conservative show, why in the fuck would they?

Shut up body shaming kike


Let's be honest, bobby would probably be some sort of faggot sjw after highschool.

Why do they all have KOTH tattoos? I thought KOTH was BASED, not cringe.

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Real talk though. If i am a hardcore communist and want to send your muslim ass to the gulag for believeing in skydaddy, can i be pol? Or we gonna beef over poland?

People on the left do not have islamophobic thoughts like that. This is either a marketing move by Comedy Central or the hidden camera footage is the footage that is fake.

his entire career previously was shitting on religious folks and 'muzzies'

they actually are if I'm being honest

>Tim Pool STILL pretends he is center left

Islamophonic thoughts? Those don’t exist. But thoughts based on common sense are very common.

>he isn't a maoist tranny cuckold hoping for a race war where """""POCs""""" win
>that means he's right wing

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You can pretty much do what you want if you're a leftist. Jussie faked an anthrax attack and he'll walk away with community service teaching acting to underprivileged kids.

>Still being center left in 2019.

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Reminder that his real name is Geoff Nugent, and he has a degree in musical theatre and classical music.

Not my fault you have a gross cock

Nah, Jim Jefferies started doing left wing pandering when he got the Comedy Central gig.

But, yes, I have NO doubt that Jew guy gave all his answers carefully knowing he was recording himself. When Jim drew Muhammad he acted nervously and uncomfortable, that shit was acting, like Jussie Smollett crying his ass out.
Don't believe for a second a right wing Zionist Jew would care about hurting Muslims feelings about drawing Muhammad or making jokes about dead Muslims.

you deserve helicopter rides honestly desu, so to speak

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not our fault you give our comedic failures fame

Whatever happened to Jahanns?

How did this retard thought it was a good idea to serve as a leftist mouthpiece?
Did he really thought his gun rambling would be enough and his audience wouldn't mind his entire history of being a fucking bastard of an individual?

went to fight for the kurds, got lost on his way there and became a tit goddess of fertility to a tribe somewhere

Good for him.

old edgy comedians going SJW always reminds me of that scene in Gangs of New York where Leo returns to New York and sees all the old Dead Rabbits members working for Bill the Butcher.

This people think it’s capitalism that prevents them from getting a job.

>i am a hardcore communist
lol at your life

it's the same thing as hippie boomers becoming yuppies, plus the added benefit that you're kicking down the ladder you used to climb up

Your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired.

>white women
not even once

>tries to jew a jew
Not so fast Jim!

Most "hippies" were the children of the upper class elites who were having fun rebelling in college. Look who attended Woodstock, almost all rich kids. Berkeley and San Francisco scenes, all rich college kids. The lifestyle trickled down to the lower classes, but it was the elite's children the became the yuppies. They didn't betray their real values, they just came home.

Most comedians are shameless whores who will say anything to keep their fame and attention. In 5 years all these guys will probably be back to making race and gay jokes as the culture shifts. You can already see it happening with big name comedians like Louis CK and Aziz Anzari giving anti-SJW sets. Then they'll all pretend this era never happened, and say they've always felt that freedom of expression is the best no matter who gets offended.

Louis never cucked out. Don't believe Yea Forums's literal lies. He made like 2 Trump jokes. He was the only one who had the balls to say NIGGER several times on stage.

>ohh now the guy who literally makes jokes about Mohammad and makes fun of religion AS PART OF HIS SHOWS FOR ALL TO SEE...does the same shit when the cameras are off

You're really fucking stupid. You know you can just search youtube for Jims bits making fun Muslims and Mohammad, right? It's part of his standup RETARD.

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this guy is a total amateur. i bet american comedy central and hollywood in general have a foolproof plan for guys like Avi Yemeni who try to record their own "interview".

>JJ makes hours of stand-up bashing religion including Islam
>OP expect us to be surprised and offended that JJ bashes Islam

U went full retard OP

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Except JJ didn't say anything unexpected. JJ says tons of worse shit about Mohammad and Islam in his stand-up. Avi is a fucking fool.

> donate to my patreon for full access to the video that absolves me

Is this peak Jew?

So why is Jim trying to pull off a character assassination on the other guy? If he's so open about doing the same thing, then why would he have his own comments cut from the segment and have to deceptively edit the other guy's answers? The routines you mention are from 8 years ago, long before he cucked out to Hollywood you thick mongoloid faggot.

