What did we think, Yea Forums?
What did we think, Yea Forums?
Based as fuck
why did it open with some nigger blacked shit i swear everytime i try to watch something there's a nigger fucking one of the characters in it im SO FUCKING SICK OF IT
Just getting the diversity fuck out of the way early, bro.
>we are here or we're here not
*black guy voice*
>we here
The robbers in this were great
Ending shit the bed IMO. Same with Brawl In Cell Block 99 and Bone Tomahawk, though, so it's something of a theme with Zahler.
i think the chick wasnt white atleast right, should i just watch it anyway
Almost every character sounds like the same person. The writing totally took me out of it. It also seems like Zahler is fixed on depriving the viewer of experiencing any stylistic flair. Every scene is as deadpan and joyless as possible, and there is no style to complement it. It ends up feeling like a student film or a stage play. He is becoming a parody of himself at this point, Bone Tomahawk had very distinct characters and a balanced pace.
>checked my local cinema's website
>isn't showing Dragged across Concrete
just torrent it you nigger
Yea Forums thinks it was boring and not as good as capeshit.
too long. shit pacing. shit ending. good premise and cast though.
>dat scene with Mel where police chief mentions using a racial slur in a phonecall in the heat of the moment
I died. Mel is a good sport, there's absolutely no way that wasn't a tongue in cheek meta joke.
Only like 30 theaters in the country are showing it, it's on iTunes or
But how will I support the filmmakers by watching it for free?
>there are plebs on Yea Forums who find kino like this boring and confusing.
Feels good not being dumb.
>Gibson made his best movie while being blacklisted from Hollywood
Jews really can't do anything right.
Meet Craig Zahler in person and let him fuck you in the ass
We think Mel Gibson is a racist piece of trash.
Are people really taking Vince Vaughn seriously as a human being?
It's fucking boring AF. Dudes in cars talking for two and a half hours. I started browsing Yea Forums halfway through because it was so fucking dull. There's no reason it should've been as long as it is, and it should've had so much more action throughout.
People can complain about 'capeshit' all they want but at least stuff actually happens in those movies.
good bait
twinkle twinkle baby
Vince is fucking based you soi boy
ok this is kino
Worth the wait, the last hour was so tense and that tension just held the whole fucking time. I wouldn't have cut a minute from the movie, not too happy with how it ended I feel like that guy couldn't have gotten away with it like he did and ended up in that luxurious home with hired help. The government's gotta be knocking at some point right?
This but ironically.
It's boring, too long and nothing happens.
You retards wouldn't be so excited if it wasn't for muh based and redpilled Mel.
He's a weak chinned dough boy from bad romantic comedies he should die
It's a chink.
no he republican so he based
based and fpbp
kino and based
dabbing on jannies based
What was wrong with the Bone Tomahawk ending? Even Cell Block 99 wasn't that bad-I kinda agree with this one though.
>Yea Forums gravitates towards the most violent scene in the movie
What a shocker. You plebs were probably browsing your phone when the actual kino scenes were taking place.
Haven't seen it yet, but to restore my hype I tried looking for the original trailer. Has it been fucking scrubbed off the internet? The only one I can find now is the one where it starts off with Vince taking 10 seconds to eat a fucking sandwhich in a car.
is he actually trying to make the effects looke as fake as possible?
There's no way that guy was smart enough to launder the money effectively.
If I had to launder that much money I would sell the gold for cash in very small increments around the country and set up a front business to take in the cash. It would take years to process millions in gold.
Oh, fuck.
A tad too long for what it was. A lot of the scenes of people talking about shit that was in no way consiquential to the plot.
>Hey, yo man, remember when you used to be into T-rexes and shit when you was a kid?
What? What does this tell me about the world or the characters? I already know these two characters are close. Totally redundant, and bad writing/ editing.
Could have easily trimmed 30 to 45 minutes out of it and lost NOTHING.
