Post south Indian kinos

post south Indian kinos

Attached: dravidans.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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no such thing

thats north India you subhuman, i have to ask you to delete that right now

Attached: 360px-2006_Human_Development_Index_for_India_map_by_states,_HDI_data_by_GoI_and_UNDP_India.svg.png (360x397, 102K)

>Ayy beach we herd u was talking shit about our shitting streets wat say u bastart

>Newfag isn't aware of one of Yea Forums's fav movies.
>Literally our banner for the longest of times

Attached: CarefulSandyFluke-max-1mb.gif (280x158, 856K)

Imagine the smell


Tfw Bahubali state got rekt because of separation.

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284 days until india is a superpower

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what are they doing? exorcising the toilet witch?


Attached: Indian cuisine.webm (432x768, 1.94M)

>average south Indian man

Attached: 49907282_223844501898394_7463920111185442764_n.jpg (771x771, 47K)

>average south Indian man

Attached: 1467972562205.png (786x592, 333K)

worshiping the toilet as a god

not even kidding

Well, Shankara was born in Kerala.

>South Indian
Nice try Poojabi

Attached: 1540426305637.gif (480x270, 3.35M)

jesus fucking christ delete this shit poo why are indians so fucking disgusting

When I went to Chennai I had an odd bathroom situation but it was not what you'd think. The office park I was working in with my outsourced coworkers (who know more about 401k plan administration than 99% of Americans and they don't even have them) had very well kept western toilets. I was honored to take dumps in them, and of course I did because of the unfamiliar bacteria half the world away. Every single one had a sign reminding users to 'do the needful' in keeping them clean, that is please flush completely. Every single one of these signs followed the corporation's document labeling/security initiative, someone had come back at some point and added stickers that said these reminders were '______ Internal Information'.

>jesus fucking christ delete this shit poo why are indians so fucking disgusting

Attached: soyboy.jpg (644x800, 71K)

oi mate do you have a poo licence

Based kerala we're basically a first world state in a third world shithole. Who /malayali/ here?

triggered pajeet.

Attached: 023.png (1190x682, 128K)

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>everyone looks dirty

Attached: 1347574361113.jpg (420x454, 19K)

Yea Forums is dead, it's just /pol/ soundbites in text form now

Attached: faeces not feces.png (660x339, 142K)

jesus christ, i just learned about all of this, fucking disgusting

>The Fecal Eye of Terror

ഹെല്ലോ സാഹൊദരാ , താന ഇപൊല അവിടാ?
being this low IQ to not know thats an edited tsunami map or something
>White intellects everyone

I piss where I want to and I fish where I swim.

Never tread on a Pajeet’s right to shit on streets

that's the tidal wave map of the 2004 tsunami you dumb zoomer

Attached: Naomi Scott.jpg (1361x2050, 531K)

fuck ur mother basterd bich

based and poopilled.

Attached: imaginethesmell.jpg (750x468, 199K)

Their immune system must be superior compared to other races

sexy show bobs

well looking at that I would probably just shit in the woods as well

have toilets

>he keeps posting north Indian shitholes thinking it offends me somehow

Attached: 26346513_139876226709621_5631059784162607104_n.jpg (640x640, 51K)

how do they wipe?

>"He did not use toilet paper for cultural reasons. Inspectors concluded the brown finger prints was faecal matter."

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you’re all the same

Attached: Carl-sagan-dude-what.png (480x480, 200K)

>he is still at it

Attached: statehdi2.png (848x557, 289K)

>not offended
>continues to reply to show how not offended he is
>posting normal fag memes
why are indians like this?

What is love?

Attached: 154870356743.webm (720x405, 2.92M)

looks like they're all shitholes?

plase show vageena

no, they just fucking die. 3 kids die every 2 minutes in india because it's such a shithole.

>seething pajeet thinking anyone gives a fuck about his imaginary poo hierarchy

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With their hand. They usually take a bowl of water out to the field with them to dip their fingers in afterward.

