Imagine being 25 and still a virgin
Imagine being 25 and still a virgin
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I always kinda assumed my parents think I fucked some random grills in college like everyone else. I sure hope they don't talk to others about how I'm a virgin
I live on my own and have a job at least
Granny's gonna burn in Hell
>tfw you are 27
>*audible female laughter from the audience*
Why do they stigmatize males for being a virgin? They have to start somewhere, no? It's like employers who want candidates with experience but candidates can't get experience without a job to being with
They should have started somewhere 10 years ago not when they're 25 lmao
I told my girlfriend I lost my virginity at 28 (I was 31 at the time) and she made fun of me about it when she dumped me
God you guys are faggots. I don’t understand how you can’t get laid. I didn’t even fucking try in high school and I fucked two girls by 16. I’m not even good looking
never underestimate the power of autism
A girl who you have just broken off a relationship with will make fun of you for anything so don't take what she said to heart. If you didn't tell her that it would have been another thing and it's always only surface level because they are emotional with no depth.
and yet you're here.
fuck off normie
I was home schooled and a skinny nerd, in college nobody talked to me. I only lost my virginity once online dating became a thing
a woman's whole life is measured against her sex appeal. this thinking is extended to men as well.
severe avoidance personalty disorder. I think its cause I was ostracized in high school by my peer groups
They literally went to school, went to class, talked to one other autisfic friend and went home playing video games and watching anime
What if I got a gf and she finds out I never had a gf before?
-t 30 year old
This is bait but I feel like elaborating for anyone reading this
You don't even need to have crippling social anxiety or anything
>class in school had like 4 grills
>went to uni for a CS degree so the whole year had 3 grills
>don't like going to clubs and shit
>only women I know are at work or friends' gfs
>don't care enough to just get random tinder whores
and yet I’m here what? You fucking loser. How does that negate me getting laid. Go get some pussy faggot
Just tell her you have never had a serious relationship. Tell her you lost your virginity at 18 or something, how could she possibly find out it's a lie?
>tfw I finally started talking to women and realized they were all shit anyway
Some people don't have money.
It’s not bait though retard. I’m genuinely curious as to how you guys couldn’t do it. I wasn’t a fucking weirdo in school who people thought I believed I could summon demons or some shit due to some weird rumor and I was still able to bone two cheerleaders.
Normies with healthy social lives don't spend their Saturday nights here. You are either LARPing or failed normie
piss off
Calm down faggot
women can sniff out virginity and also autism, kind of like most guys can tell when a chick is crazy.
Anyone here never got laid because they didn't even know you were suppose to? Does that make sense at all? I'm shit at explaining.
>had a great experience in school
>have an enjoyable life right now
>have talked to many girls before but I've never put myself into a situation where sexual things could happen
Now I'm in my mid twenties and find out this isn't normal at all.
Nah, we just lurk as we're planning shit with friends on messenger before we go out.
Are you just not interested in it or do you not know how to initiate it? If a qt grill just came straight up to you and asked for a date, would you accept?
But yeah the entire concept of flirting is completely foreign, I definitely know that feel
I feel most virgins on the Internet aren't even ugly or awkward, just never put themselves out there among people instead of playing WoW and surfing the Net
Riiiiight. Keep lashing out at others cause you couldn’t get your dick wet. Loser lmao
You fucking ask a girl out if she says yes you have drinks and then grope her and take it from there, how fucking hard is it?
>"He's a virgin"
>at least a third of the female audience immediately looks like they were just told their mother has cancer
I can't watch anymore
>Sex is constantly pressured in the morally bankrupt remains of western society
>Countless media outlets socially engineering sex into young minds
>Still no significant policy granted to manage HIV
>California recently reduced intentionally infecting someone with HIV from felony to misdemeanor
>Can get it through sex or bad blood transfusions
>Tfw society is normalizing gay sex, celebrating polyamory, demanding promiscuity, and decrying modesty and abstinence.
Why does society want me to get HIV so badly?
Very hard. Why?
i literally am deformed lol
top that you Yea Forumsincels. i have an excuse
>Imagine being 25 and still a virgin
yeah i would've ended up like that but there are too many sluts in my area to avoid that. if you drunkenly walk to the store every other night for beer and your average looking you'll run into a woman eventually that likes to drink and fuck.
I find girls attractive but I never felt like doing anything more than the conversations I already had with them.
Yeah that makes perfect sense I just never wanted to do that. I know I'm not low test because I eat healthy and exercise so it makes me feel like an alien when I find out how different everything is suppose to be.
Says the sperg who needs to boast anonymously about how he totally fucked two cheerleaders. The fact that you have to throw insults in too show your paper thin ego. Frankly its more pathetic than being a virgin.