Vince is chad daddy
It was good.
imagine being this faggot lol
Definitely in your picture but I've never seen him anything other then balding and bloated trying to act tough
he's a 6'4 giant jew who would stomp your faggot ass
Wow. You're a pleb lmao. Stick to Capeshit champ.
Bretty good, 7.5/10
Most scenes drag on and on but for me at least they never felt dull. It's precisely this stylistic pattern that make some of the scenes have so much impact imo. There are moments with people at the mercy of the three masked guys that were making me crazy anxious because of that, like when nigga #1 started telling dumb childhood stories after they've made their intention of getting rid of both of them clear, and precisely because it lasts for so long that you keep anticipating something. Every scene in this movie felt like it was building up to something, but in a good way. And like in Brawl the violence manages to be deliberately brutal and funny at the same time.
And the whole thing about the movie being super right-wing is nonsense, the cops make some Blue Lives Matter-type claims at the beginning and Mel's daughter is harassed by some black kids for like 10 seconds. It's actually kind of crazy that some critics were focused on this, because it happens so early and before so much shit goes down that it's like their brains completely shut down the minute they hear fictional character exchanging conservative points of view.
You're literally some kind of weird gay person or something.
also you would have to sell the gold directly to shady goldsmiths who melt it because no one would touch stamped gold to resell it.
not to mention that the whole scene was just unnecessary. it would have ended pretty damn good with slim just walking away from the graves.
Well you should watch his early stuff before romantic comedies very good actor
Yep, and you're gonna lose a lot of the value because these guys won't be paying you market price. I have no idea what the shady buyer would discount but I imagine you would be getting at least 30 percent, maybe as much as 50 percent below spot value.
Fine, maybe it's because I only saw him in shitty romcoms looking all bloated
I'll check out some of his older movies
he's not jewish
>25% Lebanese
Nice bait m8. I rate that an 8.8
No nvermind, look at this faggot
Maybe I'm "some weird gay person or something" but I'm not trying to star in movies as a tough guy looking like this
Watch clay made, swingers, clay peigons and the cell
Watch Swingers (1996) it's vince kino
Was that a paper mache head wtf
this looks horrible, what kinda acting was that
was pretty damn good id say.
Zahler has his very distinct style, i cared about the characters and the villains were threatening af so it became really tense really fast.
I'll check it out
He’s a solid dude desu deserves more than his comedies
Go back to Israel Zahler
come back and make a thread about swingers after you've watched it
Tfw will never go partying with 26 year old Vaughn
>you will never interrogate a cute Hispanic girl wearing only panties while she nervously covers her breasts with her hands and begs to put on clothes
Why was that scene so hot, bros?
Why do you want to wear panties?
It's not completely about aesthetics my young onions. The thing about Vince is that he has a genuine masculine attitude and a quick wit at least in his ad libs and performances, and he's actually pretty huge which might resonate with you. I don't know how you qualify guys, but he's a genuine article male.
Missing your quips or something? Not enough fast cuts?
Yeah he lets his scenes play out and his characters end their sentences, its an approach more tied to realism (the art-form) than what movie-makers in the 2010s tend to prefer and he used it very well to create tension in this film. Yeah you could film a car-chase with cars running red lights and people jumping out of the way, throw in some drone-shots and some stylistic angles but it wouldnt be close to having the same effect of how its presented here with focussing on showing the inside of the vehicles and the characters, taking the viewer along for the ride instead of watching it.
This movie shows some great cinematography.
>see this coming toward your face
What do?
The dialog is hilariously bad and tryhard. /pol/turds will love it though.
