How long before the capeshit curtain falls?
It's been 10 fucking years.
How long before the capeshit curtain falls?
>Phase 4 hasn't begun yet
>tfw superhero movies start losing traction and Hollywood finds out that these music biography flicks are gonna take over
>music biography flicks are gonna take over
You mean like they did in the mid 2000's?
Do you think that in the age of aggressive marketing and incessant pandering, the next big cinema trend is gonna be any better than capeshit?
>Mobile App: The Movie
you know this is going to happen
Never. People (especially China) like the spectacle of big budget crazy movies and superheroes provide simple, accessible, and solid enough stories for anyone to get into. And unlike comics, you only need to see one or two movies a year to stay on top of things. It’s more likely that every other genre will fall apart and only get mediocre budgets so the return on investment will be worth it, before superheroes fail
The inevitable Rapist Jackson biopic will break box office records.
Reminder that even Reddit hates capeshit
Wasn't that already Emoji Movie/Wreck it Ralph 2?
/Angry Birds
Westerns were popular for 40 years, user.
He's really not wron-
>Thanks for all the golds, platinums etc.
Now I just want to go watch capeshit just to spite this faggot.
>There will be documentaries about the horrors of the capeshit regime.
Because they were great and about real white American heroes you fucking faggot.
Never, there's probably already an AI somewhere to make up new supes.
People on reddit paid actual money to give this guy special internet points just because he said 'fuck capeshit'
Reminder that there is more movie variety in the current media era than in any other era in history and only brainlets, 56%ers that currently infest /tvpol/ think this isn’t true
If capeshit falls the remake of classic movies will fill the void.
You cannot stop the mouse.
They probably have this garbage planned out 20 years by now, and the popcorn gobbling retards are liking them more, not less.
Candies come in many flavors shapes and colors yet you can't live out on that.
The MCU probably has about 30 more movies and 10 more years before it finishes. Hopefully by then, around 2029, we'll finally move on from capeshit after literally everything has been done and every worthwhile character has had a completed trilogy.
I'm tired of this shit too, but I think we're going to have to put up with it for a long ass time before it slows down.
If you want people to think you are a faggot, just suck their dick. No need to let them know you’re also retarded by posting gay ass shit like this
Is there a quick way to hack nuclear missiles and end it up once for all. I prefer to spend my days eating roots in a cave anything than walking accross yet another capeshit poster on the subway.
Endgame is gonna be their end
>It's been 10 fucking years.
It's been 20 years, zoomer
I hope so too, but I just have very little faith in the movie going public these days.
It's been longer than that actually
>young fans from ten years ago are now in their mid twenties
>no social stigma stopping them from continuing their appreciation of capeshit
>there are literally people in their 30s and 40s who enjoy this shit
>youngsters are becoming fans every year
You have at least another two decades of this garbage.
I feel your pain dude.
It started in 1999 with Blade. From there X-Men and finally Spider-Man cemented it. no end in sight motherfucker.
Capeshit as we know it started with Iron Man in 2008. There were superhero movies in the past, yes, but they didn't completely reshaped what passed as blockbusters like the MCU did.
t b h if we could give "Yea Forums gold" id probably give a couple dollars the fuck jannies threads for the sake of it
It physically hurts to read this.
>How long before the capeshit curtain falls?
You've got quite a wait.
This is a list of the superhero movies since The Avengers in chronological order with their box offices. Some conclusions:
The commonality is making tons and tons of money.
All but four superhero movies since The Avengers has made over $600 million.
All of them since X-Men: Apocalypse have made over $600 million.
F4ntastic was the only bomb.
Justice League only flopped due to poisoning the brand and costing over $300 million.
Clearly financial success for cape movies is almost entirely uncoupled from quality. The only way to fail is either to go full Tranktastic or to vastly inflate the budget and then make the minimum of $600+ million. Capeshit cannot be stopped.