>grill just came straight up to you and asked for a date
thats my dream. Id jump at the chance
it will never happen I know
I will just die alone, iv accepted that fact
See the problem I’ve seen with a lot of you faggots is that you do your day to day routine expecting some 10/10 to randomly happen across you. That’s not how it work. You need to get outside of your comfort zone and try and actually come across a girl. Find a hobby that gets you out of the house to socialize
And no. I don’t mean go to bars and act like someone you’re not because apparently every time I post this some dumb faggot takes it the wrong way
There are apparently normies who get almost withdrawal like symptoms for lack of sex. I cannot even comprehend a sex drive that can't be sated by fapping
>all those people laughing when she mentions he's a virgin
>more pathetic than being a virgin
Ok bud. He’s being a dickhead but you and I both know that’s an absolute cope post. It’s not lol. In anyway shape or form
I had the urge when I was a pre-teen, then I put it on the shelf in high school and never returned to chasing after women. They obviously didn't both themselves and so nothing happened and life went on for me while everyone else was going on dates.
>being this mad
Wow you make meaningless sex sound so appealing.
>dude waste your time being some chicks 30th fuck and maybe she'll let you use her loose pussy exclusively in exchange for leeching your money and raising her kids
I regularly talk to at least 5 grills at work (after work social events as well) who I'd instantly fug if they wanted to
Do you expect me to just start complimenting their looks or something?
quit larping incel
imagine being 32. its not fun man
Just the other day i had to lie that i fucked a girl.
26yo virgin
>haven't gotten laid in almost 8 years
I fucked ten girls by 14, you incel.
So essentially b urself
LOL this is your brain on incel
I tried hard and hard
still talk to the girl actually, at least she still hasn't fucked anyone else since we graduated
It's gotten to the point where I actually think "fucking normies" to myself when anyone mentions having any kind of close relationship with a girl
I'm gonna do it Yea Forums, I'm gonna achieve this nearly impossible task. How does tinder work? Is it already implied that it's just for hookups or do you have to go on actual dates and shit?
Feels bad. I'm told that having sex completely changes your outlook on life, gives you more confidence, etc. I don't know if I buy that but I've made up my mind that if I'm still a virgin by 30 I'm going to kill myself.
Yeah totally dude, getting assblasted at strangers for being virgins looks way better! XD
Well I believe in you user I know you can do it
Quit cope posting you sex starved freak
Man I've had sex with women and even have a girlfriend that has been the same for years, but goddamn this is such shitty advice. Changing yourself or putting yourself "out there" for some dumb thot is so counterproductive. Seriously most women are severely retarded and never have an original thought in their brain, or at the very least think critically.
If we didn't want them sexually we wouldn't even speak to them. Which is what I do, I just ignore women entirely. Literally don't give a fuck about anything they have to say or could say. It really pisses them off.
Do whatever you want. That's the beauty of tinder that I'm shocked more people don't realize.
Who’s getting assblasted? Is that what you’re telling yourself. I’m asking genuine questions why some of you never got the chance
>lost virginity to literal trailer trash in high school
>also banged some girl with a fucked up head
>had two short relationships in college
>haven’t had anything since
I have a normal job and live on my own, but honestly I’ve struck out too many times with online dating and I don’t put myself in situations to meet women. Approaching 27 with all your friends settling down is massively disheartening regardless of the fact that I’ve had sex before. Fuck sex, I just want someone to settle down with at this point
You find some roastie and work out terms to fug each other, then you schedule a doctors appointment after 72 hours
yeah, jus b yrself
>meaningless sex
is there meaningful sex, you fucking retarded american puritan retard?
Hey sometimes it works and sometimes it’s doesn’t. It’s not a fool proof plan but it’s worked for me so maybe it can for others
What a load of shit. You join a gym or become a regular at a coffee shop and all you get is a front row of woman already with bfs or to absorbed in their own lives to care you exist.
The only way is to put yourself in that cringey place of asking strangers out like a pathetic loser. Women won't lift a finger to show interest unless your 9/10.
Yeah I gotta agree with the other guy, that's not really helpful and kind of only tangential to what I asked
But how will I recognize the roasties who immediately wanna fuck? Do I just have to go on a date and hope she's a slut?
i really did try, she was my only chance, and i fucked up
I got /ss/'d by 3 milfs when I was 9 bro. Get on my level
>But how will I recognize the roasties who immediately wanna fuck? Do I just have to go on a date and hope she's a slut?
They contact you. It's not a dating platform like eharmony, it's implied that the purpose is for intercourse. They are all sluts user.
I’m there with you, I’m being an asshole to the people taking the bait but it’s genuinely harder to find someone as you get older. I get it’s much harder to convince a girl who’s looking to leech off of you in your 20s but I don’t get how a lot of these dudes didn’t jump at the chance when everyone was a sex crazed teenager. I was average looking and I made it work
>tfw 24yo virgin
>tfw all these women would laugh at me!