No, you fucking idiot, he's trying to pretend he has the moral higher ground and the video proved he edited the thing to make someone look bad, which he wouldn't need to do if he considered himself in the same level as him.

is your home

>It's characters assassination because I say so...
KEK. That's a Cool story bro. What Avi posted doesn't make himself look any fucking better though. Giving more details of why "you think bad thing", doesn't help anything dude. That is always the problem with dipshits like Avi.

>but like they didn't let Hitler explain why he wanted to kill all the juden

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How the fuck did aussies go from tough sons of bitches to being pussy faggots?


Go lose another world war faggot.

>Malcolm X was right after all this time

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>MRA dickweed
I’ll never understand why people like you think it’s bad for guys to advocate for better legal rights when the courts are constantly shafting them left and right due to political correctness

That’s like being a person in the 60s saying someone is a “civil rights dickweed” for black peoples equality

Hell yeah, the more comedy central subhumans that go down the better

Even in what Avi posted Jim has the moral high ground though. In the first few lines Jim takes the moral high ground, while Avi clearly doesn't in lieu of pragmatism.

Nothing you say makes any sense and you talk like a faggot. Stop.

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>MUU political correctness
kys /pol/

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louis CK sparked the white pipol bad fad tho.

>opposing broken systems made by male feminists is the same as being a racist
How stupid can you be? Come on now

Kill yourself, discord tranny.
You're mentally ill, so of course you're an islam apologist, you retarded piece of HIV infected shit.

JJ has become super poz'd over the years. Sad, desu.

You're a fucking idiot and I hope to God you're under 18 so your ignorance can be excused.

>/tvpol/ is defending a brown kangaroo JEW

Trump really did destroy your fucking brains. White men lost. It was a good run, but it's over. The white race is dead.

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Why are people defending him and raging about this? Any interviewer caught editing his guest's answers should be universally admonished.

You're going to watch contrarianism bite you in the ass.

>everyone who disagree with me is Jazz
>everyone who disagree with me is le feminist
Never change /pol/

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Why would Yea Forums defend some shitty "comedian" on comedy central? wtf

Don't you even racism bro?

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Could this be the end of one of the many orange man bad shows?

>have zero reading comprehension skills
>think men being discriminated against by the courts is ok becuase the media portrays women as wonderful flawless

Is it possible for me to give you the Reddit Gold you crave?

>Avi Yemini
>Shitskin Australian Jew Manlet
kys OP

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I remember him on O&A. He's the definition of a sell out.

Yeah, being against abrahamic religions is super fucking /pol/, you retarded tranny. Go back to your syphilitic hole, you brain dead low IQ moron.

>siding with a faggot like jefferies
kys retard

>reditttttttt Gold
You mean r/The_Donald?

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>siding with a literal Jew over a White Man

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You redditors are so obsessed with /pol/ despite the two of you hating human rights in your own unique ways; you two should just make out already

Despite never actually going to /pol/ myself, every time someone starts making sense and they are shouted to go back to /pol/ I have to wonder if /pol/ posters are actually the sane ones. I don't know if this is part of your plan or who is trolling who anymore but if you hate /pol/ so much why are you making me sympathize with them?

>makes thread to defend a literal jew
>calls others "jew" for pointing that faggot out
Delete this thread Ari

Everything that isn't in line with what discord trannies want to believe here belongs in /pol/

Good Goy

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I used to browse there for the same reason, but realized pretty quick that they’re not the best or brightest either, as they just close themselves off to ideas due to associating with group thoughts. It’s better to just make your conclusions and ignore the redditors like this moron

>still has no argument
Spending time communicating this way is a productive use of your time

Stupid boogieman poster

kill a traitor before an enemy

The kind of retarded cunts we are dealing with here aren't even channers, they literally just come over here to shout /pol/ strawmen on all boards, then they screencap and go show their other mentally ill retarded friends and they all jerk off in circle on how they pwned those non-existent /pol/tards.
They are just as sick in the head and deranged as the incels masturbating over Christchurch.

I wonder if someone will make this gif with "Avi Yemini"? You know the actual KIKE the faggot OP is trying to defend with this retarded cringe thread.

