Dora And The Lost City of Gold (2019) Official Trailer

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Other urls found in this thread:

Best Picture incoming

This doesn’t look like a real movie.

>bad accent and intentionally darkening her skin
Why not hire an actual mexican then kek

Boots WILL say the N word in this movie.

How csn one brown chick be so hot

Looks absolutely awful and they made Moner look as plain jane as possible.

Looks about as shitty as I expected.

Hey, hey, it's Commander Cody.

I thought Explorer was her last name.

"The" is her middle name.

Gosh, those Hispanics never do give up trying to steal Meso-American resources. I guess not all Jews were expelled from Spain.

Her skin is dark naturally you idiot

will there be a no-single policy?
asking for a friend

I feel so weird watching this. Like this is supposed to be a kid's show but Moner looks caked up in make up with a slutty short shorts and decent size tits bouncing around as she is running.
Legit not sure why they didn't hire a younger girl rather than this prime piece of meat.

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Who did it better?

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A 150% increase in the amount of Moner threads on Yea Forums, eh?

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Bitch uses more filters to get bleached skin than michael jackson

Holy shit what a stupid retard.

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>wet t-shirt scene

gonna have to say hudgens

Boner by far. pudgens is to tall and native looking

I once hooked up with a girl whose lips where just like Moner's.
Best blowjob I've ever gotten.

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>everyone is going to watch the Dora the Explorer movie and masturbate to it

Wow, looks great.

About time we get a decent hispanic american film.

Her lips are registered as lethal weapons

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>masturbating to children
Die pedo

only pathetic weirdos like you

toastie af

I want her to be my friend then she catch feelings for me but I reject her only to make her love grow me evem stronger then after 5 years of keeping her at bay finally taking her slut body while I forever close it with my cock

I would puch Moner in her stupid goblina face just to smell some based Hudgens braps

>they show the entire fucking movie in the trailer

Only thing its missing is the last 15 minutes where they don't actually find the city and instead the real treasure is the friends they made along the way.

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looks like there will be a good amount of butt shots

Get a load of this fag

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>they show the entire fucking movie in the trailer
Who cares about the plot. The movie only exists to post the webms on Yea Forums anyway.

Nigger it’s a fucking Dora movie, what sort of shocking plot twists are you upset about being spoiled?

>we want the Jumanji remake audience

>Only thing its missing is the last 15 minutes where they don't actually find the city and instead the real treasure is the webms I made along the way

2019, I am forgotten

Ariel Winter’s college humor sketch >>>>>> Moner’s shitty movie

if you think this girl the hot, you need to get out of your house more, she's a 7 at best (elevates to an 8 because she's in movies), and loses at least 1 mark for being mexican. in 5 years she'll be a 3


who are you posturing for?

>Spic Mean Girls with Cousin Obama

>no swiper

I bet you also fuck a different girl every night right chad.
She is really attractive and she'll stay like that probably for a long time don't need to be an asshole

Movie for kids? wtf?

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This movie’s gonna be a hit.

Why are a bunch of adults discussing this on their cinema board?

Imagine ripping off those shorts and raw fucking her in that position

Swiper’s in the movie. He’s played by Benicio Del Toro.

Because the board is widely attracted to Isabela Moner.

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I prefer this

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Have sex

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She wears bronzor you retards

why is map a fat dude?

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This makes no sense at all, it's nothing like Dora the explorer. It's like indiana jones for kids. it's weird.

Reminder for everyone from Dora

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Prove it.

>sicario 3: day of the swiper

She looks aged down to me desu

Based Pat

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>Dora, this isn't the jungle, it's high school


Oh god...

>for a long time
you don't know any mexicans, do you?

>So, you want to be a ladrón

kino cast desu

She isn't even Mexican. Yell at a wall.

>this isn't the jungle, it's high school

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It.. actually doesn't look that bad.

Toastiest of roasties

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>She is the daughter of Katherine, who was born in Lima, Peru, and Patrick Moner, who was born in Louisiana.[1][3] Moner has stated that Spanish was her first language, and she struggled with English when she first started grade school,[3] adding that she considers herself more Peruvian than American.
>she considers herself more peruvian than american
>not even mexican
yeah, okay, mexican asf

I'm ecuadorian so I know about that but she is a model and actress so you know what I mean

Can you stop posting this fatass gayreek chick that slammed into the wall at 17?


>This is highschool
>It's life or death
I'm so sick of this meme what the fuck kind of highschools did these retarded writers go to?

>very obviously brown skinned before putting anything on

> (OP)
>I thought Explorer was her last name.
>"The" is her middle name.

"First name: Mr, middle name: Point, last name: Teeeeeeee!"