I've definitely seen screenshots of tinder profiles that included "no hookups" or something
Man this thread is just making me more and more bummed out
I'll elaborate. If you want hookups craft your bio to imply or even directly state you only want hookups. If you want a relationship, say you're not looking for hookups. If you want a Christian girl put a cross in you bio. Little things. There are plenty of guides online for this. If I was phoneposting I could share one, but alas.
>virgin and I am still 24 till next tuesday
phew I dodged a bullet
oh no no no
I'm sorry that happened to you
Question over here I only ever got head from a girl and couldn't keep it hard to put it in her. I'm still a virgin right? Hopefully it doesnt sound so stupid but is losing your virginity just full on sex vagina/ass and bj dont count? I did go down on her. At least i can say i did a little something.
Like I said see
I’m sorry user, the chance will come Atleast one more time. Don’t let it slip away
just go on Tinder you fucking incels
>go outside
>see a bunch of couples together
>see a bunch of happy people with other people
>see a bunch of young, scantily clad females everywhere
Better off staying inside. Past a certain point you're too far gone and you will only go mad by going outside.
>tfw autistic but attractive
Seeing all the girls start talking to me once I lost my glasses it was a real red pill for me
>There are plenty of guides online for this
Jesus, even online dating has PUAs?
Yes. You got to third base you need to actually put pee pee in vagina to get the award
Well then obviously don't waste your time on them
/whofuckingtheirsidewhoretonight/ here?
if you ever think that you guys suffer needlessly just know that there are people like me who lurk these threads and laugh at your sexual frustration. you guys are doing a valid service by being virgins who still obsess over sex, these threads are always kino
I am celibate, not for religious reasons though. The thought of spending a lot of time with someone stresses me out
You know what hurts the most? All the mad people on the internet always go on about stupid roasties and the chads they choose
But my taste goes towards qts rather than stacies and all the ones worth shit always have scrawny as fuck nerdy boyfriends who they met at a random party or some shit
I could be them if being social wasn't so damn hard
that's womanspeak for "yes hookups, but only if you're attractive".
>tfw turn 25 in June
I still have time, right?
Is this copypasta? I swear I've seen this exact post before.
I can’t see how you are able to stand being with yourself
you literally can't get matches on tinder unless you're a super extroverted chad
Nah, I legitimately went to dozens of huge house parties throughout high school and the furthest I ever got with a girl was making out in a bathroom and feeling her up over the pants. I was just a massive sperg, I looked at the other guys at these parties and I couldn't understand for the life of me how they talked to girls and seduced them, it was like an alien language. I could only talk to girls if they were blackout drunk.
I’ve posted it a few times in these threads. Usually I’m sympathetic but today I wanted to see if it would piss you guys off
There's a surprisingly simple solution to her problem.
tried it. the girls in my area that use it are way beyond my league or they're hambeasts
exactly I can barely stand that, imagine me caring about someone else
you ran out of time when you hit 20 without so much as a handjob.
Stay Mad lmao
t. NPC
I'm a 30 yr old virgin. So what?
33 years old.
Never even talked (socially that is) to a girl in my life.
Just reset yourself.
I swear women are sociopaths.
nah 24 is okay
as long as your not 25 its good bro
they're boring to talk to so you aren't missing much
>genuine question
You aren't though. What you're doing is "I'm so pathetic but at least I got laid", which indicates your life probably fucking sucks so much that you're glad you think at least someone is worse off than you.
i was a waifu poster here about 10 years ago since then i got married
met wife on omegle of all places 6 years ago
normie methods are for normies, i suggest grinding out some online chat like you're leveling up in a new season
You can have sex without doing the whole having to spend 50% of your time with a person thing. The thought of having someone intrude on my free time seems like shit to me as well but sex is fine
You know, if you feel like it. You do you though
and every roastie on there is like
>I want a man who is rich, handsome, ripped, not short (over 6'6") who doesn't mind that I have no career, a potbelly from binge drinking, and 1 to 2 mulatto babies
What are you guys up to tonight?
What if you dont care and just want to be left alone and live your life, what would i be considered? I mean i don't hate people or anything gay like that i just dont want to worry about to many things in my life and just be left alone.
I turned 26 today and I'm still a virgin
Alright thanks. For some reason I never really had that cleared, I just assumed that also counted. Good to know. Still a virgin then.
You think that now but you are young. Imagine youre in your 50s completely utterly alone except maybe a sister, a cousin or two. Then what?
t. never matched with anyone from tinder
I'm 31 and within the last year I started dating a girl for the first time and got several handies and 2 beejays. Stay jelly 25 year old incels.
Where do girls online even go that isn't social media?
>apply for a literal liquor store cashier job
>"well you don't have any experience doing this before"
At least I "made it to the final round", but what an awful fucking joke this world is.
