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what's wrong

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3 hours of what? The trailer makers it look like a massive drag. At least infinity war had some action.

They're hiding the action, bro.

Think for a second.

normies spend 10 hours binge watching garbage tv shows on netflix and they can't handle a 3 hour movie?

>cgi man fights invincible captain marvel
>people that died in infinity war will obviously come back
>iron man gets rescued by captain marvel and she puts him in his place
>movie ends with a bigger threat
>repeat ad nauseam

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But what if I have to pee

Not in one sitting. No pauses at the cinema. A 3 hour sit time is long especially if there are large slow parts

A 2 hour 58 minute scene of all MCU characters praising Captain Marvel for defeating Thanos seems a bit forced.

Piss bottles are extremely handy in long movies

Didn't they say they might actually put an intermission halfway through the movie because it might be too long

Dude that is way too long for any movie. 2 hours is just right.

You and I both know that's not going to happen.

>3 hour long boring movie where nothing happens and people don't talk that much
>3 hour long movie where there's action, quipping, cutting back and forth between characters doing different things

No, 90 minutes is perfection

will make less money than Infinity War

The difference is that they spend those 10 hours on their phones while the show plays in the background.

They're only using the first 20 minutes for the trailers.

Intermissions should be required by law for any movie longer than 120 minutes

hes right you know

>movie ends with a bigger threat
if they fucking do this, i swear ill write an angry letter or tweet. they wont get away with it.

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If your IQ is 90, maybe

Wait, don't all movies has intermissions at the halfway point where you are from?

So? What's the point of that article?
>new bit of info
>what this means: a regurgitated explanation of the implications that everyone already fucking knows
>here is what the Internet thought of it: a handful of random tweets tweeting generic shit about the new bit of info
>movie premieres on this date everywhere! Be excited!

are there any bigger threats?
can the scope get any wider without bordering on surrealism?

That's up to the individual theater. Some do and some don't

Kang the Conquerer or Galactus, if Faggy really wants to bring in the X Men

yes, there's bigger threats, there's Galactus, Annihilus, The Beyonder, Doctor Doom, Norman Osborn

They have stories for years

since thano's whole schtick is removing people from *the* universe, i suppose they could bring in a villain who plans on destroying 1+n universes.

>yes, there's bigger threats, there's Norman Osborn
lmao. Normie's biggest achievement was throwing a blonde from a bridge.

>Norman Osborn
I hope you were trying to be funny
And anyway he's the guy who bought Avengers Tower from Stark

Damn it's going to be the human condition of super heroes movies

Is this because they're including a 2h scene with raccoon-fucking?


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They do that in the cinema too.

>there's bigger threats

mfw when marvel mouse falls into the dbz powerlevel story trap

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That dumb 60s-core celestial crap would be refreshing at this point. Just, you know, without Captain Daddy Issues and Reddit Squad.

marvel has easily 30+ crossover events in the books. they could do cosmic shit alone for another 8 films

guys, is it possible that this material was all originally written for children?

It's the big finale, I'm fine with this.

>oy vey youve been sitting for too long
>buy more snacks goy

>The Beyonder
Who problematically uses 80's Michael Jackson hair and clothing style.

Like MCU gives a shit about accuracy.

bet the final theatrical cut is 2hrs 30mins with at least 10mins of credits

Um, I know Cap's from a different time and all but did he really need to do a blackface routine for the intermission?

will there be an intermission? I can't hold my bowels that long.

What if films cut the stupid fucking 30 minutes of commercials and trailers? Or moved it to the middle instead?

how do people with diabeetus watch movies in the theater anyway

I literally walked out of civil war it was so fucking boring. People who love capeshit are worse than the worst weebs

Unless I own Disney stock I could give a rats ass how well a movie does

Start writing.



Imagine seeing this garbage

Nisney? Narvel?

Any move less than 3 hours long is not worth seeing.

What are they doing for this one? Are they going to make this a more contemplative serious movie?