Babi no hurt me.


show feet bb

>ഹെല്ലോ സാഹൊദരാ , താന ഇപൊല അവിടാ?
I can't read but if I'm understanding Google translate correctly...I'm in Canada

he keeps blaming stuff people from completely different cultures and languages from different family tress do on to to us HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>shitstream travels all the way to Brazil


>im not mad let me keep replying to prove how not mad I am!

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this guy gets it.

Attached: sharpe - sharpe's challenge toby stephens.webm (720x405, 2.68M)

>tfw pajeet
>tfw when live in a fucking hellhole
>disease, rape, murder, crime and literal shit on every corner
>also you have a tiny dick

Attached: tinydick.jpg (612x790, 112K)

>Pajeet is proud his state is as developed as the fucking Phillipines

Stop shitting on other cultures just because they're different

Oh that’s nasty.

U mad?
my state is first nigger

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How can she slap?

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imagine lying there on the floor and having all those men take turns shitting on your body haha imagine the smell

>responsible for massive disease, pollution, making dozens of rivers, lakes, and oceans a literal bio hazard because a bunch of backwards subhumans can't be bothered to piss and defecate inside a toilet
>bringing this up is considered troublesome
kill yourself retard

I'm Rednecker than you.

>"m-mom said if i keep replying maybe ill win!"

u mad?

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so the maldives and uzbekistan? and you're proud of that? lmao.

>u mad?
>still replying
>still using facebook-tier memes


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My truck's louder than your truck and I gotta bigger buck and bass on my wall

why is india so gross? even china is better

u mad white boi?

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stay mad pajeet

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>why is india so gross? even china is better

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My town's smaller than your town and my red and white is a little more blue.

based indian thread

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These "jokes" stopped being funny a long time ago.


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>One ticket for Shazam

>imagine being such a mad whitey

Attached: apu thinking.jpg (400x400, 23K)

would you say the jokes are...shitty?

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What fucking skin color is that?

seething street shitting subhuman

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>t-time for some p-pepes

Attached: pajeethorrorkino.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

the treatment of indians on pol is so cruel



Attached: pepe annon i.jpg (641x530, 41K)

>facebook memes didn't work
>is now resorting to his based collection of pepes
haven't witnessed someone as pathetic as this in a while

Oldfags will remember this

>more p-pepe
>le cringe
a fucking wagon wheel.

I'm literally listening to Zillakami right now that pic surprised me


Attached: cringe shrek.jpg (800x450, 54K)
This gem over here

It's my mailbox and I'll poop where I like.

>Designated shitting regions

>imagine replying about a dozen times and still pretending to not be mad
back to the call center, pajeet.

they don't

If you saw an Indian public toilet, you'll probably piss on the streets too.

Something that whiteoids have already done on a much larger scale? You fucks literally destroyed the planet

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Fuck this pic presses all the right buttons

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>If you saw an Indian public toilet
so a hallucination?

>three Indias
>three times the shit

Kek that kid's fucking face.

literally nothing wrong with shitting in the actual open like the woods

now that's a brap

sure Apu


The Sharpe series. Look for the one with Toby Stephens.

Attached: sharpe toby stephens.jpg (900x600, 123K)


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My personal favourite

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I wonder what that smells like

goddamnit rajinder not again

Some parts of India seem like apathy and depression on steroids. They are probably so overwhelmed by the pollution that they completely give up trying.

hey I recognize that frame at the bottom left. that's the fucking peek-a-boo song

>how could she slap?

Attached: 1540230329487.webm (314x410, 1.76M)

Did he poo?

rest in peace to that guy...

Attached: f.png (654x722, 517K)

this fucking bitch

What hit him?

Fuck off trebbn

something connect to the train, maybe a low bearing offhang

yea, he's dead

>bare the parts that should only be seen by the husband
Kek, even the volunteers are so backwards. What are they, muslims?


Saw this in theaters, it is in fact kino. Yea Forums would like it, one of the villains is a tranny.

nice -- thanks

>obsessed janny deleting the bants

reminder: you do it for free.