Wow you sound so cool. You let your fellow sex having friends know you waste your time online this way?
cumming ain't worth the hassle
I've been alone my whole life, it doesn't feel sad to me though it's freeing
"We" don't obsess over sex, "we" just want someone who will care about us. Normal girlfriend and a normal life like our "normie" friends who already have wife and kids.
Whatever helps you sleep chief. Won’t help you get laid though, oops
>adequate looking
>not rich but making silly amounts of money because software engineering is overpaid
Huh turns out I just need to start hitting the gym. Thanks for the motivation bro
my great uncle ended up like that and he seemed content with his life. ww2 vet, after the war he came home and just worked on a golf course, did some carpentry, drank beer, and watched sports. honestly the most calm person ive ever met in my life
How many kids does she have?
Seems doubtful, feel like I've seen it on other boards.
Question: how many girls outside of parties flirted with you/were obviously infatuated with you? Or were you too sperg to notice?
14 is the cut off point. If you haven't gotten laid by then you're a loser
in fact, I enjoy it much more when I just make out with my gf and she strokes or sucks my cock without cumming. Making out for hours is awesome, and releasing is pretty great, but post-nut numbness and clean up really ruins the mood.
i'm a virgin too i just don't cry about it like you deluded fucks
Watching the Shield.
Its alright
Maybe I'm wrong, but hasn't Steve Harvey confessed to being a Christian? What is he doing suggesting the strip club? Even if he is joking, still inappropriate.
He should have celebrated the fact that her grandson is a virgin as an unmarried man. The grandmother shouldn't have phrased her question using his virginity as the subject, but rather ask Steve on how to push him to leaving behind childness and pursuing a Godly relationship.
>when someone sizes you up and you react by getting upset
Don't worry user, you'll get that promotion someday.
>get married yesterday
>today for the very first time in my life qt girl grocery store cashier is visibly interested
Zero. She was a sheltered femcel (evangelical christian) when we met.
Pretty sure I read somewhere that vidya jeams release 3x as many endorphins as sex
it's the ring
But it can literally ALWAYS be worse. Our ancestors understood this and that's why they were Chads spreading their seed by accepting this simple fact. They played the cards they were dealt as best they could and it stopped them from being faggots.
Hopefully. That’s flattering if someone is stealing my pasta
unironically how do you guys tell if a girl is interested? they obviously never come out and say it unless they are shitfaced in which case i'm not really interested in them
I want to find a girl who is a freak but has a low body count; a natural contradiction I know. Like a Mormon or a Christian girl who is still into ddlg and bdsm stuff. They don’t exist, I looked and gave up.
>thinking im going to make it to 50
Nah dude, Il be lucky to hit wizard status before an heroing
Someone explain this meme to me. People are always going on about "hurr durr now that I'm in a committed relationship suddenly grills are interested in me"
Who cares? What, would you cheat on your wife just cause? It's just sex man
It is a difference of opinion. Anons who want an idealized normal life, versus anons who frantically sought to "lose" something they didn't have as soon as possible in order to avoid social stigma. Ironically most of them are probably still socially retarded.
>tfw 10 years a loser
haha nice dude. now you can yack it up with the other 14-year-olds here larping that they're sex gods because they got a handjob at prom.
Her vagina will secrete fluid
>thinks he’s winning some Internet argument
Again, if it helps you relieve stress from being a Virgin, I’ll be your punching bag user, your non virgin martyr
yeah if you live in a favela, 3rd world chimps tend to copulate earlier maybe because they don't live as long as civilized people so they start breeding in their teens.
u have to get them when tehy are like 15
Wedding rings are the world's strongest aphrodesiac. A wedding ring tells a woman "another woman found me acceptable and/or malleable enough to train into a husband. I am already domesticated" which is what women really want out of a man.
Body language
You gotta ask her out at some point
no you fucking retard
but the last 32 years of my life could have used the self esteem boost
1) human instinct is such that if a man has a girl, other girls assume he must be a strong male capable of hunting many deer for the cave fire
2) user is probably a retard, girls probably were interested before but he didn't notice when he was single and wallowing in self-pity- it only becomes obvious to him when he is no longer available and cannot act on it.
Is the number for white male virgins the reason why the white male suicide rate is so high?
Hot fresh fries please!
Oh boohoo I'm sure you'll cry yourself to sleep with your loving family
more like they want to cuck the guy's wife and make him throw his marriage out the window to boost their own confidence.
>continues to get upset
Based 30+ year old boomer
does she have control over what kind?
Can I convince my gf to secrete Dr. Pepper for me? I wouldn't mind going down on her if she was shooting out Dr. Pepper.
I have absolutely no interest in social activity at this point, but I did get to finger a chick and get a handjob while I was in high school so I guess it's something.
Except that goes against the other generalized bullshit you also always spout which is "women like assholes because they wanna change them"
If you're gonna pseudoscience it up, do it like this guy
See I never projected anything, I simply sized you guys up by the fact that you're here going "I'm a loser but at least I got laid". That's literally your own words, paraphrased.