BR2049 is like 2 hours and 45 minutes and I feel they could've added 15 more minutes


>3 hours of what?
poorly-made cgi fights and quips

double dubs wasted on person who cant understand ONE WORD AT A TIME

>double dubs

3 hours of time travel

Marvel has dealt with those dumb powerlevels for decades though

A single letter isn't a word, nigger.

nerither is narvel AND nisney

I don't get this
all movies have intermission in my country. The theater does it themselves, regardless of whether the studio wants it or whatever.

You’re faggot of unseen caliber kys

Anyway I’m fucking hyped as shit for this. Gonna be spamming Marvel shit here to piss off you anti capeshit fags

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boomer bladders don't hold for more than 2.5 hrs at most

Dont pose that question as if its a problem

I need some black lodge mcu kino

lmao capeshit is so fucking bad

The only movies that have ever had intermissions are super long epics or musicals, which also tend to run over 3 hours. The last movie I remember having an intermission wad the roadshow 70mm Hateful 8. Before that, what, fucking Far and Away?

underage b&

>bigger threats
>Doctor Doom

nigga you dumb

Fuck that even Infinity War was hard to watch at 2.5 hours. These kinds of movies don’t work for that long because their stories are childish and silly and just a vehicle for action scenes where the invincible superheroes just punch each other for 15 minutes.

>Infinity War was hard to watch

maybe it's not for you my man, it's a movie for people who have been watching these movies since Iron Man 1 (or the first Avengers)
Everyone at my theater was into it all the way through

zoomers attention won't last 2.5 minu-have you guys heard about tarantino's new fil-lol alita battle angel was-shin godzilla had cool neon effe-falcon icecream plz

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Power creep has always been a problem in the MCU, and it was notorious in IW. Iron Man went from being a gadgeteer in a power suit to having a self-replicating nano-bots that are essentially magic, and can tank being hit by a moon. Dr. Strange went from being a talented sorcerer to being able to go toe to toe with Thanos and negate black holes. Cap seems to be invulnerable to everything. They gave basically gave Black Widow superpowers from the beginning despite her just being a spy, and Wanda's powers were always nebulous enough to fit whatever the plot required. Captain Fungus-Sue being OP actually fits within the paradigm, since they've inadvertently made half the cast a planet destroying threat. Thor's power buff is the only one that makes sense in the universe since upon Odin's death he is taking up the mantle of a god, but he is now so powerful he can one shot Thanos wielding all infinity stones.

They will most certainly push a "bigger, badder, threat," for the new MCU because otherwise they would have to de-power Carol to have any sort of tension.

Dormammu, since Dr. Strange got snapped he is free to do his shit again.

Ive seen the other movies. They’re all just as tedious but at least they keep their runtimes shorter

Superhero movies are just shounenshit for normalfags, prove me wrong.

*turns the MCU into the kinoest of kinos*

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You have to be into the characters to enjoy capeshit.

Anime is also for normies, i've seen "anime parties" that some roastie posts on her instagram

it ain't like it wuz before

They have to make interesting characters for me to enjoy them

Strange left him alone.

Iron Man is probably the only case where it's made sense. His actual enemies have been scaling up vertically, and he has gotten his shit pushed in one battle at a time since the first Iron Man movie. Every time something goes along to fuck him up, or fuck up the people he befriends, he adds new tech to his suit to answer it. He's definitely going to use something to rip that glove off of Thanos without the use of a full group of emotional retards to fuck it up.

Why the fuck is anyone discussing children's comic book mooveys in a board that's supposed to be about good cinema

>Yea Forums
>a board that's supposed to be about good cinema
>Yea Forums

I know this is what will happen, but I'm curious to know how they're going to do it.
Anyway, if the movie is shit, Thanos smiling at the sunset was the end of the Marvel series for me.

Yea Forums discusses good music
/g/ discusses good tech
where the fucking good cinema

And look how the comics are doing just fine.


No. Intermissions mean less showings, thus less money for Disney.

Yea Forums's discussion of good cinema ended when reddit arrived, now we just talk about capeshit and how much it earns at the box office


I doubt it.

