Attached: shazamrt.png (747x304, 185K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>warner owns rt
>paid people to praise reddit shit

Mousecucks on suicide watch




Please crymore Captain Dyke lover. Unlike the MCU, DC doesnt need, charity, bots, RT tears, & YouTube blocking to be sucessful.

Attached: 1553380402148.png (261x269, 43K)

shame its going to flop

Just like they paid RT to give abysmal scores to any DC movie that isn’t Wonder Woman?


Attached: 1553379153864.png (970x626, 26K)

Reddit humor:
>pushed by corporations
>safe, middle of the road, insincere, appeals to a wide variety of interest groups
>glorifies the image of the product it is pushing
>conforms to corporate and elite interests
>created by committee to sell products
>tries too hard to become a meme and in the process embed itself within the minds of consumers to sell more crap related to the franchise

Yea Forums humor:
>anonymous origins
>free, democratic, open source
>subverts corporate interests and intentions (Bane in TDKR used to attack the movie, not praise it)
>not created to push a product or message, but rather to amuse and humor individuals
>created for a specific group of enlightened users, not dumbed down for the masses
>memes are not forced by corporations, but rather become popular due to their innate appeal

If you were actually from Yea Forums you would know that both captain marvel movies pander to the same pleb crowd


It's tracking to open to around 50 million right now in US. In other words, it's going to make closer to 150 in the US alone.

It cost 80-90 million. It only needs 150+ overseas to become profitable.

It's not flopping.

Paid. Isn't it obvious? This looks like loose stool

buh buh buh buh based

Attached: therealcaptainmarvel.png (972x760, 580K)

>didn't deny being a shill or an outsider
Now that really makes you think

Your tears a delicious.

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Attached: CAPTAIN FUNGUS.jpg (749x323, 63K)


>bitch, be humble
>sit down
>be humble

/ourgirl/ review


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Explain the scores for BvS, Suicide Squad, and Justice League.


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Mods please delete this thread or us at Disney will be forced to pull advertisements from your site.

Shazzaint going to see it.


ZACK Snyder died for this

>1 negative review
>gave Captain Marvel 4/5 on letterboxd and is a literal who cuck
Honorary 100%

Attached: 1553383010632.jpg (717x82, 15K)

loling at you rn

>snydercucks who watched it loved it

Attached: snyder.jpg (639x518, 85K)

Thread theme:

Holy fuck my sides.

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>rt doesn't matter!

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>not lightning

This cuck doesn't even know what words mean.

average rating: 7.78
top critics is 100%

>Superman shows up in the end in his JL suit and you only see from the boots to his neck


when a DC movie with a white male lead (inb4 jew) gets a score like this, it's worth noting

kek is that true?

Like Disney gives a fuck when Captain Marvel is guaranteed to pass a billion and they have Endgame waiting.



Of course it's a stereotypical numale

Attached: 9.png (753x1030, 172K)

>recycles the Marvel "quips every 5 minutes" formula
>is a success

oh boy, who would have though

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what happened to the critics are paid narrative?

So why the mouse didn't bribe them this time?

>ZACK Snyder died for this
And it feels fucking great

>all these excuses to hide how tasteless you truly are
I can't stop laughing.

Well Justice League flopped.


Comcast owns RT now, they only own like less than 5% of RT rn

But it actually fits the character here. It's retarded in Marvel because every single character is a wisecracking quip machine.

Captain Mahvel fangirl spotted

I can see why you left off the rest as it hides the narrative you're trying to push for this keep adult males childish trash

Attached: Untitled.png (748x466, 35K)

And I’d let him die again and again and again for it

today was the early screening so the reviews are starting to rush in, and theyre very overwhelmingly positive

>lightening: a drop in the level of the uterus during the last weeks of pregnancy as the head of the fetus engages in the pelvis.

i cant wait to watch this ironically

literally impossible m80

The one true captain marvel prevails and it feels so exhilarating

On user(non critic shill sites) like Letterboxd, Captain Marvel(including other Marvel shit movies and even the new Star Wars movie) and Shazam are all on user created most anticipated 2019 movie lists. All of which rank usually in the top 5 with actual films coming after or not ranked at all
Get some fucking taste before you try and step up to a bouncer for Yea Forums, Yea Forumsmblr

does this one also features one song from Pitbull?

Attached: 1522558891347.gif (472x360, 695K)

>Mom, they're on my board again!

What did he mean by this, no seriously.