I wouldn't be surprised if all your hate-boner for JJ accomplishes is a bunch of antisemitic memes with Avi in them. Good luck with that.

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>a white man is a traitor for treating a jew badly
kys now
do it now

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>muhh no argument
die in a fire shitty youtuber

Im referring to the liberal talking points on his show and his love for muslims, not him disagreeing with a jew.

Just ignore them, they even say that to people who don't like capeshit

Oh no, I'm a Democrat now because you mishandled terms.
You feel good about Biden? Surely a doddering privileged white man is exactly what the current milieu calls for. The average Democrat is just scratching at the post to vote for a doddering privileged white man.

This, the dude in this video is somehow way more annoying than Jeffries. What a baby

A good goy is worse than a jew.

ignore that faggot, he's pretending to be retarded

Check wiki lmao


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which one of you did this

Canada is part of the Commonwealth you tard


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based jew outjewing the jew


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>Iran shill detected

Hey lefty retards, if you don't care about this is just shows how hypocritical and devoid of anything that you actually value. You don't care if all of your political pundits, and these "comedians" are pundits. You don't care if theyre totally inconsistent and full of shit. I hope comedy Central somehow actually gets taken off the air at this point.



Vvvvvvvirtually the same thing. He had a bit of redemption when even he admitted the girl Dr. Who sucked.

bruh, look at this dude

its making fun of conservatives you moron.

he's a child abuser

GOTTEM OMG OWNEDDDD, Jeffries has been owned! hahah 4channel strikes again we did it Yea Forums! hooray, That'll teach him! Haha, got em good. Anyway here's some dumbass yotuber's take on the situation:

imagine hating Yea Forums yet being here 24/7 to make ironic shitposting contributions
sad existence 2bh

>being this butthurt over one retarded aussie that steals jokes

MRA shit deals with a symptom in a larger problem and works inside a framework that suits only women - men will never be granted sympathy or victim points. To a woman if a man needs help he doesn't deserve it, you have to take it

>Is Jim Jefferies Finished?

Does it matter?

Australia as a whole is finished

It's silently getting swallowed by Chinese. And it will soon belong to the Chinese as a whole country. Good, fucking cunts shitposting on our board. That's fucking karma.

You will never be a woman.

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And he used to be an opera singer before his poz-daddy fucked his face too hard and ruined his vocal cords.

Yeah no doubt he was acting.

“Dingo ate the baby!”
JJ: “dingo ate the Muslim baby”
Jew: “you’re going too far mate you’re talking about killing kids” (when he brought up the phrase 5 seconds earlier)

He’s definitely faking his reactions to try and seem like the most reasonable guy in the world. But if it’s to take down the giant hypocrite JJ is then I’m fine with it.

Because no one watches Daily Show anymore, plus they don't have Colbert either to blood libel people either.

JJ is basically got that job now, since he's "new" to the network and they think having him do these hit pieces will make him pick up the slack where Trevor Noah has dropped.

although he probably has about the same audience as sam bee, fuck all

imagine being a communist past the age of 17, yikes.

Its you faggots who give them their shows and cash because they have a funny sounding voice.

we don't tho. They just put them on tv anyways.


It saddens me to know that hundreds of people are reporting this clip of JJ saying Islamophobic things and drawing blasphemous images of the prophet Mohammed to ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other radical Muslim groups. How can they do this thing? Don't they know that Muslims might kill JJ over this? Don't they have any respect for this man's life? If Muslims see this video they will kill this man. Does he really deserve to be killed by Muslims?

oh no you got us, better spare him the scandal or else im a muslim supporting guy who's responsible for jim getting killed

>So Mr.Yemini, what do you think about Muslims?
>She was sitting on her sweet sweet can, that sweet sweet can


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Im glad people are still trying to push this since the msm refuse to cover it.
You can tell the ones in charge dont want one of their bought mouth pieces to get outed so the word has gone out not to make a single article.

The only Australian sites on the story is one requiring subscription and irrelevant bloggers. Its disgusting how much their milking Christchurch from every angle while completely turning a blind eye to what Jim did.

Fuck that cunt let him die. The media left or right leaning or even those in the middle anyone trying to actively push any agenga period should die.