That’s right user you won the argument. You’re a big boy now!
No. That's because of Gen Xers who realized they sold out and took Cobain's express to hell.
Salty slut detected
Well shit, that’s illegal and awkward. Flashlights are cheaper anyways...
>okay THIS weekend is the one where I will go out with my normie friends and have fun
>when the time comes I'd rather stay in and be comfy
Is going out worth it \teevee\?
>5 years ago
>Man, this the kinda stuff I don't like. Why's bein' a nerd who's into cartoons and bein' a virgin so worrisome? Why's there this notion that everybody's gotta have someone, and if somebody doesn't have someone something's wrong? If the dude's into girls, he's into girls. If he wants a girl, he'll get a girl on his own time. If he needs help, then he'll get help, but he doesn't need everyone around him tryna get into his business. Let the dude be.
>when a nigger who writes in ebonics on the internet is smarter than everyone in this thread
>even in a thread for incels the angriest poster is a roastie
You don't, like everything else women expect you to read minds.
It's mostly this. The thing you need to understand is women are so narcissistic that the biggest ego boost they could get is what gets them off. Taking someone who is with another woman away from her and for herself is up there close to the top if not the top thing for them. It's literally all about them not you. They want to be the object that tears you from your life because you think she's irresistible.
i've made out for hours before, didn't really do much for me. I feel like sex is completely overvalued in society, probably based on some macho thing. Look at the animal kingdom, animals just fuck and then walk away from each other
>literally on Yea Forums trying to be king of the neets
>"how dare you insult me on the internet"
What even is your life, man?
they do some subtle shit with their hands and face that you're supposed to inherently pick up on or they give up and move on. it's some primitive shit where everything is communicated non-verbally, like other animals do.
No, it lines up perfectly. Women want a man who is domesticated. They accept they will have to train any single man. A man who is taken is already trained, saving them the hassle. The order of preference is:
>Good Married Man
>Bad Boy with a girlfriend
>Good guy with a girlfriend
>Bad Boy without a girlfriend
>Bad Married Man
>Good single man.
>Imagine acting surprised (read: condescending) about it when less and less people are getting laid or even being in steady relationships
I used to have this “incel” mentality, then lucked out and got friends who people here would consider “chad”. Guess what I found out after I finally got laid?
90% of Women today are garbage, and love people who treat them this way due to secretly knowing they deserve that.
They are a huge drain, and don’t even have much to offer outside of sex. The entitlement they receive from media/beta male orbiters, the arrogance, the lack of understanding basic shit like cleaning a room or cleaning? These bitches are not wife or mother material
Honestly, I’ve come to learn that they only people who care about “succeeding” in getting laid with these vain and materialistic bitches are bitches in men’s bodies who care way too much about female validation.
have sex please I’m begging you
Literally the exact happened to me, applied to the simplest retail jobs couldn't even get those until I did some voluntary work and did classes to get qualifications in sales.
Once I got a job, literally I dumb job that anyone can do, and nobody even does that much work.
Pissed me off so much, when I realised how shit everyone else at work was.
This is the worst meme right now, even worse than the "have sex" meme. How many women do you think post on Yea Forums, realistically? At least call me a tranny, that'd be way more realistic
>They accept they will have to train any single man
In that case they'd go for nothing but betas, which you always insist they don't do
>this board disregards normie opinions like the plague and is hopelessly contrarian whenever it can be
>obsesses over what normies think of their sexlives
really thinks you make, huh?
>wish I could go back in time to when I was comfy getting drunk in the winter in my college dorm room
Depends on how you see your future turning out. Sometimes you can't go back.
>on the DarkWeb of four-chan, anonymous incels beg each other for sex in exchange for their crytocurrency called "keks"
i want to have sex, but I find women's bodies really disgusting for some reason.
also the fact that they are super dumb. very rarely there are smart women, but those tend to be ugly
Oh also the order of preference you made up goes against your own reasoning
If they merely accept that they have to train a man but prefer an already trained one, why wouldn't good guy go above bad boy? I told you it was contradictory
Better than yours kek. Now give me another you
>literally (You)
Proving that people who obsess over getting laid are redditors who need to leave.
Have sex
>Sometimes you can't go back
You mean you've found a way to sometimes go back? Take me with you next time. Just give me a one way ticket.
A beta is trained by their mother to be a good son. They want a man who has been groomed to be a, well, a groom.
I wish I lived in a favela, at least I wouldn't be a 30 year old virgin
Consider yourself cured
Can I please have a kek?
>Going from insults and boasting to playing the victim
Lol, kill yourself faggot. Apparently sex didn't fix you being a waste of life.