Attached: iuy.png (1060x799, 76K)

>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
This is a capeshit made by reddit for reddit. Regular capeshit was always bad enough but at least it didn't self consciously strain itself to have "meme moments" like this and GOTG turned it all up to 11.

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MCU Faggot confirms he is a high school dropout. Kek.

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>Theaters screen movies for free
I guess the popcorns pay for everything kek

It's weird how you're ignoring all the critics that praised captain marvel praising this now or is that the point in your twitter tranny shilling?

quite the daring synthesis

shazam squad incoming nigga

Attached: shazam you son of a bitch.jpg (550x310, 69K)

>lego movie 2


>>videogame sensibilities
I know that this is pasta, but what

Conveniently shelved... for now

Just got back from the early screening. AMA

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Can't believe that audience score. It's like Disney just voted enough to keep it above dropped popcorn

Now that shazam has been confirmed for reddit numale trash is The Beach Bum our only hope?


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I thought you meant RT, the Russian news agency. I was very confused


It will be below 70% in a week.

>Flawed but compelling
"it's shit but I gotta maintain my access or else I won't be able to review Endgame!"

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Reminder that Aquaman was at 85+ when Disney pressed the shill button and brought it down to 65.

No way. See It's guardian of reddit all over again

>deletes over 50,000 negative reviews
>replace them with 50,000 positive reviews over night
>hope that nobody notices


So he really was Chadzam?

who voiced mr mind

Not helping your side with this, bro.

needs electricity flowing from the arms.

>david bowie
>anti-white apehop music

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It's not Marvel so it's automatically kino faggot

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how long before Brie trashes Shazam for not having enough black people in it?


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The absolute madman
Don't worry, the Marveldrones will be on it.

Have sex

there's a black female superhero in Shazam, something that was glaringly missing from Captain Marvel

Attached: 729172._SX1280_QL80_TTD_.jpg (1280x1969, 548K)

>same pose and all

just saw it. solid 4 outta 5.

That is so adorable.

Watch it quickly. It's the end credit scene

Drinking the Mousecuck tears.

damn, thanks mon

>Headless supes cameo

Come on WB
Either recast him or put Cavill in it
Not even worth putting that scene in if it's just a body double

I've only seen the trailer but this movie actually seems funny and wholesome. Doesn't seem like the typical whiplash "serious emotional scenes immediately made light by a quip at the end because we're insecure about our ability to create a serious emotional scene" tone you usually see in capeshit

Call me when his box office tops Captain Poltrigger

>He's on-model

you're retarded and illiterate
seek help

Not only cringe, but also tiresome after-credit sequel bait that will never be followed on, because DC will recast and reboot their shit every 5 months.

>I've only seen the trailer but this movie actually seems funny and wholesome

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Is it really surprising? They NEVER let embargos lift this early for the dceu movies. They were feeling confident as hell with this one

doubt that happens, they did an early release with a lot of promo tickets, and WB isn't going to falsify that these are sales, so the opening weekend numbers are going to be shit

most opening weekends account for 30% of total sales (unless you're CM and then it accounts for 50%)

mad mousecuck

Why would the sequel be about Mr Mind when there is a Black Adam movie in the production?

See Plebian tourist

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I seriously hope the success of Shazam! combined with Doom Patrol blows Disneyshills the fuck out forever. All the corporate bootlickers on this board had this coming.


Dr. Strangelove is as reddit as it gets duderino


>dr redditlove


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Because Shazam 3 is about Black Adam vs Shazam. I think like 2021 will be both Black Adam and Shazam 2. They already said Black Adam won't fight Shazam till his movie comes out.

this movie will age like milk

>*buys their own tickets*

Do they set up Tawky tawny ?

Why weren't shazam tourists not here in 2014/5?

no but theres a plushie

in addition to that the Mr. Mind scene sets up the 7 magical kingdoms that Johns is writing in the Shazam comic book now
One of which is a place where animals are human-like
So yeah, probably

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>another generic straight male
Now where have I seen this before?

Yea Forums humor is almost always weird, in-jokes that won't work out of context with Yea Forums. Reddit humor is almost always trying for mass appeal on social media.

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I like plushies :3


Hello my Reddit friend!

Your mom's wedding?



Just saw it. Whole theater was laughing out loud and having a good time. There was seriously clapping and cheering at the end.

Cute and based

It was okay but just too marvel-y for me. I liked BvS more. DC needs to remain darker

I expected like 50% and critics saying it's "problematic".

