Is it the best modern kino?

Is it the best modern kino?

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I really like 1 and 2, but honestly after watching the trailers for 3, I think it might kinda suck to be honest..

It's a pretty solid action film when we've had a severe drought of them. Haven't watched 2 yet but heard it was kind of shit. I'd still rather watch Kickboxer, Bloodsport, Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2, Mad Max, Police Story, First Blood, First Blood Part 2 or any of the old greats over it

2 was pretty cool, because of some new action style stuff put in, but yeah some parts were borderline becoming action movie capeshit, which is why I think 3 is gonna suck

I heard in 2 he's a glock fag because they shelled out big money for product placements or some shit. Fuck glock, worthless garbage guns that need to be modded to be even competent handguns. John Wick should exclusively use Beretta if he wants my respect but HK was aight.

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>adults watch this

>t. only watches action movies by Hollywood

im not a gun nut but those berettas look fucking sexy?

>use Beretta

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Cinematography is pretty neato on both the movies but the action scenes are boring as shit. Wow he reloads. So realistic.

Yes that’s why they are used in almost every movie since the beginning of action movies

Major Boothroyd : [to M, referring to Bond's Beretta] Nice and light... in a lady's handbag.
James Bond : I disagree, sir. I've carried the Beretta for ten years, and I've never missed with it.
M : there's been a forty percent drop in casualties, and I want to keep it that way.

If I had to get a gun, I get this one...

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>had to
get a fucking gun now if you don't own one nerd. If you want a gun like that get an 84fs, it's basically a modernized version, a little bit bigger but much more competent of a firearm

It's definitely kino, hyped for chapter 3.

Ah I guess a little bit of a glock fag, I didn't notice aside from the scene when the guy announces it

I've been thinking about it for years.
Mainly because of all the house robberies in my neck of the woods in the past 20 years or so due to meth-motivated break-ins and violent crime like that.

I've been putting it off for a while but I'm becoming a grumpy old man.

My family has rifles and shotguns but those were all for pheasant hunting, etc... and I don't trust those.

I always loved that line of dialog in Dr No about the accuracy (or lack of) of the Baretta and it jamming on Bond at a crucial moment (which happened in one of the books). From Russia with Love, I think... Where he got killed by that lady with the poisoned spiked boot, Rosa Kleb.

That said, I like the compact convenience style.
I should probably take my comments to /k/.

definitely, if you like compact guns (I really do as well), my absolute favorite is pic related, it's a browning 1911-380. It shoots butter smooth, is single stack so fits tight on my body but .380 is a bit anemic and it's a pricey gun. Think I paid $700 for mine but they have a cheaper model that has shittier sights and is all black with cheaper grips for $500.
Most people on /k/ will recommend you pick a 9mm and I'm very fond of my Walther PPS M2 (I hear the M1 is great too but I believe they're out of production). I think I paid $350 for mine and it's a really great little gun, small enough to conceal, I usually keep a bigger gun in my glove box like my Zastava CZ999 or something I wouldn't mind seeing stolen (would be more upset if someone broke the glass on my Benz by a long shot at that point). I've fired lots of subcompact and compact 9mm handguns and I think it blows away the competition and the price is right around the bigger names like the S&W Shield of whatever glock numbers their 9mm subs.
Now I know I'm getting long winded but target shooting with handguns is a lot more complicated and a lot more fun. It makes for an excellent hobby and cleaning firearms and working on them really puts me at peace.

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I enjoy it. the campy aspect really puts it all into perspective and makes it kino

Does it have a flared magwell for easier reloads? Or custom porting?

You are not getting long winded for me. I'm soaking this up and am saving this thread because of your comments. I can understand the cleaning and care as a form of meditation. I've always chose origami. But lately where I live (like a said previously) was never a problem growing up but it's a rural area and there are lots of marijuana grows and a meth problem. Cops are not readily available so people has to look out for themselves; it's basically the wild west. I've had neighbors who have had to use firearms recently (and by that, I mean in the last 5 years or so).

I do like the idea of just something compact and small. I need to learn more before I do something stupid.

not native speaker here, what does campy mean in this context?

desu keanu would have made a great spike Spiegel

lmao no, that's reserved for $2k plus designer fag guns
if you have any friends or family that are handgun owners go out with them and shoot their shit, have them show you form and safety procedures, and other various tips and that way you can feel some of these guns in your hand and make an informed decision when you go to buy. Keep note of what you like and don't like so if you're in the shop holding something else and can't fire it you can kind of compare it dry if need be (guns hold their value very well, if you don't like something you can usually sell it for about the same price locally or online, I've flipped new purchase guns for more before). Beyond that, I would highly recommend purchasing insurance or whatever you call it in case you have to use your firearm. I pay I think $15 a month to some group called Texas Law Shield that has a hotline I'm supposed to call before the cops if I fire on someone and they get me in touch with a lawyer immediately and represent me and back me up if the family of the ventilated ape goes after me civilly

Does that affect how hot it gets? Like gas release?

The term "campy" usually refers to something being silly. Tongue-in-cheek. Not entirely ridiculous and accepted as such. Usually this is found in comedies. Think of the extreme being Naked Gun movies or Airplane!


Don't get a fucking single stack unless it's a sub compact, don't get anything but 9mm, don't get a 1911 of any sort.
Go to a place that rents out pistols and try as many as you can.

he's specifically stated an interest in subcompacts user, otherwise, all absolutely correct info. In fact OP, I would recommend not going with a subcompact for your first handgun, especially if you're worried about people coming in to your home, in that case you won't be as concerned with carrying

power fantasy for 12 year old boys and man babies.

Agreed, the first one is better solely because of the weapon choices. FUCK Taran Tactical’s fat ass and FUCK Glawk

Just get a fucking AR15.
Easier to shoot anyway.
Won't kill your neighbors as fast too.

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Thanks. Sadly, all the folks in my family who were proficient have died. I can find some co-workers who are ex-military or in the reserves who I'm sure would be glad to help out.

I remember somebody (I think it was on this website) who said they just went into a gun-shop and announced, "I know nothing about guns, can anybody help me out?" Made about ten friends that day and continued to go to the range and turkey shoots, whatnot, with the whole lot of them.

That's interesting about the insurance thing. I've never heard of that. I'm in the California foothills so I'm wondering if a Texas outfit would take me on. Probably... Will look into all this stuff.

Thanks, as well...

I've got to take a break because of company but I really REALLY appreciate all of your folks' input. Hopefully, I can get back to this thread before it prunes.

Would agree for sure, especially at the prices they're at but handguns have a bit more utility that OP may be interested in. I'll frequently not carry but keep a gun in the glovebox and it's a bit harder to do that with an AR-15

this movie is for dipshits

2 is leagues better than the first and I refuse to trust anyone who says otherwise

Just go to /k/.

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Would've been perfect if they got Trinity instead of halle berry

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no fuck off

>I remember somebody (I think it was on this website) who said they just went into a gun-shop and announced, "I know nothing about guns, can anybody help me out?"

This is why I love being into guns. I swear I make a new pal every time I go to the range or gun store.

No you fuck off.

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The patrician’s choice.

But it's not swiss.

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But John Wick 2 was terrible with stupid gun fights that went on forever so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

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>I'm into more intellectual films by someone like bergmen or tarkovsky

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Tick tock Mr. Wick.

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formerly Tick's wick wock

soon to by wock glock

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