The great debate

The great debate.

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What are they debating about?

Whose black wife spent more of their money.

Even in a black and white still photo I see Michael rather than Al Pacino. That’s how you know that performance is special.

I wish we could replace Michael Corleone with Michael Scott in that movie. Would be hilarious.

Daniel Day Lewis. In all of the history of cinema no American can compete with British actors.

Attached: daniel day lewis gangs of new york034.webm (1920x816, 2.99M)

>can't bag the coal unless you pay the troll toll

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For me, it's Don Corleone

Is it still a debate? De Niro's a joke now.

I choose Muni

Attached: Paul_Muni.jpg (483x620, 31K)

I love classic films and Paul Muni is absolutely not special. You can get a better performance out of Channing Tatum.

I hope this isn't news to you but you're at least half jew

And Pacino is a bigger joke. De Niro kept his dignity a lot longer than Pacino.

Iconic Pachinko
>dog day afternoon
>the godfather part 1
>godfather part 2
>scent of a woman

Iconic DeNiro
>taxi driver
>the godfather part 2
>raging bull
>the deer hunter
>the untouchables
>cape fear

Need I say more?

Attached: UNTOUCHABLESMOVIE12.jpg (750x502, 90K)

You liked Cape Fear? I thought it was unwatchable shit, largely because of De Niro's God awful performance.

You forgot
>carlito's way

Rewatched There Will Be Blood yesterday, he really is a great actor. Those scenes when his hatred starts to take him over, I know that feel unfortunately, and he does a great job showing it without even saying a word.

Val Kilmer.

Attached: 1549413467959.webm (720x297, 2.94M)

based second best batman.

Attached: Batmans.jpg (1493x989, 183K)

both were excellent in the 70's, then slowly became caricatures of themselves and were heavily typecasted. I'd say de niro has the edge in terms of the quality of his movies (taxi driver, raging bull, and godfather 2 in particular put him over) but they're pretty close

Pacino can do more than one character.

Goodfellas and Casino aren't even good though.

That's your opinion.

Nah, they just fail at being movies. It's a visual medium. If you need to have a character talk over every single scene to explain something, you failed. Damn shame too, considering how good scorcese's earlier work is.


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Are you slow? It's okay if you're slow...

say hello to my

c h o c o l a t e

b l e n d

Michael Corleone is a better performance than anything De Niro has ever done, but Pacino really dropped into caricature in the 80s while De Niro stayed pretty strong.


Do you have a youtube film analysis channel I can subscribe to?


Christian Bale disagrees.

I found it unwatchable due to jailbait Juliette Lewis forcing me to pause the movie to masturbate and cry ever twenty minutes or so.

>select all images with taxis
Captcha has spoken. DeNiro wins.

Bale is British.

For me, it’s Harvey Keitel

i hate how they're randomly aiming left - right - left - right. where's the direction Mann?

It was good, accent was just a bit indistinguishable


He's just got out of the vehicle and probably doesn't know precisely where any threat is coming from so it's best to go into cover fire mode.

Attached: sicario car.webm (960x400, 1.14M)

Kinski >>>> Cazale >>>>>>> Brando >> 70s Pacino > 70s/80s De Niro > Nicholson > Hoffman > Gandolfini > G. Hackman > P. Seymour Hoffman > J. Phoenix > R. Harris > Guiness > Day-Lewis > Newman (after son's death) > M. Caine > Lemmon > Duvall > Penn > O'Toole > Hinds > Goodman > Bridges > ...

Movies are an audiovisual medium you dumb fuck. Goodfellas and Casino are top tier examples of exposition/narration done right in a live action feature film, and so is fucking Taxi Driver, and so is fucking Age of Innocence.
If anyone, it was Scorsese who mastered exposition through narration type of storytelling and did it the way that completely, entirely fit the nature of the film.
Before him, Kubrick did it right with Barry Lyndon, but other than that, most have failed.
I guess you could say Malick was a tad bit unique with his approach to narration but he has since degraded into making the same movie over and over and over again, which cemented his failure.

Casino is one of Scorsese’s lesser films

emphasis on "Scorsese's"