It's story is pretty simple; go confront Thanos, get beaten, feel sad, go back in time and prevent the snap, the O6 defeat Thanos in a final battle. The dusted, with the snap prevented, appear in the last 5 minutes in an epilogue.

It won't

Yea Forums and Yea Forums are pretentious fuckholes for pretentious fuckholes who want to be sucked off for referencing niche media. /g/ is fine. There never has been nor will there ever be a cinema board. Yea Forums has never been more than themed shitposting. Sure, you find the occasional thread where people genuinely love and talk about something they're interested in, but those are swallowed by an unending torrent of (You) farming shitpost threads. If you've been here for more than twenty seconds, you'd know all this.

Norman Osborn and Doom wouldn't be "bigger" threats on a universal scale, but they could borrow 'Doctor Who' elements and have them rule at least Earth under a new dictatorship

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>Yea Forums's discussion of good cinema ended when reddit arrived
It was always rare. From jump the board had as much to do with cinema as /r9k/ does with actual robotics. Yea Forums was a haven for cunnyposters and footfags, with good on topic threads the exception and not the rule.

you dont know shit faggot

>best makeup
>technical achievement award for new IMAX developing process
>honorary lifetime award to RDJ

damn, DC fags are going to freak out

Consequences lol:

> Vision dies twice.
> Shuri rebuilds him and then Chthon will give him a new soul in the Disney Plus series.

> Gamora dies.
> Nebula gives her soul to the Soul Stone in exchange for giving the Soul Stone to Gamora.

No one dies in the MCU.

>go confront Thanos, get beaten, feel sad
There's one hour
>go back in time and prevent the snap
There's another hour
>the O6 defeat Thanos in a final battle
40 minutes at least
>dusted appear in the last 5 minutes
More like during the third act, where every Avenger fights Thanos and his army

Final 20 minutes will be epilogue, as well as the credits and post-credits scene.
3 hours.

ITT: Things that would make this movie kino
>nebula stops thanos
>the snapped stay dead, spiderman's new trailer is revealed to be a ruse (similar to hulk in wakanda)
>new trailer released, it's starring MILES

Infinity War was fine until the shitty Wakandan fight with the cgi creatures

awards are irrelevant when talking about the biggest box office hit in the history of humankind

Will it make more than Infinity War?


that would benefit cinemas because they get most their revenue on food sales and hurt disney getting another movie out of the daily schedule so i highly doubt it will happen

> Every Avenger fights Thanos.

I'm sure he'll be intimidated by Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon, all of whom can't do shit to him.

50% more
it won't be nearly as good, tho

Used to be a bit over 2 hours but due to captain marvels incredible popularity they added around 50 minutes of additional footage with her.

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Longer running time means less screenings.

I don't see Disney allowing 3 hours as it means less profits for them.

Look's like the full festival is going to be 53 hours then.

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>Damn... Half of everyone is dead... Let's go on a Euro Trip, students!

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isn't 50 minutes of thanos raping capitan marvel a little explicit for pg-13?

The fifth Avengers movie shouldn't even be a movie but a series of movies released every two weeks (drop-off point for the box office) --the first season of movies. Two billion dollar budget. First hundred billion dollar total box office.


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The answer is to go small, focus on more personal stories.

Going bigger is a fool's game, the kind of stuff Rob from Comics Explained wanks over but which would bore the shit out of any normal person.

So, three billion is a given, but can it reach FOUR billion?

i feel like the writers for infinity war like couldn't even take the time to visit the characters wiki pages. like all of their powers and abilities seemed wildly out of sync with whats been established. it was lazy

There is no action. It's legit going to be like Bladerunner, it's going to feel like you're watching the entire franchise as it builds up to the final fight. And in typical Marvel fashion, Thanos probably won't even die. Gotta save him for the after credits as he teases an even bigger threat!

The people in charge of the MCU are true fans of comics and grew up reading them and immersing themselves in them. They know the Marvel universe and characters better than anyone, because they've lived those characters their entire lives. So I don't know what you think you saw when you watched Infinity War, but you didn't see what you thought they didn't do.

