Imagine a scenario in which this film was written and directed by a white man, heterosexual and cisgender, and that every character's race was swapped, ie the protagonist and her family are now white, white characters were black, etc. Do you believe the film would have garnered the same acclaim? Do you think this white director would've been so vehemently lauded, shilled, and oft compared to Coppola, Scorsese and even Kubrick? Really activates the almonds when one considers this, doesn't it?
Jordan Peele's "Us"
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No shit fuck niggers and fuck sheep we all know this and theres nothing that can be done
Yeah, just look at bullshit like The VVitch or Hereditary. Just make a horror flick that has slightly more going on than a braindead slasher flick and people eat it up.
we know buddy
FUCK NIGGERS is one of the official slogans of Yea Forums
Peele has something truly eerie going through his work that justifies the excitement but he didnt pull it off here fully
H-have sex
>Getting mad a subjective parameters
you like it or not art is heavily influenced by the life of the creator(s) get over it and go watch stuff you like dumbass
Nothing can be done huh? Are you sure about that friendo?
Pretty sure those two were made by wypipo though, and though horror usually doesn't do much for me I did see those flicks and they were, at least, leagues better than OP.
US whites treat niggers as retarded children and they out their shitty crayon drawings on the fridge like some major achievement. The rest of the world is laughing at you.
why aren't you praising and discussing all the movies white directors with no connections produce every year then faggot?
No you are the retarded cuck for defending this hackjob
>n-no you...
The Witch is miles better than hereditary. That movie is timeless, it will be a classic forever
>go and see movies you like goy!!
>what is going in to see a movie you've never seen before
no but you actually are retarded and possibly a cuck/tranny
wow OP, your gripe is with the movie's reception and not any of its content? way to get butthurt over dumb shit nobody can change or cares about
I went to go see this film the other day, walking into it out of curiosity after seeing Apollo 11 and hearing extreme praise over it literally everywhere, and holy shit it was one of the most mid to low tier film I've ever seen. Only thing it had going for it was the score, the actors and generally how well made and shot it was, but everything when it came to the scares and the plot sucked terribly. It was like a student film's script and the direction wasn't anything special. Sure, kind of pretty to look at but ultimately boring and meaningless, and not in the least bit intellectually stimulating as so many a critic have said. Tell me Yea Forums, am I really just being too influenced by /pol/ and this movie is actually excellent and I missed that completely, or is the film industry really THIS obviously cucked and jewed?
based retarded tranny that can't into irony and has little to no critical thinking skills. your movie by your based monkeyman sucks btw
I thought it was a decent flick until the ending happened OP
kek what is this
Yes it was a decent flick at points AT ITS ABSOLUTE BEST, but do you think it's one of the finest films ever made, on par with 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Godfather, and Citizen Kane?
fuck no especially with that ending but I still think its worth watching
This movie is a liberal horror because nobody had guns
You obviously didn't understand the 6 gorillion IQ references allusions and symbolism of this kino OP
>my tethered is a red-pilled ultra nazi who is coming to kill me for not living by the 14 words
>glaringly obvious surface level details only literal mongs wouldn't catch or understand
closed this video one minute in friend
this movie was slop
it was like a bad m night shyamalan movie
You already know the answer to this user. It would be considered a crime against humanity and everyone involved would be banned from Hollywood BUT since its a black heavy movie I predict a billion dollars and a sweep of the academy awards. We live in a simulation.