But he pretends to love Muslims on TV and he repeats all of the memes that say Muslims are good. If the Muslims killed him it would only reinforce Islamophobia and prove the other guy right.

This is why they want to censor the net & boomers believe it because they think blocking the likes of Yea Forums will keep kids safe or something

>liberal turns out to be a giant hypocrite


They should be sharing this story as Jim pulling a Rock Bottom from the Simpsons, who cares if he drew Mohammed

it doesnt matter, it'd just be buried and forgotten

you act as if your enemies play fair or would be reasonable

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Why don't we just send them to the middle east? That why they get to be around all the muslims they love so much and willnhave some real discrimination to righteously fight against for good boy points

>edgy stand up comedian says edgy stand up dumb joke
>openly atheist comic says he thinks religion is dumb
wwhoa buddy you been busted
>bawww they edited a 1 hour long interview into a 5 minute segment just like they do in every single episode
not fair i said don't do that
>well he said something off camera even though i said stuff just as bad on camera, it's only okay if i say them.
sure buddy, sure proved some shocking evidence....

truth is he's not some moral pillar, nor did he ever claim to be, he's been a dumb drunk Australian comedian. he's not an actual journalist, he is only a stand up at the end of the day and he's providing entertainment nothing more, there's no real expectation for honesty. boo hoo he essentially roasted you in a skit. well you signed up for it for attention. a smart person would know if they want legitimate news don't go to fucking comedy central. all it can be used for is for a wide audience, but not for an actual political debate.

because that's his role in his lefty political show, it's not a real honest opinion or solution based show. it's mocking a political stance and providing a comical perspective on a situation. but he's not an actual journalist and doesn't necessarily live and die by his bits. they're just jokes. you know the weekend update guys in snl aren't actual news anchors either right?

Ah the old jon stewart defence

and you'll never be a man, i see we are at a stalemate

he was fucking funny in his first standups

then he went on tv and started to become a SJW

>teaching acting to underprivileged kids.
so he'll be back on empire then

well see it's the same situation because they're the same type of comedians, this applies to all political stand ups not actually in politics. as opposed to men or women who are only politically motivated and not comedians, then yes their opinions are considered on a different weight and perspective. a fox or msnbc reporter/anchor is more liable for their words because they're expected to be taken seriously. their job description is a serious one. a comedic entertainer is a clown, even a politically charged one it's still just jokes.

Did he respond yet?

>hardcore communist

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>if you dont like Islam and think its dangerous you are just like the shooter

So they are really gonna run with this narrative hm?

After years and years of islamic terror in the west with thousands of deaths we get one by a right-wing extremist and they actually believe people are gonna buy this "the real threat is islamophobia" shit?

I dont think this is gonna turn out the way they seem to think it will.

>comedian calls male virgins pathetic (they are)
>incel/MRA mob calls him an SJW, brings full weight of internet autism against him



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Whit women believe it at least

He's too busy locking comments on all of his social media sites. No word yet. He's hiding from the storm. His new season is about to premiere and Comedy Central is being removed from DirecTV at the same time. This is really bad timing for him. He's likely to have his show canceled before the Muslims find his home and cut his head off.

People absolutely take them seriously, and people absolutely internalize the bullshit they hear on these shows, you are very dishonest. I would go as far as saying comedy is an even better way to get people to believe something, when you deliberately distort things like in this video and constantly push half truths or straight out lies and you get people to laugh along and feel like they're in on the joke with the late night propagandists, absolutely despicable.

Propaganda always included mocking the enemy.

>Trying to outjew a literal Jew

Why are Aussies so retarded?

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anyone excited for the lilly sing show?



>/pol/ Neonazi murder sympathisers mad, that comedians and everybody else hate them.

>flooding every board of 4chin with their bandwagoning spam posts.

Obvious, that we have no mods, considering we had to endure the billionst Captain Marvel incel thread for months.

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i'm dishonest? go fuck yourself
if you take this stupid tv shit literally you're the fucking moron. yes using comedy and entertainment is a form of propaganda, yes it's easier to digest than serious material. but it's up the individual citizen to do their due diligence and not be a consumption machine. don't blame me, don't blame some dumb Australian drug addict stand up, how about blame yourself for being a dumb cunt.

that guy that's playing the victim is also a piece of shit trying to make a living off people. trying to make it seem he's serving some purpose, he's monetizing a political cause to line his pocket. but instead of being honest about it and becoming an entertainer he's circumventing that and pretending he's serious and all about a cause. he's making money and spreading his bullshit to the masses. he's everything he blames jim jefries of being.

so fuck jim, fuck this manipulative avi-australian-jew and fuck you too.