4 billion is whitin the realms of possibility, yeah

I think Marvel will be the first brand to hit one trillion dollar box office some day decades from now.

The obvious consequence that bugmen the world over will cream themselves over is that after the ending where they get the gauntlet and rewrite history, there'll be a stinger where it cuts to Professor X's school and you'll get a quick shot of Wolverine or Cyclops, or the braindead scene where somebody walks into a room, says something to the effect of "Charles, you should take a look at this", the camera zooms in on a bald guy in a wheelchair, and then it cuts to black right as he begins to turn around
I can guarantee that Disney's entire plan to pivot from the Endgame into the next phase is "We got the X-Men now, make sure you come see the next one everybody!!!"

>Iron Man went from being a gadgeteer in a power suit to having a self-replicating nano-bots that are essentially magic, and can tank being hit by a moon.

Yeah tech advanced over a decade and they had change to reverse engineer tons of stuff from enemies. Might even have been more than ten years in continuity. like fifteen maybe,

>Dr. Strange went from being a talented sorcerer to being able to go toe to toe with Thanos and negate black holes.

He's the sorcerer supreme now. That didn't happen till the end of his movie.

>Cap seems to be invulnerable to everything.

MCU cap has always been overpowered compared to 616 cap. Way overpowered. He's more like Ultimate cap and honestly maybe even stronger and more resilient than that. He's MCU version is significantly stronger than what he is everywhere else.

>They gave basically gave Black Widow superpowers from the beginning despite her just being a spy

Yeah Widow is stupid. What make it even more dumb is she doesn't have any powers at all and they don't even try to write her into having any, she's just a KBG agent with a pistol bascially. Yet if the situation requires it she can go toe-to-toe with metas or punch out ultron-bots. They should honestly just have made her have been part of some knockoff soviet super soldier program from the start.

Widow's character evolves similar to Peggy on Mad Men. You see her going from a simple spy to being able to use her ambition and drive to overcome the titans surrounding her--a literal god, a green giant, a super being from WW2, a robot genius--and use cunning and dexterity to make an impact and earn a genuine role on the team. She's a great character.


Dubs of truth.

Just don't drink before the movie and you'll be fine

It will definitely win best picture no matter what. Just like how Return of the King won best picture despite the fact that fellowship was better


But giving her a weaker super serum would strengthen her ties to Cap and give her more potential for fight scenes.

Her and Hawkeye are normal humans dude, they literally have no place on the team at all and honestly the only thing they would do is get in the way. She's literally just a 110lb girl with a 9mm pistol and he's even worse, he's just a guy with a bow and some trick arrows. They don't belong anywhere on a team with Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Cap. Those guys are literal superheros and capital M metas. The only reason Widow and Hawkeye contribute anything is because it's written that way. I wish the had just powered her up or brought in like someone else, at least The Wasp would have had some superpowers.

What makes it even worse is any criticism of her gets turned into 2019 gets framed as misogyny/sexism and "Oh you're saying that because she's a woman!" I'm not at all though, I'm saying a tiny human girl who could not lift a bag of rice doesn't belong on a team with Thor and Iron Man and people who can literally knock down buildings and throw tanks. She brings nothing. Any hacking or spy stuff is done ten times better by Tony's software/AI as well. She's useless. At least they understood this in Ultimates and Tony built her a full Black Widow Iron (wo)Man suit.

Forgot Abomination, Taskmaster, MODOK, Kang and Sam Sterns

No please, it needs to be 90 minutes

Idk... I might not be able to hold my piss that long.

> Capeshit
> Winning Best Picture

Return of the King was based on a novel so the Oscar voters could safely vote for it and still feel they were renewing their art.


The reason Peggy had such a great arc is because she can, through confidence and through will, stand equal to the men in her life and profession, and even surpass them. She can do this because Mad Men takes place in the real world and the people she's struggling to equal or surpass are humans just like her. She's talented and smart and once she realizes that she has the potential to be just as good as anyone she seizes it.

