Is this dude a fucking vampire or something? He looks freaky. Plus he's pale as fuck for his mutt genes and he keeps hooking up with these smoking hot babes. Maybe it's his vampiric seduction powers?
Is this dude a fucking vampire or something? He looks freaky...
Butthole eyes
Dude has a big dick
Who cares a single fucking iota about either of these Jews
Fuck your dad Pete
Jews are so fucking ugly
K can 1 of you guys meme that, so she breaks up with him and we can watch him cry about killing himself again
didn't ariana say he had an average dick size?
You are such pathetic little people.
>has a Yea Forums folder
Ari said it was big, Pete later said it was twisted because now every girl from now on is gonna be disappointed
He's just an heroin addict, LMAO its so obvious youve never met one in person, sreencap this, inless than 5 years he will die of an OD.
Big. Dick. Energy.
Also its obvious he's a heavy drug user. C'mon dude.
He is Jewish irish
Ariana thinks a roll of quarters is a ten inch dildo based on her size
So do I but that doesn't help me
We are, and you're one of us
t. Ariana circa 2018
Ariana is literally 5"0
i bet he has a really nice 7" cock but since girls can't into math she thinks its 9
Apparently hes the new big cock young guy. Yeah some woman are just whores like that
looks like she found him in a dumpster.
>Petite girls taking dick so big it fills them up to their belly buttons
It's funny how little guys understand the guys women are into, like when Justin Bieber was super popular with the ladies and all the buff gym rats online were scratching their heads
>Is this dude a fucking vampire or something?
Nah. Just a junkie.
this, I actually got more attention when I was a beanpole lanklet then when I got fit