Watching this again, there are a lot of continuity errors. Just in the last few minutes
>Vince eating dinner with gf
>shot of the 2 of them holding hands
>cut to her, her hands are in her lap
>Jennifer Carpenter goes into bank, is greeted by co-workers
>standing around a seal on the floor
>relative position of characters clearly changes numerous times
>Black bank worker is already standing and not really near his desk when Tory Kittles pulls gun, no way he could've typed message without being noticed
>/pol/turds will love it though.
shot it
Do you think that ending would better if the nigger got jailed because the IRS audited him
>mentions /pol/ as if the movie has so much to do with any of that
Reddit, discord, tranny, any or all of the above.
she was a chink, fren
it's just Zahler trying to trigger AznIdentity with a bit of their own medicine
the use of diversity in the movie is actually pretty BASTE and funny
>tfw i'm gone for 5 days and "what did we think" has taken off...
hated that crying bitch since dexter
You're jumping ahead in the script, virgin. You're only supposed to start saying that shit after you get called an incel. If you couldn't detect the right wing retardation in the lines, that's your low IQ problem, not mine.
Vince vaughn CANT ACT FOR SHIT in this movie
we're really to the point where any strain of realism involving race that is even acknowledged by people from every race is considered "/pol/", huh?
white people were a mistake
Go get whipped, Jamal.
>ITT: Seething Jews and their tranny pets
WEB-DL vs BDRip pros cons?
>Pompeo agrees it's possible God raised Trump to protect Israel
Good work go-guys! You really showed u-I mean them!
Of course you do rabbi
the web-dl looked a lot darker than what i saw in the theater. hope the bluray fixes that
watching right now, so far its FUCKING BASED
And what does that have to do with the quality of this movie, discord tranny?
Thanks for the spoiler, fucking faggot.
damn this movie is fucking great
How do I watch this movie? There are no showings in any cinema near me.
download it ya goof
send Zahler a thank you note with a twenty clipped to it
i wish i could rock a mustache that well
>giving money to I-Jew
Is there any other way?
Do zoomers seriously not know how to torrent?
who the fuck robs a chink minimart with a fucking silenced automatic weapon??
>niggers hanging around on the street drinking orange soda
absolute BASED
Yes, Amazon.
mel gibson is truly one of the greatest men alive on this earth today
Someone who wants to walk out alive.
I don’t steal sorry
coalburner paid the toll. viciously based
Copying isn't stealing.
>fake tears
>vocal fray
Could have been thirty minutes shorter and not much would have changed.
Also I feel like there were some glaring errors in the last act;
>Vince's character was a soldier
>lets hostage get close to them
>mels character was a cop for 40 years
>makes rookie tier mistake all of a sudden
It felt like the ending was purposefully stupid so he could pull the everyone dies card but it didn't really make sense.
capitalized af gives your b8 away, try harder, faggot
dumb redditor nigger falls for the bait mistakenly believing he's in likeminded company
>he wouldn't download a car
fag lmao
(And that's a good thing!)
>racemixing in the first second
Shitty nigger blacked start,kinda dissapointing ending but worth it for the straight hour of tense dread
It's only "BLACKED" when a nigger fucks a human (or NPC). An ape fucking an insect is just nature.
How is Asylum Blackout?
I was thinking he was trying to pass it as dumb nigger ghetto trash crime, but they got him on CCTV as he shoots the camera first of all. I guess that guy was nutcase after all
Doesn't have the shock of Bone Tomahawk or as much soul as Cell Block 99, but the pacing and cinematography are hugely superior. Only real bad part is a single 1 second shot of a poor head explosion effect being spammed by a few butthurt cape-fans.
Literally Yea Forums - the character.
he hired a hooker because he just got out of prison
Never fucking reply to me again
>bone tomahawk had balanced pace
Off yourself
this movie is peak /awkwardcomfy/
bone tomahawk was pretty bad apart from patrick wilson
i love the henchmen in this movie. great look and voices like something out of venture brothers
>Based Vince is presumably an Iraq/Afghan war time sniper
>allows a hostage to get up close and personal
Totally unrealistic desu
Should have died more violently, I mean fuck have you seen Brawl? Also we never really saw the first one die, for sure one got Mel's revolvers to the chest and Kretschmann got revolver rounds in his neck, but that leaves one no?
