Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
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sam hyde as christman
That would be legitimately terrible casting
paul giamatti, judd hirsch circa the late 70s, and a clone of garret dillahunt with dwarfism.
Three orangutans
who are these guys
"I kill a communist for fun but for a green card I carve him up real good."
Million Dollar Extre
Toby Jones, Adam Driver, Peter Dinklage
where my r/ChapoTrapHouse bros at
The gas chambers hopefully
God they’re all so fucking ugly.
Why are all commies so gross looking
> Top kek
Why does anyone listen to those literal clowns?
he's just their only cultural point of reference for "unkempt male in his 30s"
fuck off chud
Are these guys "Cum Town?"
because the podcast is good unlike anything from the garbage-ass right stuff/daily shoah dipshit brigade
they are red scare
Go home gremlin
A person that looks like any of those wankers clearly doesn't have their priorities straight and anything they say is tainted by it.
no this is legion of skanks dumbass
that's louis Gay gomez in the middle
matt christman is the orator that reactionaries pretend alex jones is, fight me
Why are all leftists men so fucking unkempt and disgusting looking?
Kek. How are they the ones using this insult anyway?
no, you can tell a cumtown thread because there are a bunch of posts from an autist accusing the op of shilling and demanding that he "buy an ad"
Los Zetas Drug Palace
>implying you aren't fucking mutated fucking playdoh monsters
Left: Stavros Halkias
Middle: Adam Friedland
Right: Nick Mullen
>no u
Lmao look at those fucking chuds in that pic up there
Mediocre doughy white men
Daily reminder that forum is an embarrassment to the podcast.
>says that others are "no u"ing
>calls chapo trap house chuds
>Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
A pile of mucus infested feces in a dumpster.
They literally are by definition of the word, you fucking troglodyte.
I'll have you know the escort I saw last week couldn't believe I was a virgin.
I mean the dude on the left should really shave, he is fucking gross
Why haven't these braindead leftists killed themselves yet?
We're "democratic" socialists.
Sure you are.
he actually did since that photo was taken lol
I'm gay, meow
oh my god what a bunch of babies
Based Hoppe. I think I'm going to start telling my leftist friends that I'm a democratic Nazi, and that true Nazism has never been tried.
>he actually did since that photo was taken lol
Did he also start to work out, get some sunlight, proper haircut and the hunger for semen out of his eyes?
for what?
These people are worthless subhumans with low iq opinions.
that'll sure show them (that you have brain damage)
khachiyan gang
>having leftist friends
that was your first problem bro
But in order to be a leftist you have to unironically have brain damage.
are you trying to see if you want to fuck him yet?
your insults are rooted in anger and they aren't funny because of it
I love chapo trap house, I love importing millions of violent low iq third worlders into white countries because it's based and destroys the evil nazis.