Michael Peña, Moner and Jango Fett I'm sold

That's cool that she considers herself more Peruvian than American is lovely.

So has no Mexican in her whatsoever.

She is bent over climbing into that log and her shorts ride up

felt exactly like that lmao

they didn't show boots talking, or swiper at all. Danny Trejo is voicing the former and Benicio del Toro the latter

>he thinks peru isn't in mexico

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So the movie is moner getting kidnapped and *censored* for two hours?

East LA based on the metal detectors

i wanna punch moner just because desu

preferably during intercourse

think she used a butt double?

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And one of them was claiming she tries to look lighter, which was the main point I was disproving

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>Danny Trejo
damm he's in like 30 shitty movies per year, is the Mexican Eric Roberts

Heard the FBI is settinrg up sting operations at theaters for any guy buying a solo ticket

Who the fuck is this meant for? The original show was geared towards three year olds.

What the fuck is happening?

>city of gold
>yfw pic related makes a cameo to show dora a few "tricks"

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she ain’t white, why would she need to

Don't worry Yea Forums, I got you covered

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The spiderweb part made me chuckle

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preteens to young teens

No it isn't, she's from fucking Cleveland

You either gotta be baiting or dumb as fuck that there is zero genetic relationship between Peru and Mexico other than Spainish ancestry.

how can i go see this with my wife without looking like a massive pedo?

movie looks garbage, but i only want to see moner on the big screen, we don't have children

>Diego, you’re so...skinny
Holy fuck calm down thot no wonder you got the last guy playing your cousin fired

It’s aimed at the people who were three year olds when the original show aired.

they just KNOW

No need

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>there is zero
>except at least 50%

are we also going to ignore that both were predominantly incan as well?

Is this actually good? Looking for something to watch tonight.

The three year olds who have grown up to be teens/young adults by this point and have a need for dumb nostalgia

Looks like shit but Moaner looks incredible...

Computer, analysis.

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So autists?


Try again


Holy shit this looks awful. You people told me it's gonna be like Tomb Raider

Fucking motion blur.
Blu ray download cannot come soon enough

The first place you're born has nothing to do with which country you mostly identify as. Take for example Mike Judge he was born in my city of Guayaquil, Ecuador but not him or anyone considers him Ecuadorian because he never stayed there for long nor does he have any family in it.

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She was raised there you retard

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No wonder she'd rather be from anywhere else

Kids, preteens, nostalgia fags, pedos (aka fa/tv/irgins)
Also, if you get the kids, you get the parents, too. This is gonna make a lot of money

I thought "the" was her middle name

Try again you dumb fuck because Mexicans are Aztec and other shitty small tribes and Peru is almost 100% Incan descent so they have little overplay.
You got the wrong idea that Hispanics are a race we're not we're a cultural group that's all, we can be better different.

Moner's instagram and youtube.

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She would have said that no matter what, identifying as a white girl isn't cool.
In some live snapchat or some shit someone asked her what she was and she glossed over her mixed Euro dad and started talking about how she identifies as Peruvian


dat tumtum hnnnng

>you’re gonna get invited to these parties called rapes


Basically, yeah.

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To see her natural skin color, one need only check the tanlines.

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I'll download this when it comes out and tell nobody that I watched it

Whites btfo again

This outcast was never invited to the highschool rapes lmao


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Not my fault you're a khv my man


this is a stunt double you morons

That doesn't matter if you identify more with a place you actively go to and have the family yo back it up you can faithfully say you are more Peruvian than American

Try some, user

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Eva Longoria got fat.


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>he never raped the cute latinas in high school
fucking incels

>Americans have security guards and gates in high-school
what the fuck

w/e squid

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>uses spanish phrases randomly
She really is white

>That doesn't matter if you identify more
You can identify as a woman, you still aren't a woman
>you actively go to and have the family yo back it up you can faithfully say you are more Peruvian than American
No you can't, and if you think that then you should go back to mexico


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Your name is fitting.FACT!!!

Thank Christ

Let the Dora Cinematic Universe begin

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>The Zookeeper is real

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That's how latina genes hits at 40s anons, same with asians at 60s or whites at 30s

>Diego is somehow a nigger
>Eugenio Derbez aka the Mexican Adam Sandler is in it

>whites at 20

I hope to god that you all are under 21 because if not....

God, what happened? She used to be fine as fuck. Did Brosnan do this?

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Only the nigger and spic schools, they also have to order through bulletproof glass

I don't like sex. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

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Looks like more of a Tomb Raider movie than the actual Tomb Raider movie last year

The crossover we deserve

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We like sexually mature women?