Aside from the opening scene that literally looks like a youtube sketch, its not bad imho. The first act is pretty slow but introduces the characters and mystery well, second act establishes the characters perfectly. 3rd is great.
Ending fell a bit flat but the first and second acts were kino. The bank scene was horrible though, in a elementary school play sort of way
the better question is how much college pussy based Mel picked up during this flick
Did she say yes?
You think this is Mel's first time dragging pussy across concrete? He knows
I liked it but I would have liked the end a lot better if Mel had been the one who lived. He was right, the video on the phone made the situation unbalanced, without the phone they could both equally double-cross but the phone made it so he would never be safe. I wish Mel just would have killed him.
>that leaves one no?
Vogelmann/Kretschmann is one of the masked robbers. he takes his mask off during the escape. There's 3 robbers and 2 muscle, not 3+1+2.
i was a bit confused by the body count too. When Mel rams the backdoors and shoots the hand opening the front door, I thought he scored a headshot there.
Thats what I meant mate, Vogelmann = throat shot, Thug One = chest shot after opening driver door flipped over, Thug Two = shot in the hands when he opened the rear doors but I guess if it was a headshot I missed it
based but pretty boring
Bone was awesome, what are you talking about?
Thug One goes prone from the backdoor after Mel executes the hostage. Mel shoots him in the chest/neck and he slumps down dead.
Thug Two gets shot in the left hand by Black Dynamite. After Mel rams the van for the second time, he opens the front door and gets his right arm blown off by Mel. Mel throws in the tear gas and Thug Two surrenders. Mel executes him.
Vogelmann gets shot in the neck/chest from the window slits.
the bank robbery would have been a better movie
err, it was Slim who shot the left hand. Black Dynamite didn't do shit except lose his balls.
The reaction webm of Mel and Vince at the oscars was better
we have literally gone full circle, from whites wearing black face, to blackface being racist, to blacks wearing white face
what a fucking insane time to be alive my dudes
That's just a Zahler trademark m8
>35 years ago
Have you seen dragged? Doesn't get more cruel and violent then that. Brawl sucked donkey dick
I'm halfway through and that's exactly what I'm doing. Zahler must be a genuine kike hyperautist.
It is stakeout: the movie. But you plebs will get your violence soon
I didn't know stakeouts meant stilted dialogue written by someone with a thesaurus fetish.
lmao, you're not ready for the last 30 minutes
Fag detected.
what happened to his cheeks?
>he doesn't worship Lynch
oof and yikes
So why does a negros liver smell worse? Kek. Alcohol?
>muh dialogue is too intelligent
Have you ever seen Aaron Sorkin shit or Dawson's Creek? that shit is true dialogue cringe. the actors in those can't even comprehend what their saying.
>enjoys the films of Dabid Lunch
>oof and yikes
trips beats dubs, you first faggot.
Laid on the political stuff too heavily. They built up the characters clumsily. Honestly cringed a few times near the start because of these two things. Besides that, far, far too slow. All that setup for short and anticlimactic finale. Wasted potential in the standoff at the very end as well. Especially disappointing considering the last thriller this guy made was brilliant.
they could've removed jennifer carpenter and saved us all 10 minutes
If I'm being honest it wasn't gory enough. A large part of why I loved Cell Block 99 so much was how fucking brutal and straightforward it was. It needed one more big gore scene and I probably would have really liked it.
It was extremely gory and it's still a shock, Brawl is violent as shit yet still the weakest of all 3 films
zoomer retard
I loved it although the final couple minutes felt a little contrived. Zahler in general isnt great with endings, but I enjoy all of his movies
He didn't direct did he? He's got basically a perfect track record as a director
absolute kino scene here
Nothing was wrong with the ending of Bone Tomahawk on paper, but the way it played out and the dialogue and general demeanor of the characters was completely unrealistic for the situation.
He felt guilty about letting the people in the bank die and his desire to atone made him act retarded. It was pretty obvious what she was doing though, wish they could have finessed it a little more.