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>DC needs to remain darker
No it doesn't.


Hi Zack

This is probably the best thats ever been.

Mr Chadmind

Oh my!

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Oh so NOW the critic percentage matters got it

Not even a fan of capeturd but hot damn Shazam! was pure kino.

>rotten score for Alita and Shazam!
>Fresh for Captain Meme

Wow, really?

weird that DC always sets up Tawky as some kind magical animal when he's just a genetically altered Tiger to be super intelligent. Kids in the 40s got that.

>Another remake


Attached: chad zam.png (1300x900, 434K)

I'm not even a CM hater and it was such a letdown when you compare it to something like Alita.

>People saying the movie isn't dark

Confirmed for not having fucking seen it

>mfw everybody loves Shazam now...

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Not dark compared to Man Of Steel and BvS that could have fit in the Watchemen universe.

Wait, are you telling me the film about the child superhero is catered to zoomers? No way.

>Not dark compared to Man Of Steel and BvS that could have fit in the Watchemen universe.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums

My mom is a proud single mother, thank you

the power of snoy from Shazam! took them calm at this

Epitome of rotten goy critic. It's kind of scary how caricatures can be so close to reality.


Attached: chadzam-dabbing-you-into-the-armageddon.jpg (826x1280, 1.45M)

Just got back from the early screening. Easily the best DC movie (although Aquaman is just visually superior still obviously). Better than many Marvel movies. Best movie of 2019 so far imo.

>thinking any capeshit will flop

This is a list of the superhero movies since The Avengers in chronological order with their box offices. Some conclusions:

The commonality is making tons and tons of money.
All but four superhero movies since The Avengers has made over $600 million.
All of them since X-Men: Apocalypse have made over $600 million.
F4ntastic was the only bomb.
Justice League only flopped due to poisoning the brand and costing over $300 million.

Clearly financial success for cape movies is almost entirely uncoupled from quality. The only way to fail is either to go full Tranktastic or to vastly inflate the budget and then make the minimum of $600+ million. Capeshit cannot be stopped.

Just look at this shit:

The Avengers $1,518,812,988
The Amazing Spider-Man $757,930,663
Iron Man 3 $1,214,811,252
Man of Steel $668,045,518
The Wolverine $414,828,246
Thor: The Dark World $644,571,402
Captain America: The Winter Soldier $714,264,267
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 $747,862,775
The Dark Knght Rises $1,084,939,099
Guardians of the Galaxy $773,328,629
Big Hero 6 $657,818,612
Avengers: Age of Ultron $1,405,403,694
Ant-Man $519,311,965
F4ntastic $167,977,596
Deadpool $783,112,979
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice $873,260,194
Captain America: Civil War $1,153,304,495
X-Men: Apocalypse $543,934,787
Suicide Squad $745,600,054
Doctor Strange $677,718,395
Logan $616,795,600
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 $863,756,051
Wonder Woman $821,847,012
Spider-Man: Homecoming $880,166,924
Thor: Ragnarok $853,977,126
Justice League $657,924,295
Black Panther $1,346,913,161
Avengers: Infinity War $2,046,687,478
Deadpool 2 $734,245,921
Ant-Man and the Wasp $622,468,529
Venom $855,013,954
Aquaman $1,146,648,294
Captain Marvel $834,303,835 (and counting)

bitch, sit down be humble
bitch, sit down be humble

Post your face, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1551920344062.gif (458x337, 1.99M)

why do any of you care?

Yea Forums told me Shazam is gonna bomb, literally 4 hours ago.
Are you calling Yea Forums a bunch of MCUshills?

Saved. Thanks, based user.

I'm calling Yea Forums a bunch of morons. Yea Forums also said Captain Marvel would flop.

>Yea Forums - capeshit and celebrities

They're not going to let that happen after getting laughed at over TLJ's score.

Attached: 1552598964597.jpg (350x192, 21K)

>mfw the usual proMCU YTfags are praising this to no end.

BvS snyder cut was a masterpiece
suicide squad was nice
Justice League: Joss Wheedon reshoot edition was just Gay and bad,

Attached: smugzam.png (873x833, 162K)


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I want to eat his taint

I agree, had the chance to watch it and have SOUL

Why would you tell lies on the internet?


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Wow good job DC

It only look a hundred attempts before you finally got a RT score in the 90s

Now let's how this movies performs in the box office

good luck getting anything above $500 million lol

Now that it's something that Yea Forums agrees with, the reviews are legitimate.