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You're all going to see this, Yea Forums

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Ok retard, and also transphobic, under your line of thinking Mike judge should be a proud ecuadorian and never refer to how American he is because the place where your mom poops you out of her vagina sets your identity forever.

for me its Vanessa she also has best feet of all 3

I'm 43 and would wear her panties like a Bane mask

I tried to get a better screencap of the tummy slide

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This is going to be SOOOOOOOOO bad

As a Moner fan I wish it looked better.

Based Volcel


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>He never saw Spy Kids

Dorothy Explorer Marquez

It literally could not be simpler

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>Your name is fitting.FACT!!!



El Dora Doe

Hopefully it will bomb and then her career will be over so we won’t have to see her ugly face spammed here anymore

And I come from Ecuador bitch

Dorothy? Is that her literal full name in the movie?

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It feels weird seeing Moner playing perky Dora after seeing her play a bitch foster kid in Instant Family.

>tfw no smol gf

That didn't make any sense. At all.

Would you care to make a graph and some charts on the evolution of Moners rating?

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Stop talking about Mike Judge you retard. He was born to two American parents out of the country because his dad was a fucking archaeologist. He wasn't raised there.
Moner was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She identifies as Peruvian because it isn't cool to identify as a white girl and doesn't really pass as white. That isn't a justifiable reason to identify as Peruvian over American.

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>eugenio derbez
i hate that dude.pls white people i already have to see him in mexican television dont make me suffer in american cinema

Thoughts on short haired Moner?

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This is just another pedo magnet movie like Alita

Still gonna see it in theaters, though

wtf i love dora now??

10, like all Moners

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how is it stealing if its ours?

Of course you do. That's even worse.
Go back.

Have Sex

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LMAO why is she all of a suden Lara Croft? in her show she was just a little girl talking to toddlers


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my weiner just squirted a little bit

90% of Latina women are FINISHED after they give birth.

Alita is for pedoes?

>her huge eyes and lips

I knew the backstory of Mike but we honestly don't know the backstory of Moner she could go to Peru every summer as a child and that's more than enough to make you love and appreciate a country. I really hate being so cynical to think she's just saying that for point when a lot of people are like that. My uncles are like that for example and I wish I could say I'm like that but until I don't have my dual citizenship I'll restrict myself to saying that I identify more as an American even due I took an elementary school year in hear and visited many summers until I was 10. I'm not going to tell my life story but I'm sorta talking from experience.

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You'll have to get rid of a physicist and that's pretty hard.

Let's explore!

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Because those toddlers grew up

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She was 16 in this photo, the way she presents herself makes really clear that she takes dick along time ago, maybe even before 14 which is in my opinion a normal age to start being a slut.

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It looks good except for the "funny " guy that's actually not funny

Haha remember when she dressed up for Halloween? That was really funny haha

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Ah hah. Ah hah. Ah hah.

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lmao sure
It doesn't mean she is fake, it means women think that the west doesn't have a culture so they try to find another to identify as. I'm as Lebanese as she is Peruvian. My Christian family left between 1910 and 1918. I've never been to Lebanon. I don't want to go to Lebanon. Lebanon sucks. I'm American.
There was once a time when second generation immigrants were called to invade their own home country because they could speak the language. They flew the American flag over that of their home country, because they were American.

But her mom is actually from Peru, not her great great grandmother or something.

This reads like a pajeet. Also, Moner is pure

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When she mogged the fuck out of Jordyn?

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wait, what? Mike Judge of KotH and B&B fame? My mom was born in Guayaquil.

>Michael Bay movie


pure caramel goodness

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We all know she’s a slut and that makes it better, stop being a waifufag

And she is from America.

Is that Meme Eugenio Derbez?

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This is not about who's country you'll go to war is about who's people and culture you find yourself to like and identify the most that's it.

Ah fuck, I should have kept reading. That’s disappointing. I apologize for the other Ecuadorian sperg in the thread. We’re often angry manlets. Though we do have above average penises.

Moner is pure and that makes it better, stop being a degenerate

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This trailer made me want to personally build the wall

Those two things are the same you retard

Yes, from South America

Flawless profile.

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Yeah man but his aren't ecuadorian or stayed there for long so he's not really our guy.

what was she doing in australia.

>paco trying to claim "American"
That ship sailed along with all of your gold back to Espana

I think this guy is just nuts.

I'll likely watch it for my girl but I wonder if the mainstream audiences will

Not really you look afte yourselves and your immediate family, those who you can save, in this situations

Filming Dora

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Cherry, user?

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How do you guys live with yourselves after jerking off to a child? Don’t you feel like shit afterwards?