>mfw "SQUIRT."
Was it really obvious or you saying this now after watching the film? I knew something was fishy, she looked hurt but fuck off you knew what was going to happen
When the guy threatened her family it seemed like the only obvious answer. What more could they do to her at that point?
i thought she was going to have a bomb strapped to her or something
Vogelmann kneecapped her
a steady diet of 40s does horrific things to your body
I don't know what I thought but it was one of the shocking moments in the film. Then Mel's reaction, shiet. Very genius of Zahler and the evil bad guys though
Written and directed baby
Someone already brought up anchovies, but what about cast iron? "He looks cast iron" the fuck? Connected?
Hard user, hard
Aww. A lot of slang. It's all cotton candy nigger
>literally no reaction from the guy who was going to trigger the alarm
fucking hilarious
As she absorbed the bullets she also radiated shock to everyone around her
She wasn’t white, she was Asian or something.
Welp I'm about done and this shit is genuinely one of the worst I've ever seen would have turned it off at like 30 min if Gibson wasn't in it.
Not him, but I knew it was going to happen. It was very obvious with scene before where they talk about her family.
>That autistic percentage thing Mel Gibson started doing halfway through the movie
>Introduce Jennifer Carpenters character only to kill her off 10 minutes later
I'm too much of a brainlet for this movie. None of this shit makes sense.
Watch more movies
The fact that people won't watch this because they read some stupid article calling it racist is genuinely upsetting.
Try reading the director's actual novels. They're awfully written shit.
I like his movies, though.
I can only imagine people with actual autism liking these films
i watched because i was told it was racist
I don't care as long as you watched it.
heck i even paid 7 bezos bux for it
Autists deserve entertainment, too, user.
i publicly posted to facebook that i thought this was a great movie. am I on a watchlist now?
cotton candy
Is this going to expand to more theaters or should I just torrent?
The most unrealistic part of Zahlers movies is the portrayal of Jennifer Carpenter as a desirable woman
you already know the answer
Oof, must've hurt to have watched this film
Blood Father is pretty good
Pretty good, better than Brawl but slightly worse than Tomahawk. It's nice to see a good right-wing director besides Snyder working in the industry.
Did the 3 faggots in the back of the van just not say anything at all to each other during the entire ride to the getaway car? We see the 2 niggas in the front making small talk but the 2 in the back still have their fucking goggles and ski masks on just sitting there.
This movie is the pinnapple of cinema.
Oh right, lefty now theres something wrong with being racist.
Where does itt end
eh Im glad he got my money off amazon.
my parents just finished watching it.
I expected a lot better. I mean its a lot of nit picking on my part. but I wanted a gritty crime drama with bants.
but craig had to prove im not racist in a pretty convoluted story.
>spend 500K to up armor a van for a robbery
>achieve this by robbing convenience stores like a nigger dressed like sam fisher
I wanted more mel and vince going around operating and pulling shit off. if youre gonna have a slow burn dont let it bite you in the ass by giving people time to think about how none of this shit makes sense.
The cotton candy shit was cringe
Why didn't the last guy try to shoot Gibson through the rear door windows when he was standing behind them? Impervious to bullets too, I'm guessing?
What the fuck were they packing early in the movie before the bank heist? It's not the sniper rifle Vaughn uses later and Gibson only sticks with his revolver the entire time. Why didn't they use that?
The van was bulletproof and Gibson's drove his car into the back doors stopping him from opening them. He couldn't shoot threw a bulletproof van.
>not actively threatening to murder people with fair skin and right wing view points
youre going away for a long time punk. 30 years in the iso cubes.
some of the best grist i've seen in ages. really revived my faith in cinema
Based Architect digits.
give zahler the rights to blood meridian
you mean the great architect?
It was good until Mel died. Absolutely retarded having the parallel b-plot character become the film's hero
the best part is she probably would've been fine if she had just gotten on the first bus instead of worrying about her retarded baby
wow the nerve of this kike!