Holy crap dat absolute SEETHE

Numales SEETHING at this post.

please reconsider your choices in life. no one cares about your post let alone remembers it once the thread is dead.

this has to be roleplaying, because between the reddit spacing and the dickish sarcasm it's just too on the nose

ITT: Seething discord trannies

well nobody's pushing an agenda with this film

strong grasping at straws vibes m8

Attached: ..3.png (404x241, 28K)

The SEETHING SQUAD, starring:

I guess I'm kinda defending cringey shit but you gotta realize we are all grown up now. Look back at movies that pandered to younger crowds from the 00's, 90's they're all filled with things that were "in" at the time with the younger crowd. We have become the "what has society turned into" old dudes that has always existed

Attached: wonder.jpg (763x323, 51K)

>88% audience
lol, i remember when RT didn't had to delete audience reviews...


Wonder Woman sucks though.

Weird how people don't see through the Disney BS

Thank fucking god

Shazam (formerly chuck)

So...who is a better performer, Brie or Zach?

Attached: cap-cringe-face.png (1520x1920, 3.4M)

Sure is friend

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Us is already out and Rotten Tomatoes hasn't changed their header (which they put up on the day they changed the site)

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2 negatives now, both from white males who gave Captain Marvel a fresh.

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ALita is missing

Cope harder marvelfag

>mfw even Collider is fellating Chadzam.

>t.Edgelord who thinks DC is only dark and gritty Batman shit

>It's not Marvel enough
>It's not The Dark Knight enough

Because they learned their lesson after Aquaman made 1B.


Attached: 1526745947738.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>Not (formerly Captain Marvel)

no user, zach literally was chuck

It was good. Except for that awful 3rd act

Oh shoot. I forgot about that show. My mistake

And even then the only real shit thing of the third act was how horrible Ares looks and how lame the fight was.
I hope they don't do the same in the sequel.

>Shazam!” harkens back to the slightly dangerous pleasures of what PG-13 implied in the ’80s, and does so without any of the cheap tricks that characterize nostalgia porn like “Stranger Things.”
Based, nostalgiafags BTFO

>formerly chuck
Ok that got me good

Happy for Zach, he deserves it.

So how long until the reviewers are done and we get the final percentage? Didn't MC take like a week?

>Game of Thrones "joke" in every slightly altered cut of the same trailer released three fucking times
It's even worse than nostalgia pandering: It's pandering to those fucking retards who film themselves watching flavor of the moment media.

gotta watch lego movie 2 now

jack dylan grazer is a future star

after it comes out, not all the reviewers get to these advanced screenings

Captain Fungal BTFO

Somebody shop in captain fungus instead of supes

easily the best of IT

the game of thrones joke was only in the first trailer you fucking liar

The unedited version is pretty kino imo.

Thats...legit kino

The ONLY good thing in Wonder Woman is the No Man's Land scene. The rest is bullshit. It's nothing but her droning on about Ares.

I don't like sex. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Attached: sandyvagina.jpg (1080x540, 108K)

cool. 80s nostalgia is always shit

Based Volcel

But...but, what do /ourguys/ Stuckmann and Jahns think about Shazam?

>knows god is with him
>radiates big dick energy

Attached: file.jpg (1000x600, 280K)

please someone do this!

Based marvelchad

>Gal Gadot’s charismatic performance

You say this yet you parrot all the work I did for anti-marvel posting, newfag


There needs to be a balance between dark and light.

Let's not be too formulaic like Mar-Vel.

>tfw the two best capeshits don't kill their main villians.

Holy moly!

If Billy won’t say it, wait’ll they get a load of me.

Attached: 0634D3AE-FB76-42A5-B166-AA74B92D127D.gif (734x1100, 237K)

>Didn't like Lego Movie 2
Aside from that 1 terrible joke it's kino through and through

Is that The Miz?

This kind of post used to be very relevant a few years back. Now Yea Forums has become full Reddit that they shit on this line of thinking

Let muh company wars begin

the people against that post aren't from Yea Forums
that pasta isn't even that old and t hey get upset like it's something new which tells you a lot

That post makes zero sense on the board where shilling to suport human garbage faggots like Pewdiepie is a everyday thing.

You’d have to be a seething nigger to type all this garbage.

Yea Forumsedditors who are protected by the janitor who is also from Yea Forums aren't part of this board

This image shouldn't exist, she actually looks cute here.


