Attached: Donnie_Darko_poster.jpg (220x330, 74K)
Meme movies you're glad it's forgotten about
Henry Butler
Jace Diaz
Cameron Cox
The moment Rian Johnson was announced for TLJ I knew it would be terrible as I had just watched his movie 'Brick' (somone in a thread here had recommended it) and it was one of the most god awful, cheesy movies I've ever seen. Remember Rians recent tweet about RLM "*drags on cigarette* a lot can change, kid"? well, if you watch brick you know that this is how he sees himself, this is what he finds cool, hes serious and has no self-awareness.
Kayden Bennett
donnie Darko is a good film tho
Hudson Perez
If you're a Hot Topic girl from the early 2000s maybe.
Nicholas Price
Why can't this man make a good movie?
This should be our modern day Blade Runner, instead it's just action shlock
Gabriel Morgan
Blade Runner had poignancy, something Rian's movies all fail to attain
Jaxson Howard
donnie was a good solid film. gets too much hate and too much shallow praise. whores endlessly praise it bc they think it'll make them look good and theyre horny for donnie. dudes hate on it because of the whores over hyping it. it's a decent film people just need to stop being so autistic about it and just enjoy it
Connor Taylor
You write like a black kid.
Gavin Collins
I love Donnie Darko, fuck Yea Forums. I love alternate universe stories like Chrono Cross and this movie is still the best one IMO
Caleb Price
no i fuckin don't
Eli Wood
Don't you enjoy films about quantum physics?
Nathan Evans
Connor Hall
>fails to capitalize the first word
>fails to end with punctuation
>too lazy to write "because"
>doesn't capitalize "i"
Don't talk back, Jamal. You absolutely do.
Jaxson Powell
>"you talk"
>talks about grammar
ok retard
Lincoln Adams
This movie is kino, it's not it's fault that found footage became so over satured and shitty
Julian Rivera
>dumb fuck nigboy Jamal can't read posts in the thread he's posting in
>You write like a black kid.
Leo Hall
Oh boy, was this movie an absolute piece of crap. Too cool for the room bullshit.
Austin Brown
sounds like youre projecting your own insecurities about being a 49% mutt
John Davis
>she types without proper grammar
>must be one of those nignogs
>not me im based (actually autistic) white american who takes the time to carefully put frivolous stupid tics and scratches on an irrelevant and casual reply
Carson Ortiz
I won the minute you revealed you can't read or write, turd.
Lucas Diaz
choose* not to faggot
nice way of admitting youre a spreg
Lincoln Thompson
>pretending it's a choice
>can't even spell "sperg"
I'm actually laughing, turd.
Henry Flores
brick is supposed to be ridiculous, how could you possibly not see that. All the noir cliches transposed to a highschool context, it's expressly comical
Austin Williams
:(( cant believe i was undone by one letter wtf noooo and i was winning too oh god oh fuck why god why
Hudson Butler
You act like someone who was raised by a single mother.
Adam Phillips
i mean yeah i was raised by a single mom til she killed herself n i got adopted
Gabriel Murphy
Isn't this basically the background story of everyone who writes like a black kid? Other than the getting adopted part, of course.
Hunter Rogers
what do i look like a "the effects of upbringing on grammar" some social scientist bitch im a network security technician i mean youre probably right but youre still an aspie meanie for assuming im a nignog
Angel King
>what do i look like
An ape.
Evan Green
Stealing a CompTIA certification review book doesn't make you a network technician, Tyrone.
Nicholas Williams
jokes on you 49% I'm probably more pale than bc I'm a godtier mix of English n French and also i like never see the sun like ever
Cameron Ross