You guys said the bank scene was kino but it was fucking retarded and they have those emergency buttons to call in the police for robberies.
I think it's based as the director himself
That part felt contrived and I was enjoying the prisoners dilemma tension between them. Mel misses at point blank range and the other guy somehow has such a problem with giving up the phone he'd rather risk going for his gun instead. It just deflated everything.
have sex
have sex
calm down mohammed
Ive memorized the JIDF response script bro.
do better.
also Im gonna titty fuck youre moms big jewish tits before I throw her into the oven.
will that count?
Based Mel. Rosties to the left, kikes to the right.
>t.rejected faggot
Hes not a gay, cocksucker.
One of the three movies I want to see this year and it's not being shown in my country.
lmao @ these fragile white men
>Literally fantasy-fulfillment character for angry white incels - the character
>black guys in white makeup
>white guys in black masks
I pirated it and watched it on a projector at a friend's place. Pretty cool vibes but a shame we didn't get to give Zahler money.
Disagree with you on that. I will agree that I didn't care for the ending. I didn't like Russell getting taken out. Still think it was fine despite all that.
literal unequivocal brainlet
they're badly written but entertaining imo, like old low brow pulp shit but done better
are you seriously this thick?
This. Everytime I believe we've hit rock bottom, someone finds the basement...
Telling the truth isn't racist. lul Detroit has the highest crime rate for a reason and it isn't whites killing ejother lulululul
Thoughts about the animal motif in the film? I started thinking about it as soon as i saw the big tiger painting in the black guys apartement.
>What's that game we was playin' before everything changed? The one in the jungle.
Shit's deep.
dialogue was severely autistic. lol moment when vince vaughn banged the dashboard. motivations for mel gibson character was cliched to fuck. Thomas Kretschmann criminally under used. only interesting part was one to one with Don Johnson but I can see why incels like this movie.
Just finally watched it a couple hours ago. Kept seeing everyone like this user hype it so I found it online and watched it. It's an alright movie but it ain't as "based" as everyone is making it out to be. People acting like it's some pro-white nigger hating movie just because it has Mel Gibson in it, and Vince Vaughn saying "anchovies" for no reason at all was retarded, didn't even make sense. It has some good parts, but it's one of those movies you watch when there's nothing else to watch and after you watch it, you never bother again.
Lionsgate deliberaly gimped the release, but on the brightside it's a simultaneous VOD release
>black guy lives
>takes majority of gold/cash
>gives Mel's character's family a little cigar box with a few pieces of gold
>doesn't even buy his black crime friend's mom that nice tv
Just watch it online, it's not worth the price for a movie ticket
Wait, this movie is online? I literally paid for a ticket to see this.
You think the way the wife interacted with her husband after the whole ordeal and him saving her and likely being a dead man walking for it was realistic?
>doesn't buu his black crime friend's mom that nice tv
This is instantly the video I thought of while watching the movie
Why did they cut the girls clothes off and make her pee?
I liked everything about this flick and it was a real treat, the only thing I couldn’t get behind was Anthony’s willingness to go along with the robbery especially after the bank employees were wiped out
but he did turn back into a cop when the hostage was released which was kind of weird so I don’t know how I would have fixed that
You can rent it on Amazon.
The ending is awful.
>That autistic percentage thing Mel Gibson started doing halfway through the movie
He starts doing it at the beginning though.
the web dl is HDR you faggot..too bad if your screen doesn't support it
most based Eddie Murphy SNL skit
>get leftist movies all the time
>>get a movie with 2 right wing leaning CHARACTERS that are portrayed in a grey light as with everyone else (except the evil incarnate masked men)
Nah. The robbers executed everyone in the bank. 5 dead. 2 critical (left for dead). 1 missing. I missed what happen to the woman banging on the glass. She was she shot, right? I looked away for a second, then Vince started freaking out.
