What were they shooting at?

What were they shooting at?

Attached: 0D6E66FD-08F4-4A60-A39F-06B4591FABB4.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

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Shooting back at Rust.

3rd wave feminism

Attached: 1552845398686.jpg (1752x550, 190K)

Imagine being this based.

Those eyes...

>if it bleeds we can kill it
Words of hope from the distant past

The Predator
um wth??


>I cast magic missile!
>At what? It's just darkness.
>I cast magic missile at the darkness! HEHEHEHE

my bitch mom


nice digits OP.
watch this in its entirety and collect your well earned answer



Attached: tfw.gif (310x289, 2.94M)

Attached: redditorfaggot.jpg (478x487, 94K)

they were just following their Captain's tracers

Attached: genkilltracersloop[1].gif (450x253, 407K)

a big pussy

Attached: hawkins 1.png (686x858, 486K)

Unironically my favorite scene in the whole movie. I expect Arnold as the leader to grab his friend and be like "Get a hold of yourself man" but instead he just blindly starts shooting into the forest as well, it cracks me up every time I watch it.

a 4D space nigger


Attached: mm_tiger-mosquito-49141_1280.png (672x372, 313K)

I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die

The studio saw the initial cuts of the movie and complained to Mctiernan that there wasn't enough action in the first act. So he added this scene.

Fags and Trannys