>rape apologists are trying to blame evil Jim Jeffries' lies on /pol/

duh, it's up to the an individual to see past that if they want to. it would be stupid of a government not to have propaganda. it's a sells pitch, to get you on their side, they're not going to be like well we're the bad guys but still be on our side.

>Le radical pseudo intellectual

This is about Jim not this YouTube guy retard, you're just deflecting, kys.

go fuck yourself faggot

Ouchie :(

well stop being stupid.

OMG u btfo me so hard how will I recover

This literally sounds like a fox news scandal.

>i said stupid things online and now i'm going to act even more retarded because: ego

yeah man real hardcore

Sounds like that in your imagination? Well this one is real with actual video evidence.

> Le armchair internet psychologist

Plz stahp

>Yea Forums related thread
>not even negative comments about Islam
>barely any actual /pol/ posting
>"Go back to /pol/. How dare you present things that don't fit my worldview!
Get raped. Pseudo intellectuals like you should be starved to death in work camps. The reason /pol/ is prevalent on Yea Forums is because dickless eunuchs like yourselves think no one should have an opinion other than yours, even though your opinions are shit, and are solely hobbled together from slogans you've heard from a few choice media personalities. Thus, you provoke people who don't enjoy being animals and drones for popular mores to be angrier.

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Please just get a fucking life. No one gives a shit.

Only smart post in this thread.

Yes, if you're Islamic then the terrorists are nothing to do with you, but if you're anti-islamic then the terrorists are exactly like YOU. Funny how that works.

Thanks for posting this OP.

I used to be a Jim Jeffries fan. Now I can't support that piece of hypocritical lying shit.

Jim Jeffries needs to be deported by ICE.

It's more that MRAs sleep on every possible issue except for when they can be reframe to be extra bad for straight white men. People picked up on this selective activism pretty quick and now rightfully deride the movement.
Dad's groups/parental rights have way more traction than MRAs, because people can tell they're actually sincere.

> I was fine with Jim Jeffries being an obnoxious cunt until he did it to /my guy/, now I can't support him
Nice identity politics, brainlet.

>goyim being bad
>oy vey shut it down
>go back to your safe space, to preserve this safe space
left cant meme, etc

He has the worst posture and most söyboy, skinny fat body I've ever seen. Literal vampire, bot bellied goblin.






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This is your brain on America

Louis literally wrote an article about how Trump is literally Hitler. It wasnt a joke.
>Please stop it with voting for Trump,” C.K. writes. “It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the ’30s. Do you think they saw the sh-t coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.”

>I would take her over anybody else that would do it,” he said. “To me, it’s really exciting to have the first mother in the White House. It’s not about the first woman. It’s about the first mom. Because a mother, she’s got it. She feeds you, she teaches you, she protects you.”

Of course they have "selective activism" they literally call themselves mens rights activists. Notice you take issue with the fact some of them say things are "extra bad for straight white men" and that's why you demonize the whole thing as "insincere". Just have the balls to admit that progressives hate straight white men and most males as they are lower in your pecking order of victims. Paternal rights lobbies have been getting the same shit for decades so don't try to differentiate them and say they actually gain traction. They don't.

i want to deliverance hillbilly rape jim's fat ass

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>if you're on my patreon
fucking jewish fuck fuck him and fuck jim jeffries
they're both doing the exact same bullshit

Sorry, I don't think I was clear enough. The selective activism refers to MRAs not giving a fuck about their issues until they can use them to score points against feminist.

To help illustrate my point, what was the last feminist march or rally you heard about?
When was the last time MRAs organised for something, Charlottesville?

They are all on the far left

Feminist and womens lobbies are the ones demonizing MRA's for saying the other gender has problems too. It's completely logical to take issue with the feminist movement that seeks complete hegemony on the discussion of gender issues.

>To help illustrate my point, what was the last feminist march or rally you heard about?
When was the last time MRAs organised for something, Charlottesville?