Natasha can't do this. She's a normal human on a team of gods. Like half the people watching the Endgame trailer just rolled their eyes when she's shooting her handgun at the target. They are fighting Thanos! You might as well use harsh language.

Honestly you know what would have been better, make the accident with the Space gem happen to her during IW and make HER Captain Marvel. She's a hell of a lot more likable and charismatic than Brie.

To be fair, her solo movie is much more interesting than her being in these team movies as they can tell a story that's within her abilities and character.

They sort of poked fun at this in age of ultron when they made a joke about how useless hawkeye is. But acknowledging something is stupid actually doesn’t make it cheeky or clever, shockingly enough

I think her shooting the targets is meant to show her anger and frustration at feeling so powerless.

It's I think her version of the support group Cap is at.

>The Beyonder

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time to get a shitload of popcorn, sugar, energy drinks, etc

oOOooh boy

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If they put her in a spy thriller I'm sure it could be great. That's all Winter Soldier was and that's my favorite MCU movie. You take all the super powers out of that movie and just have cap be a CIA agent, her a former KGB and it's still a great movie because it's well written.

Yeah, a well written BW movie where's she's put in challenges that are set for her skill set and powers could be super entertaining. She just doesn't belong on the Avengers fighting cosmic/robot/superpowered threats.

I can’t figure out why but I actually like black widow. She’s basically a glorified extra but for some reason I find her presence weirdly endearing. She seems like with better writing she could be a really interesting character...

Johansen dude. She's a good actress.

>have to hold my pee in for 3 hours

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I can barely handle 2.5 hours

In Ultimates the Universe was chained up by an older, evil universe, and ideological concepts like Eternity and Infinity had to save the Universe from it's evil twin.

Do you piss 8 times a day? The fuck? I pee like half that many times.

Monster flies right through me also caffeine triggers frequent pees

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>not keeping a refillable water bottle on you to sip out of all day

>Drinking caffeinated drinks during a movie.

There's your problem. I used to not be able to sit through movies, but then I stopped buying $10 buckets of coke they give you.

This is how you know it’s good, because it’s super long

They are roughly the same threat level as Thanos with the Gems.

Three hours? Well that's no time at all.

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>Do you piss 8 times a day?
Is that weird?

please please please make kids wearing diapers mandatory disney! we had to have 24/7 piss clean up crews in my kinoplex for Infinity war because it was so long the children (and adult children) couldn't control their bladders.

you could always tell when going for a repeat viewing when the crew had half assed the cleanup as the stench burned your eyes. still was worth it to see the utter kino

This. Saw Us today and I didn’t buy any food or drinks and didn’t have to go to the bathroom once. Just get food/drinks after the movie.

should be short enough to watch inbetween queues for fortnite

We will Kangz

Marvel zombies

Why do you care? Are you still watching these fucking cunty superhero movies?
Stop rotting your mind with that horseshit

>have to hold my shit for 3 hours
they can't seriously show this without an intermission right?

If it was the actual ending of the mcu then I would guess it'd be like Return Of The King with one happy ending after another, but this shit never stops

>Deadpool and Punisher Kill All of Marvel's Universes is the final MCU movie


I love how Blade Runner 2049 was all talking and long shots with 10 minutes of action

>can't eat any food besides popcorn, crab legs, hot dogs and nachos for 3 hours
how is that legal? is literal torture. I can't go 3 hours without some sort of dark meat.

>he doesn't know

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I like long movies - IF they suck me in. I remember seeing Casino in the theater and man it was like being in another persons life.

But yeah, most cape shit I watch torrents in the background because they are so similar and so pointless. Infinity war was ok because it had SOME stakes, but idk if I could sit through 3 hours of 40 year old manlets trying to be EMO about a high concept purple dood.

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underrated post.

2 hours 25 minutes.
I guarantee it.

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God Emperor Doctor Doom

Hawkeye shoots a flare arrow at Thanos. Thanos looks at ukm and laughs daying it can't break through his shield. Ant-Man says something can get through if he can see them. Light. Ant-man has shrunk down to ride a photon into Thanos's eye. He causes an emobolism in his brain and takes the titan down.