It seems pretty realistic the way Mel and his wife want to get out of the shitty black ghetto for their daughter, I guess that triggers liberals who know that very conversation really happens every single day somewhere.
>I never knew i was racist before we start living here
I'm fucking amazed Zahler was able to pull this one off.
Mel killing Vogelmann and thing 1 & 2 is so satisfying.
How does this guy have a career again after the “raped by a pack of niggers” comment?
Yeah that was kind of weird. Aren't police officers gonna see that he was using an MP7 rounds? That's gonna bring a lot of unnecessary heat on himself.
That was startlingly realistic, especially hearing it come from the wife instead of Mel
I didn't know they made another MGS4 movie.
>Start with a poor nigger
>Nigger steals
>End with a rich nigger
Nice narrative arc.
Based Iron Man saved him.
The nigger ending made it shit
You don't want to pay the i-jew but want to pay the kinoplex jew? And you don't steal...
Can there be a bigger faggot on earth?
Here I am stuck in the middle with Mel
>portrayed in a grey light as with everyone else
Except the stereotypical BASED NEGRO who is smarter, more capable and more virtuous than everyone else. Only went to prison in the first place for helping a kid and then got to get revenge against stupid racist white cops. Can't have a movie without that character in the current year.
Just saw it was awesome
Cotton Candy
>achieve this by robbing convenience stores like a nigger dressed like sam fisher
That wasn't the purpose of the robbings.
It's definitely a Zahler film, Excessive, inane dialogue, Uwe Boll action scenes, unintentional hilarity abound.
someone who dont wanna go deaf
I think its showcasing how horrible the special effects were in that scene
>Political fags bash the movie for being long because if they bash it for being racists they’ll look like crybabies
For more realism he wouldn't haven't given her anything at all.
For maximum realism Mel's character should've considered what he had on the line and just shot the cunt immediately and dumped him.
There were like 3 lines of hilariously awkward and forced dialogue in the entire film that were very blatantly put there for the sole purpose of riling people up and getting them talking about it.
ahaha wtf is this shit
>it's one of those movies you watch when there's nothing else to watch and after you watch it, you never bother again.
Watch Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99, this is not the type of film you go into not knowing what to expect.
The most hilarious scene in the movie.
The ending is absolute shit and anybody saying "movie is good, except for the ending" is the lowest IQ.
>The girl was fine, had some nice cleavage, we spent some good time at the nightclub... then we went home and turns out it was actually a dude and he fucked me in the ass, but other than that it was a good night, 8/10.
>old, white veteran past his prime dies tragically to the enrichment of the young, empowered african prinzzzze
>white woman who cares about her baby so much she skips work and uses all her vacation days to be with him immediately has her head blown off
Yeah sounds about right.
none of them are american right?
You are a terminal turbofag and your taste is shit. My condolences to your parents, what a terrible fate they face.
To be honest, I thought it was only OK. What was the point of having the sister from Dexter be established as a character then immediately gunned down? 2hr 38 min movie is also pretty ridiculous if it's not going to be Endgame. I marathoned the first 45 minutes then took a break to play Kirby Epic Yarn.
>black guy just got out of prison
>a year later he has a mansion, and her dope addict hooker mom a personal masseur
>somehow this doesn't alarms the IRS
>black guy gets money
>first thing he does is splurge on needlessly luxurious things
like pottery
Completely agree. I guess it was because Mel had been "Dragged across concrete" for so long that he completely lost the ability to trust someone else. The ending cheapened the movie though. It should have been ambiguous or just less in your face. The scene in the mansion was stupid.
the bear jew
For some reason they used two different white vehicles at the end. One was a dodge durango I believe the other was a chevy
6ft 5 actually. Based Vince
>we're expected to believe ghetto kang somehow manages to launder millions of dollars worth of gold
>psychopath chip shooting henchman that nonchalantly surrenders in tear gas and asks for medical aide before mel blows his head off
audibly kekd