The problem here is you've already admitted to being "a loser who lucked out and got laid" so I'm pretty sure I can't ever be as much of a loser as you who feels his greatest achievement is getting laid (probably with a fat chick).
or whatever they call those gay little dances. discos? I don't know, I'm not a burger.
Grad school is a thing, though there's the question of whether it's a good idea to pay 20,000 dollars just so I can be drunk in college again.
I'm on the same boat as you, but people just look to ridicule guys like you and me for entertainment.
A female coworker complemented the haircut I got the other day
No one ever says anything about that other than my mother, so I would assume that’s a sign she’s interested in me. Now the only issue is she likes to regularly cheat on her drug dealing boyfriend, and she’s addicted to coke and pain pills, so that’s not the type of girl you’d want anything to do with
I too am like you
>Question: how many girls outside of parties flirted with you/were obviously infatuated with you? Or were you too sperg to notice?
There were a few who very obviously flirted with me and even outright told me they were interested, or had their friends do it. Unfortunately they were all unnatractive and/or extremely slutty to the point where it would have hurt my pride and reputation to hook up with them. I had two opportunities to lose my virginity at 14 but one of the girls was a really skanky religious fanatic and the other was fat and has crooked teeth. I knew a lot of hot popular girls who mostly ignored me but I was determined to hook up with them eventually. By the time high school was more than halfway over I'd only managed to briefly make out with one of these girls and what little confidence I had eroded. I never hooked up with another girl.
thats the whole pint of the entire fucking thread
Meeting women IRL is so fucking easy. So fucking easy.
1. Stop giving a fuck about what they think of you.
2. Take a lap around the bar and talk to everyone. Tell the groups of women you see "Ladies, you are looking good tonight!!!". Then just walk away.
3. Dance and have fun, tell other people to have fun.
4. Do another lap and ask people if they are having fun tonight, remember to smile.
5. Let time go by. The single women who are into you will begin to position themselves closer. Strike up conversation, the ice has already been broken twice. Keep it light and fun, joke, be silly. Ask them silly questions like "if you were stuck on a desert island and could only watch one show for the rest of your life what would it be?", "If you became disabled but were still able to seed in one position for the rest of your life, what would it be?".
6. The ones who are really interested ask for their number, hell in a group of four single girls get them all, who cares, remember you stopped giving a fuck at 1.
7. Have good ending logistics, so it's comfortable and easy to take one home where you are.
Rinse and repeat. I'm married and have a belly now, went out today and stopped at number 5, could have gotten laid by at least FOUR hotties in that place, it's so fucking easy.
t. Incel
>tfw 19 y/o virgin
>was homeschooled
>now in college and have job
>don't want to date any of the qts at job so I don't fuck up that job
>college is just a shitty community college where everyone bolts as soon as class is over, no dorms no clubs etc
I feels like there is no way for me to even initiate something
I kinda have a similar problem, only it's more about my own body. I keep trying to picture myself having sex and can't get past the foreplay. Every time I picture myself sat there, then suddenly I'll fart or shit myself somehow while receiving oral sex, or that my balls will stink really badly and make them vomit all over me.
Get laid, loser
>unironically "girls don't like nice guys"
>Grad school
I was under the impression you had somehow semi-mastered time travel irl.
voluntarily celibate
tfw im seriously considering a masters degree just because i was a loner who never got the comfy drinking pals experience in college
How do you know about her cheating? And how do you know about her addictions? And if her addictions are public knowledgem why hasn't she been fired?
Go touch a Pussy loser lmao
>all these insinuations because I said I wasn’t popular In high school
Christ I regret even posting that one post. You guys are such whiny pussies
Have you tried dick? Cause nigga u gay
But you'd have brown skin
>go into threads like this
>reply with "have sex" to random posts without reading them
>leave and don't check (you)s
i was and now Im married at 29.
hope is not lost
I'm specifically only interested in art/goth hoes though, where do I go for that?
Stop giving him yous ya fucking retard. Christ almighty if you couldn’t tell the dickhead was shitposting from the get go I don’t know what to tell you. Stop trying to save face in an argument with a troll. Who gives a fuck
Kek, no. You will feel exactly the same as you did before having sex. It's not this life changing experience. Incel logic is absolutely retarded. I cringe every time I see crap like this. Please don't tell me you also think vag tastes/smells "sweet" because some spergs heard it from their hentai.
You need to be a certain height for this to work and most of the socially inept people here should take something like Phenibut or get completely shit faced to actually talk to strangers because for some groups of people it's very unwelcome.
I just lie on my resume when it's not a government job.
>apply to warehouse job
>"why yes I worked at a warehouse in 2015!"
It's extreme bullshit that even the most menial jobs act like they're some kind of exclusive thing when half the time these same places hire illegals under the table.