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>sleeping on Doom
negro don't do that

Three hours? Well that's no time at all.

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I thought Captain Marvel was OP even when she dressed like a stripper


honestly a creative idea but would be really hard to show this in a movie.

Yea Forums hasn't seriously discussed music since 2013. now it's just a bunch of shitposting teenagers like the rest of this fucking site

It's a trailer, not the full movie, stupid.

With a three hour runtime it's extremely doable.
The problem is that you have to assume Disney allows creative ideas.

Three hours? Well that is not time at all.

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that's like what, 6 1x bet ads?

So? What's the problem? Burgers have attention issues?

It's 3 hours of capeshit, I often read 1k+ pages book and I'm sure I still couldn't handle that

>Yea Forums discusses good music

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Too bad if it even happens they won't film it with half the atmosphere that pic has. It'll be glowy CGI bullshit.

What the hell did you even type.

She's just eye candy for the boys LOL

Three hours? Do they give the trannies a chance to dilute midway or not? This is extremely problematic.

There’s the reddit tier theory that concludes with Kronos or Living Tribunal showing up to balance things again. I never read the comics so I have no clue how this would work or how the audience would take it. But I would take anything else over MUH GIRL POWER killing off the purple grape.

Jesus she's hot

>I remember seeing Casino in the theater
>cape shit
fucking lol, we have 40 year olds over here?


>3hour movie
Mfw I need to go to the bathroom.

Don't be spastic. CM has a limited role in this movie. It's all about the old guard, hell they could call it Captain America: Eberhard considering it's Steve's story foremost.

God willing, this movie will be the capeshit overdose for normies, give a sense of finality, and set the stage for diminishing returns until the genre finally, FINALLY dies


Is this possible i want it so bad but could it actually happen?

why don't you practice your fortnite dances
you guys still do that right
thats a thing you kids are into isn't it

Do you not have intermissions? Which country are you from?

A Super Mega-colossal Blockbuster?

what the fuck is that?

visually, what can they do to make the audience understand your concept? the characters would have to literally explain exactly what's happening.

I never said I supported it. What you wrote is fine. Problem is the original members are useless as shit. Only Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man can do anything to him. She conveniently survives the snap and would be 1 of 4 to take him down. Pretty decent role if you ask me.

>0 intervals
>theaters miss out on income from food and drinks
literally doesn't happen.

>what can they do to make the audience understand your concept?
Have Ant-Man mention one time when he got so small he'd ride light particles early in the movie.

Over 3 hours? Just great, now I'll have to do some restocking.

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Will there be a bathroom break or will they hand out diapers at the door?

>Think for a second
I did, and then I kept thinking and realized I'd never waste my life watching 3 hours of CGI capeshit

Only Stark, Hulk and Cap defeat Thanos.

And yet you actively participate in capeshit threads on a Mongolian snorkeling imageboard.

>Stark makes an infinity gauntlet from Mjolnir from another universe
>they time travel to get the stones
>Hulk wields it but his hand disintegrates
>Cap, being worthy, uses it to subdue Thanos and dies
see? No captain marble.

>what's wrong
It's alright for Avenger's but Justice League had to be 2 hours, tops.

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Who gives a shit about Justine League?

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>MCU cap has always been overpowered
Which is consistent with everything else about the Erskine formula in MCU. It's ridiculously powerful and seems to basically put a human at the strongest level achievable by anyone not powered by some kind of cosmic bullshit.

Hell a faulty copy of it was responsible for the Hulk.

>Who gives a shit about Justine League?
I do. We need the Snyder cut of JL.

