The Right Honourable The Lady Baroness Jamie Lee Haden-Guest

The Right Honourable The Lady Baroness Jamie Lee Haden-Guest.


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la ayuwoki.

Late 80s early 90s JLC would get all of my cum

She's not a Brit, though she's a good enough actress to be one.

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She's married to Lord Christopher Haden Guest, 5th Baron Hadon-Guest


I see her pusy bump

So I see. For some reason I thought she was married to Tim Robbins, but that's Susan Sarandon.

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damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face

Dame Jamie Lee Curtis when?

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You guys know that she was born with both sex organs right? There's a reason she looks like a man


ugly cunny.

Fuck off you pedo cunt.

Fuck off you pedo cunt with bad taste.

Cringe and normalfagpilled

Any film or paparazzi nudes of her during this era?

No Arnold Pasta yet? Disappointed