Hipster bars in university towns where everyone drinks PBR
She told me everything, and I’m the only one who knows she’s on a bunch of drugs. Her bf is trying to get her off the pain pills, but he does the coke with her because he sells it
>save face
I'm just repeating his words back to him, why is this such a problem?
user it's not my fault you have low self-esteem and never graduated highschool.
I plan to just move to a third world country and buy a kid one day and raise them into perfect sex partners wives.
Maybe not even just one, maybe 2 or 3, I deserve it after all.
Hopefully I get lucky enough that I dont have to stay in a third world country, not sure how the whole passport/identification thing works, but it must work out somehow based on all the news stories and cases I've read.
someone post the image
>not gaining strength from the (You)s
Actual sub 70 IQ retard
based blind retard
Because you’re just feeding the troll you fucking spastic
>thread about actual movies and tv
>0 replies
>thread about virgins
>hits bump limit
never change Yea Forums
This only works if you're attractive
Um, it's illegal to buy children?
Haha oh wow
I thought hooking up at bars is just some american Hollywood meme?
I mean I could go to this local bar/pub near me every single day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever speak a word with anyone but the bar guy when ordering if I don't actively try to come to other people's tables. No one comes in alone, there is no film-like "lonely" girl at a bar, everyone comes in small closed groups and drinks/talks by themselves in that group, I just can't see it happening unless you're a 10/10 extremely outgoing turbochad who can come to a strangers table and start introducing himself to everyone around without it being forced
same here user. I think this is because we don't have enough confidence in our bodies.
No shit, I made a thread about a Chinese cooking show and it got deleted while a million shitty Michael Jackson threads stay up
Graduated high school, college and run my own business, meanwhile you’re so socially inept you can’t do what millions before you have done, but apparently acting like mr armchair psychiatrist and doing all this projecting makes you feel like a big man. I genuinely don’t care if faggots I’ll never meet have sex but it seems to touch a nerve with you so I’ll keep throwing out that bait line
the people that post about their woes in threads like this also frequent marvel threads, brie larson, alita etc.
of course they don't discuss actual movies or TV, they are 90 iq who have learned to punctuate and use sarcasm to win arguments on 4channel
At the end of the day you just gotta go up to a grill in this situation. I know couples who got together because the dude literally asked her at a train station or on the street
Also, hooking up with usually happens with club sluts, i.e. clubs that have a dancefloor, not sit-down bars
>it's a "Yea Forums goes to /fit/" episode
memes aside it's actually worked for me once or twice
You'd be dead by 35 from a stray bullet or aids but at least you'd get your dick wet at 13 from some ugly fat brown woman in her 40s with hiv.
Incel btfo
I'm the very same. I've had several girls come onto and flirt with me in the past, and I flirted with them back, and I even got off with a couple, but I've never had the sack to go further and I don't know why.
Alcohol is a social lubricant. Bars are considered a "fourth place" where people socialize. Drunk people hook up its not rocket science.
I did learn though that not all bars are created equal, you have to find the right one where the clientele isn't shitty i.e. fucking "sports bars"
>I-I was the troll the entire time!!!
don't care
I think I'm scared of being happy. Some people imagine themselves with a wife, family, etc. when they're older but I don't. I get along quite well with most people, and its not as if I don't talk to girls, but I can't engage with them. I stop myself from doing anything because I'm too afraid that something might go wrong, so I end up doing nothing. I completely missed out on two girls in high school who definitely liked me, and I've completely blown at least three chances at college.
I hate myself so much sometimes.
Life is just too short, man. I hope you find someone who makes you happy, and if you're white, I hope you reproduce.
I merely posted your own words back at you. If you feel baited, then you were the baiter for becoming upset at things you yourself posted about yourself.
You need to act like a woman and exaggerate a little bit. Add an inch, say you're into fitness, whatever. Maybe spend 10 minutes to look nice for your profile pic. Treat the discussion like you're on Yea Forums or omegle or chatroulette or some shit like that so you don't look desperate. On the other hand, those chicks are nasty man.
I am more afraid of my first kiss than my first sexual experience, if any of them ever even happen that is.
Thanks, user.
Human life is about making shitty mistakes and then coping/regretting while keeping your cool and pretending it was all part of the plan and that's why you lost your v-card to that fat chick when you shared a handle together.
>You need to get outside of your comfort zone and try and actually come across a girl. Find a hobby that gets you out of the house to socialize
>And no. I don’t mean go to bars and act like someone you’re not because apparently every time I post this some dumb faggot takes it the wrong way
These two statements contradict each other.
You're wrong. I'm 28
This is the big redpill most men miss. Boys are taught to be good boys that never lie, so when they grow up and start losing at life and their boomer parents are confused those fat assholes lie about how well they did, never realizing their kid is "good" and doing exactly as they raised them to- to not lie.
The boomer lifestyle is the only way to survive.
Bottom line, hope you can sack up and fuck someone
Americans are so fucked up and fucking stupid. Literally everywhere else in the world no one gives a fuck if you are in your 20s, single, and haven't had sex?