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>Iron Man
This one bothers me as well becasue the main draw of Tony was his gadgeteering shit, for me at least. There's a reason why "he built in in a cave from a box of scraps" was a meme.
Strange makes sense becasue he actually does train constantly and he's sitting on a vast supply of magical books and has eidetic memory. Give him one year and he'll double his powerlevel just by casual reading.
>Cap, Hulk
Come on. Both got punched out by Thanos without him using a single stone.
>Black Widow
Widow was a mistake, in general. She's essentially a fan-service character with almost zero personality. It's just a stain that makes both Wanda and Marvel feel like dishonest progressiveness. At this point it's up to her movie to somehow fix that.
She's less OP than she in the comics. There, she's on par with Strange.

Sneeder is a hack.

There is no "Synder cut", user. If you have a general idea about how to cut that movie differently you are welcome to do it. It probably a better waste of your time than the alt-right no-femaled cut of last jedi or whatever.

dude paid marvel shill probs. no joke can confirm they are real.

>Sneeder is a hack.
Whedon is the true hack.
>If you have a general idea about how to cut that movie differently you are welcome to do it.
Easy, Snyder cut. Before Whedon we did have a finished film that was shot by Snyder. Wrong thread to talk about this anyway.

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How much do they get paid?

>Easy, Snyder cut. Before Whedon we did have a finished film that was shot by Snyder.
No you didn't. This is just a comfortable belief that lets you have a scapegoat and lets you think it was possible for that movie to not be garbage. "If only X didn't fuck it up for my messiah". It's actually a very understandable behavior for someone who adores a movie chock full of christian symbolism.

You only have to look at Steppenwolfe's character to ascertain the truth. It's garbage regardless of cut.

Here's your Beyonder bro.

Attached: liam-neeson-Clash-of-the-Titans.jpg (1000x563, 44K)

>Who problematically uses 80's Michael Jackson hair and clothing style.
Don't know where you got that from. He's pretty much a young Hasselhoff.

Attached: The_Beyonder.jpg (1930x1005, 882K)

>muscles on the Iron Man armor
Were comic book artists really this cheap?
>"I know how to draw a human body and it's the only thing I know how to draw, so I'll just draw that and change the color to metal"

Food and drinks are such a meme at the theater. I don't go that much but when I do, the most I have with me is a bottle of water

>No you didn't. This is just a comfortable belief that lets you have a scapegoat and lets you think it was possible for that movie to not be garbage.
Yes I did go there. And don't you dare deprive me and others of having a Snyder cut that does indeed exist. It was possible with Donner's Superman II so it definitely damn well is possible with Justice League.

Attached: Zack who.jpg (750x416, 123K)

I always get some burgers and a large tub of popcorn.

Have Michael Pena explain it really fast while jumping in-between half-second scenes explaining light, and how eyes work.

That shit was so gay.

So it will have indian-like intermissions/intervals

I remember seeing the beverly hillbillies as a kid and it had an intermission

What does Galactus do?

Black widow should be like a nerfed Captain America tho.

She's female so she's already nerfed.

I thought she had genetic engineering done to her in the comics and was somewhat superhuman, on top of all her training

Go back to discord faggot

He gets results

I thought that was Calactus

3 hours of Captain Marvel saving everyone. :')

I hope the cam-copiers are ready for a long endurance battle.; probably have to form tag-teams to avoid detection.

yknow, I think shes going to get her butt kicked like everybody else in the first hour or so, and maybe not even be around for the time travel parts

but after the original avengers all sacrifice themselves to restore life to the newer ones, shes taking caps place and it will be shit from then on out

this will be the last good MCU movie, if its good

fuck me

Didn’t Titanic have an intermission? I remember someone telling me that back then.

>guys, is it possible that this material was all originally written for children?

Doom is unironically the best hero in the MCU

Attached: Doom BEGONE THOT.jpg (1299x1983, 2.43M)

Can't even imagine being such a pussy that you don't have the ability to sit through a 3 hour movie in 1 go. What the actual fuck

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So? That's barely half a TV series

Europoor cinemas frequently have an intermission for smokers, it's embarassing

you've likely seen other snyder movies, how good can it even be lmao

How pretentious can you get? I can think of very few films that can justify a runtime above 90 minutes, and I'd hazard this is not one of them.

Is this a movie or am I on a flight across the country?