Why are you so new, shill?

yeah they only need owning the review site lmao
try again DCuck shill

>yeah they only need owning the review site lmao
The same one that they don't even own a lion's share of and featured their own movies for years getting trashed by?that one? really nigga? RT literally flipped over backwards to accommodate Captain Marvel.

>Yea Forums hates a film which is actually faithful to the core material and has the lighthearted zeal of a comic book
>Yea Forums champions a film which tosses out the established canon, relying on cheap quips, 90's nostalgia and levered-in feminist talking points

sure is bizarro world in here

Yea Forums doesn't like either

What the fuck? No dude it's the other way around.

>Yea Forums
you mean resetera

>there are hundreds of marvelfag 800million threads that disagree with you. Not to mention that cringy "have sex" shit.

wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the fucking weevils from that fucking graveyard scurried in here, like they did Yea Forums

the fuck did I GT that

>shit posters looking for (You)votes
"Have sex" is just like when calling something reddit was new

But it does

Attached: 1553392653354.png (606x700, 109K)

>they're just shitposters
It really doesn't matter. There have been hundreds of shill threads here over the last few weeks championing Marvel's latest social justice cashgrab, and people clapping like fucking circus seals over it

The state of MCUkeks

This is a very interesting post. Are you part of the twitter "DC" tranny group that kept spamming Captain Marvel threads in periods and then after being caught tried larping as paid shills on /pol/?

How the HELL can you derive that from my complaint about an overabundance of CM shill threads?

We've seen them do the same kind of thing here before and then make posts like yours. NO ONE here is praising capeshit.

>NO ONE here is praising capeshit.
This thread is literall praise for a capeshit movie

By people not from this board as you can see by the response to

>as you can see by the response to
>have sex

yeah, real stimulating arguments they're giving

No one here is buying what you're selling so move along.

Unironically based

Attached: lol.jpg (482x413, 98K)

>Critics Consensus: An effortlessly entertaining blend of humor and heart, Shazam! is a superhero movie that never forgets the genre's real power: joyous wish fulfillment.

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Alita was worse than Hiroshima.

DC is bouncing back and kicking Marvel ass.



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>joyous wish fulfillment
Damn straight.

Attached: D2UdRHjWoAAbdeT.jpg (1200x675, 54K)

Fpwp nigga

Theres no way this is not a literal Disney shill.

Fuckin BASED and mommypilled

Are the ones who praised it and all disney shit quote unquote "Disney shills" too or does that ruin your tourist company war tactics, numale?

Absolute state of Midwest Film Journalism

cute CUTE!

She's either a contrarian or she just has really shit taste
Who gives Shrek a rotten review?


unironically a disney shill

No, you stupid faggot.
Nobody but a retarded cuck shitposter would give this movie, or any modern capeshit, a fucking 3 unless they have a dog in the race.

Exactly, they would have been much lower

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This. Make her more doughy and it'll be perfect.

I see the disney shilling engine has reached its second phase.
Eat shit, mousefucker. The real Captain Marvel is here.

Attached: chad.jpg (2518x1024, 251K)

I can say without any fanboyism I'm happy for shazam. I might even see it in the theater.

It was true once, and then Feige finallly started sucking Iger's cock.

>It has fun moments but was unnecessarily violent for the tone they were going for
Lack of violence was the only thing I was really concerned about.

Why are shazam sois such newfags?

Captain Marvel was soi: the movie, and its defenders would be the first to proudly tell you this.

Those are disneyshill viral marketing threads, the "have sex" shit is just their incel boogeyman narrative

This. Fucking this.
Disney has to maintain its narrative that Captain Marvel was a good movie and can only use the money its made as an argument supporting this.
Their worst nightmare right now is the real Captain Marvel turning out good on its own terms. It'll hurt things for them in the long run and further solidify DC's redemption run that's recently started.
To top things off Endgame is pretty widely projected to be a stopping point for a lot of moviegoers when it comes to the MCU, which makes DC's timing for a redemption run even better.

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The best part is that this was made before the movies. The only people who liked this cunt were the same people who killed Marvel as a comics company.


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nice! shazam's still soi too though

Captain Marvel is the kind of guy who fucks soi wives to ensure a future for white children.

Attached: Captain-Marvel-Shazam-JSA-Alex-Ross-comic-book-cover-525x624.jpg (525x624, 60K)

In reality both are shit.