Why the fuck are Americans so obsessed over it? Why do you have to lose your virginity by 18?
Girls are sluts
They’ll fuck you if you put effort in, but you realize it’s overhyped, full of liability and not much gain for all the financial and emotional cost involved
That would make me 7 years younger.
Feels nice.
>Why the fuck are Americans so obsessed over it?
Jewish media.
>black mom
>son is a nigger
>she says he is a "nerd" and watches "cartoons"
>this most likely means he watches anime 24/7
Large parts of the world have arranged marriages
>Literally everywhere else in the world no one gives a fuck if you are in your 20s, single, and haven't had sex?
this is absolutely untrue
thank god I'm only 21 haha
We all talk but imagine being black and having this in your family. They're a culture where everyone is expected to start fucking like bonobos at 8 so imagine getting to 25 and not having some uggo black bitch toss her horse at you.
I'm sure thats just as bad as being gay in the black community. I feel they would get treated the same. He probably is gay too but grandma just cant tell. Dont black have a higher percent for that?
He means join a club or a trivia league, maybe an intermural sport. Try the meetup website or the yubo app and find a group with a common interest and join. Then once you join you either make friends with the guys and have access to their social circles or social expertise; or you meet a qt who also likes astronomy or anime or baking like you.
That's what I thought when I was 21.
Yes. And if he's watching anime, that most likely turned him gay or bisexual.
kek, I noticed that too. Cartoons = anime.
Do American cartoons even exist anymore?
My mom has a friend whose son is black, gay, bipolar and morbidly obese. Dude has it rough.
>as bad as being gay
Blacks are massive weebs
That's not true at all. Western Europe has a lower age to lose their virginity,
Big reason though here is, most 25 year old virgins, don't have their own place, or a driver's license etc. they are peter pans.
In american college you basically can get fucked on tap. So it's incredibly rare to find someone 25 and up a virgin and almost all the time those guys are complete autistic antisocial paranoid freaks with huge ego complexes
It's probably worse than being gay. At least gay blacks have a place they can retreat with their own kind. Not being able to participate in an overly-macho, hyper-sexualized culture at all would make you the butt of every joke. I mean this guy's grandma is on TV shitting on him for pete's sake.
So just change myself?
This. Blacks who watch anime are the most beta bitches out there. Much more than any other race for some reason. They are more socially awkward than a white or asian weeb. Dude is fucked and will most likely stay a virgin.
>peter pans
Lol you literally live in the 1980s or something. 40% of Europe men aged 30 still live with their parents.
You sound like a boring faggot. Do you not have any hobbies?
They do and they don't. It's not widely accepted in the black culture but certain areas it's very accepted. you don't want to be a black gay guy in alabama.
part of why someone is gay deals with single mother issues and a male not being around plus lack of income for the mother during early pregnancy.
basically it's a way of humanity create population control. not enough resources for this child to procreate once it's born, turn it gay in the womb.
it's not exactly like that but i don't feel like writing 10 pages dealing with genetics, and environment
Not all hobbies involve other people
I was talking about american virgins being peter pans.
in europe there is way less cheap land this has altered the family structure and morals. same thing happened in japan
>Do you not have any hobbies?
This implies I have time for hobbies.
We’ll thats on you then
No not yourself I mean when you go to a group meet, just talk about stuff with people. If they like you tell them you’d like to hang out sometime and exchange numbers. You already know things since it’s a group you’d be into, so talking can rely on that crutch.
Tell me what types of things you like. I’ll help a little.
I've never seen a black guy who doesn't like anime. In fact, shounen anine like Dragon Ball and Naruto are widely accepted among them.
no one means liking dragonball when they say liking anime
ITT: reddit trying to play adult
Peter Pan implies they have a choice. Shit is too expensive if you don’t have two incomes coming in, the economy is fucked and just as many women are living at home than not. Most girls I’ve dated had to come to me since I lived alone, and they stayed at home.
Dude, they re chill af. All of us that like anime are at least a little weeb
>No True Scotsman
>Tell me what types of things you like.
That's a tough question with an answer bordering on nothing.
This is me but I’m gay, fit, and attractive.
jesus christ, boomers should not be giving out fuck advice in this day and age
>for some reason
Low IQ. They have the minds of a fucking 7 year old when they are in their 20s still so they freak out over epic anime battles and shit like that like a kid would do.
Whites, asians, latinos, all have a sense of shame from stopping them from going too far with it.
like MadThad?
i can believe that. pretty sure before knowing about anime and mang all i liked was girls not its girls, boys and traps
so sorry about that
they for some reason dont appear to be weebs but now that i think about it was only blacks kid who i talked about anime/manga with
yeah this grandma is kind of an ass. i cant imagine someone doing this to me
alright and thanks. thats interesting to know.