Directors won’t cast Emma Because She Makes the Other Female Actresses look Ugly

Prove me wrong

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She's not as cute as she used to be.
She can't act.
She is only ever gets cast because she brings in millennial audiences who grew up with Harry Potter

Diaz looks fucking wrecked, i remember how shit she looked next to Penelope Cruz in The Counselor

Ok Emma.

She's not even that pretty here. 5/10.

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Depends on the actress.

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All these plus she's a total brat and a pain to work with
That's how most industry girls who were molested act, they lash out and build a massive ego to compensate

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yeah when HD was finally finding widespread home adoption, the concensus was, "well, that's the end for Diaz". she's always had bad skin but it wasn't an issue in 480, or with a professional make-up artist + professional lighting. she's a talented actress, though.

Cameron is still better than her, even despite aging.

biel’s bangs are a tragedy

kate is on tha fountain of youth shit

She makes the other 2 old hags look hideous moron

Can we PLEASE talk about Emma Watson's ass for once?

Diaz was always a butterface. Like a wide mouth bass. But uh, Emma ain’t gonna age much better.

She looks better than Cameron there, but prime Cameron looked better than prime Watson.

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Not even close. Just look at Diaz legs next to Emma’s tights. Emma takes the trophy.

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she'll look just as bad once she gets a bit older. Makeup can't save her forever

Emma Stone looks hypersexual there, like a kitten in heat


>Calling Diaz a manface in a thread about Emma Watson

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she makes Cameron look like a pile of puke

not that difficult of a thing to do

More like a frog in head huhuhuhuhu

Post girlfriends

based blind obsessed poster

More like they won't cast her because she won't suck dick for parts.