Just look at this shit:
The Avengers $1,518,812,988
The Amazing Spider-Man $757,930,663
Iron Man 3 $1,214,811,252
Man of Steel $668,045,518
The Wolverine $414,828,246
Thor: The Dark World $644,571,402
Captain America: The Winter Soldier $714,264,267
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 $747,862,775
The Dark Knght Rises $1,084,939,099
Guardians of the Galaxy $773,328,629
Big Hero 6 $657,818,612
Avengers: Age of Ultron $1,405,403,694
Ant-Man $519,311,965
F4ntastic $167,977,596
Deadpool $783,112,979
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice $873,260,194
Captain America: Civil War $1,153,304,495
X-Men: Apocalypse $543,934,787
Suicide Squad $745,600,054
Doctor Strange $677,718,395
Logan $616,795,600
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 $863,756,051
Wonder Woman $821,847,012
Spider-Man: Homecoming $880,166,924
Thor: Ragnarok $853,977,126
Justice League $657,924,295
Black Panther $1,346,913,161
Avengers: Infinity War $2,046,687,478
Deadpool 2 $734,245,921
Ant-Man and the Wasp $622,468,529
Venom $855,013,954
Aquaman $1,146,648,294
Captain Marvel $834,303,835 (and counting)
>a significant proportion of Yea Forums posters have seen all of these movies
nigger its been more like 30
>too young to remember Xmen and the Raimi films
Xmen and Raimi's Spiderman were big but absolutely not MCU big.
not the one you are replying to, but your reading comprehension is dogshit
>as we know it
being the operative term in his post, since you seem to have missed it
god damnit I fucking hate bugpeople, both chinks and numales
>one person is all of reddit
Ahhhhh, the good old "just don't do X" arguments.
Chinks love sci fis so I give them a pass. Better than Amerilards with their ugly sheboons and sjws.
>6 of the Top 8 Worldwide Movies in 2018 are Superhero Films
The people who watch these are unable to comprehend of film as being anything more than pure entertainment. Literally the lowest iq people on the planet.
Superhero movies are often action movies that take advantage of developments of sfx technology. The characters often have powers more unique than just super strength.
A very large number of movies can be made where a character just has super strength due to a wide variety of reasons. Many wuxia movies have characters that have super-human strength, balance, agility, and/or accuracy compared to the abilities of people in the real world outside the movie. Many movies outside of the wuxia genre could incorporate characters with similar abilities as well and some of them do.
So, live action movies or tv shows with people with superhuman abilities can keep being made for quite a while and probably will continue to keep being made as long as people can afford to make movies and tv shows.
Wire fu is an element or style of Hong Kong action cinema used in fight scenes. It is a combination of two terms: "wire work" and "kung fu."
Wire fu is used to describe a subgenre of kung fu movies where the stuntmen's or actor's skill is augmented with the use of wires and pulleys, as well as other stage techniques, usually to perform fight-scene stunts and give the illusion of super-human ability (or Qinggong).
The earliest wuxia films date back to the 1920s. Films produced by King Hu and the Shaw Brothers Studio featured sophisticated action choreography using wire and trampoline assisted acrobatics combined with sped-up camera techniques.
Cheng Pei-pei, Jimmy Wang and Connie Chan are among the better known wuxia movie stars in the 1960s–70s, when films made by King Hu and the Shaw Brothers Studio were most prominent. More recent wuxia movie actors and actresses include Jet Li, Brigitte Lin, Michelle Yeoh, Donnie Yen, Tony Leung and Zhang Ziyi. Yuen Woo-ping is a choreographer who achieved fame by crafting action-sequences in wuxia films.
Oh dude i wouldn't mind that at all honestly i'd like to see one about megadeth and metallica
Film is dying as an artform and capeshit's Hollywood's last trick. Unless they come up with a new scheme to streamline content directly to viewers, and it's hard as shit to compete with free content like Fortnite. Why the fuck would people pay for entertainment they consume passively when they can enjoy something for free with their buddies?