The womans march, that got cancelled because it was "too white" and full of radical wahhabi speakers and self avowed anti-Semites. Charlottesville was not full of MRA's lmao

>Allison Janney 2nd from the right

What did they do to you?

I guess that makes him the UNholy Atheist

>implying it's a matter of politics
how's life down there, living as a blind victim of marxism?

>Your leaves be desired
Stay away from my leaves, dicknose

If they were actual advocates they'd care about men's issues consistently - is my point. Rather than just shitting on feminism constantly. Even if they were right in seeing feminism as their holy enemy, at some point they should still actually try to lift men up, yeah?

Was that the one in December that had that wankery over being too white? Because i guarantee there's been more since.
Either way though, good list of MRA rallies

I wonder what kind of life leads you to believe people like that are common.

My dick is perfect. Yours is mutilated, you worthless kike.

you literally had the top of yours cut off though
90% of the world does not do this ritual.

Jim Jefferies has definitely taken a hit from this. I don't know if it'll end him, though. I mean, on one hand, he's been caught lying to his liberal audience, to the point where it'd pretty easy to say he doesn't actually believe these liberal ideas and is just playing lip service to milk liberals for fame and money. However, I think liberals are constantly willing to ignore reality if the truth is inconvenient to their beliefs. Look at the recent Mueller report and reactions to it, where none of them are willing to admit they were wrong and the whole witch hunt was a wash despite coming up empty-handed after two years of investigation and intimidation. They still cling onto their Russia conspiracy theories despite being debunked. Then you have stuff like science telling them flat out that blacks are intellectually inferior and have lower IQs, and statistics showing that blacks are more likely to commit violent crimes, but they just plug their ears and go "lalala can't hear you" because the truth, the reality, doesn't jive with their fantasies. I'd love to say that Jim Jefferies has been exposed, but to his fans, he hasn't. They'll ignore it, push it to the back of their brains, and keep watching and supporting him as long as he sings sweet lies to them.

>"DADDY ISSUES" tattoo
Oh it shows


>truth is he's not some moral pillar, nor did he ever claim to be
uhhh have you seen JJ's show? he's constantly taking the moral high ground and pretending to be some enlightened know-it-all faggot that needs to finger wag dumb americans for not being as smart as him.

Um sweetie leftists can't rape

""chomsky reserves his fearcest venom for the liberal class...he consistently exposed their moral and intellectual posturing as a fraud... this is why hes hated more among liberals than among the right wing he also escoriates...
when christopher hitchens decided to become a windup doll for the bush administration after 911 one of the first thing he did was to attack chomsky...""

(book "Power and Terror: Conflict, Hegemony, and the Rule of Force" [Noam Chomsky, John Junkerman, Takei Masakazu])

Attached: lee_biro_03[1].jpg (750x480, 130K)

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Wherever we go, we must also shitpost. Heck, even when we help we tend to shitpost, sometimes.

Holy fuck why is a Jew defending Muhammad? I don't know who's jewing who

Looks like the Jim Jam got flim flam'd.

This is not the first time (((comedy))) central does this stuff. This type of hit-piece is standard practice.

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Genital mutilations days are pretty much numbered. The jig is up. Anti-genital mutilation is now becoming mainstream and now even a presidential candidate is speaking up against it.

Attached: 234234234.png (834x897, 360K)

this desu
i used to enjoy the show with the cripple and the divorced guy but i want watch it again
jesus fuck he's a fucking hypocrite

He needs to be sent back to Australia where they will release his ground harness and send him flying into the sun.


Anyone think jews smell bad? I can’t put my finger on the actual scent though

>If i am a hardcore communist
audible kek

Attached: commie.jpg (563x700, 370K)


Go there and see for yourself. you'll realize they are not bright and end up regurgitating the same ideas always and if something shows their flawed logic they retort with it's a conspiracy, paid actors and such.

based and allah-pilled.


jefferies is a disgrace, his comedy is on par with jeff dunham, and he sold his credibility to be a lib propaganda con man

So what always puzzles me is that why are muslims specifically given special protection but not for example buddhists or jehova's witnesses?

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>but like they didn't let Hitler explain why he wanted to kill all the juden
Didn't he write a whole book about it?