I'm just trying to defend what I believe but yeah I should stop

>not watching it for yourself
Big Gay

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Dodging death at every corner

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Oh hey girafa

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Holy shit imagine falling this fast into bait
Dumb zoomer

What you believe is wrong tacobender

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Should've use real monkey instead of CGI garbage, cheap ass crap. It's also painfully unfunny and all those dumb characters. Wish it was just cute brown girl in shorts doing Lara Croft stuff, but what can you do, that Nickelodeon pedo is gone.

thread theme

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As the guy said I shouldn't fall for bait I'll see you in two years with my physics degree.

Oh and yeah maybe I'm wrong.

>physics degree
You don’t happen to come from a family of architects do you?

>No mouse clicking shit.

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You are wrong. If you stay and work in America instead of going back to Ecuador to work towards it's improvement then you are contributing to the brain drain of your own country and at the very least value your own comfort over the welfare of your nation. If you do that and try and act like you love your home nation so much you are no different than all the other people benefiting from the prosperity of the US while at the same time bitching about how it isn't like the shithole they came from

I come froma family of engineers and and I was partialy raised by a dentist, why you know me?
Also yes I'm sorta of a privileged kid, not so much in here anymore, after all I'll get my citizenship in like 3 or 4 years.

Can we all address the fact that Dora has A FUCKING KNIFE?

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I will never, ever forgive that blurry spike.

She also had dynamite, flares, and a climbing pick when she tried to go to school.
They are all just tools

I mean, I know it’s a common name, but Vasquez?

He's a real bastard

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This better end with a Predator-esque showdown between Dora and Swiper.

May it be bombed from orbit

Nah Andrade, well it used to be Florez

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Okay I take it back this shit is gonna be kino. Gimme some more Indiana Dora.

I heard the movie takes a real turn after she gets captured again

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Sheeet, I thought we might be related. Oh well.

I'm contributing to whatever the hell I want. I care more for myself than any particular county also I'm in no way deeply complaining for America or using it in any way. My step dad adopted me, a naturally born citizen, and help me get a green card, because he knows I love science and wanted to contribute to the world.
Maybe in the future I'll try to be the mayor of my hometown who knows, for now I just want to do what I like.

Based goblinslayer janny


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Are people seriously questioning why Moner says shes Peruvian? Her last two movie roles and her Spanish pop music career explicitly require her to be a latina. Its the difference between her working a 9 to 5 job for $50k per year and being a millionaire.

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That would be really funny in my Uni there's only been only 2 ecuadorians that I've met and is been almost a year.
It has 55k people and is in the south so I expected more people.

You truly are the embodiment of your people, selfish parasite

'Bout to become a race traitor lads

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You expected more retarded goblins at a university?

I was calling Moner my girl lol.

Also there's not a lot of physicist out there, even less who are ecuadorians,so I don't blame you.

Fucking kek

Ok racist piece of shit unable to empathize with anyone.
That reminds me of one my favorite Ecuador facts. According to a study founded by M College park, Ecuador is the most empathetic country in the world.

It legitimately looks like a straight to dvd movie


I have to admit that the questions given were probably flawed as they did not differentiate between home and foreign empathy.
For example Saudi Arabia was ranked 2
Ecuador and Peru took first and third accordingly.

>dude racist
Where do you think you are?
>dude were empathetic
maybe to your own crying

I know where the fuck we are doesn't mean I can't call you out on it.

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That's exactly what it means you fucking retard
Go back to ecuador/reddit

Dude, really?

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>muh dick
It's percentage of body height and you're all 4 feet tall lmao

What did she mean by this?

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It is such a beta move to pull that info.
Another interesting fact about Ecuador is that it's highest peak, mount Chimborazo is closest to the sun making it in fact the highest point on earth( measured from earth's center)


That feel when College Humor parody trailer became reality

It was joke she knows every one is thirsty for her.

As you have both pointed out, we are arguing on Yea Forums.

The difference is you suck at it
What about this?

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That’s neato

You're the other Ecuadorian bro right? If that's the case yeah I feel you.
Extra Ecuador fact the first and second world heritage are in Ecuador. The Galapagos Islands and Quito the highest Capitol in the world

The difference is apparently you’re taking it seriously.

What are you talking about?

You sure? You seemed pretty upset

I want to visit and do that thing on the equator where you watch a bathtub drain clockwise, then move it 10 feet and watch it drain counterclockwise.

nah bro, just some evening bants. Sweet double doubles.

There's a lot of cooler things to do there I recommend going to the thermal baths in Bañis and visiting Lake Quilotoa because the view is breathtaking

i believe that is what he plans to do if we take his post at face value

Your Ecuador factoid.

This flick would be a lot better if she had no bra and underwear slightly above her shorts.

But I'm right