When is the monster hunter movie coming out?
When is the monster hunter movie coming out?
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7 months, 8 max
what the fuck is that shit
What a absolute unit.
weird looking animal tbqh. what is the purpose of all that mass around it's neck aread
Jesus! Look at the size of that thing!
they just chillin lol
Thst is a gorgeous animal.
is this achievable natty?
degeneracy general?
Absolutely massive.
He knows he couldn't take them on.
You're a bovine guy.
Do anyone else feel bad for animals? Nature is cruel.
Niuzao is roaming among us.
how fucking big are the walruses or whatever they are
now thats some prime beef steak right there
Biggest bovine in the world.
The some 3 billion years life has been on this planet, the untold harshness that must have taken place over that time is vast.
>Bear = A Russian
>Walrus = An American
what did they mean by this?
The beast steaks come from tiny incel cows, those Japanese and Australian premium cows are all small as fuck
It's good to watch, pessimists like to convince us that we are just animals and our superiority is made up. Every time we resist even the simplest of urges we demonstrate our superiority.
imagine you could never ever fucking chill out
schizophrenic paranoia is not a disease, it is the natural state of the mind
It's a dewlap, it provides extra surface area for cooling down.
>3 billion
and the fuckery really started about half a billion ago
White women also reach the same way when they see a black bull come to town ;)
you sound like a huge fucking bitch, tranny
>imagine you could never ever fucking chill out
Imagine the size of this unit when it was knocking about
suck it up faggot
there was a kid in that swing
bears shouldn't be allowed to stealth, that's some bullshit
the nigger of doggies
This was life in the hood... for real
The insect world surely has it the most harsh.
they're gigantic
holy shit MOGGED!
oh those don't matter since they are not cute just like my cartoons ofcourse!
>suddenly a black appears from nowhere
peak america
Rip you to shreds
>the virgin siberian tiger vs the chad manatee
what bbc series is this from? And is it in 4k?
Bill Murray looks concerned
> i has a bucket
>since they are not cute
Gods amongst insects.
goo goo ga joob
Has anyone ever found a picture that properly conveys how big whales are
god look at this shit
holy fuck how is that even fucking real jesus chrsit
that's incredible, how did he know how to hit it exactly right to pound it into the shape of a truck?
look at this thing fucking walk
and they be saying chickens who can't take a step without bobbing their heads are t-rexes
These are elephant seal, BIGGER than walruses (and more aggressive afaik).
The Hunt (2015).
last year i've been to a zoological anatomy museum and they had a whale liver, it was as big as me, it look like a big ass bed
he cute
Move over, white boy.
I'm here to inseminate.
>A bull southern elephant seal is about 40% heavier than a male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), more than twice as heavy as a male walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) and six to seven times heavier than the largest living terrestrial carnivorans, the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi).
HOLY shit.
>omg it's small and furry just like my toys!
and then you get his big bro on your window
>the ass
would you rather the predators die of starvation?
disney kino
more aminals pleas
Belgian Blues are a despicable breed
These niggers are specifically bred to have mutated, juicy, thick, tight and SOLID asses.
he looks like harvey weinstein
those aren't insects
imagine the steaks
what does such a fat piece of lard eat?
I cant image it can hunt for fish
Fucking look at him. He eats nothing but prime seal pussy.
He has white balls. He's a proud whitey.
Hey guys what's up
we take some of the existence of some of these beyond ridiculous animals for granted
all these myths about boring whatever bigfoots or unicorns or whatnot, but we have legit 150 ton heavy over 100 feet long fucking ocean Gods communicating through water at great distances with sonic fucking farts or something and these leopard like yellow horses with stupid ass long necks and whatnot I mean what the fuck
holy shit
>all right there's a spot I can set up in, papa's brining home a fish or seal ton--
That's some MGS shit
The one on the right looks really evil. Like a warhammer beastman
>it's a "great animal thread in the ocean of shit threads" episode
>creature with long neck
Yeah okay
>oh yeah and it's got cheetah spots and fucking horns as well
Fuck off, you're obviously just making up an animal you think sounds cool, you fucker.
>a wild hare has never died of old age
Truly you have lost the reincarnation game.
I could take them.
tigers are massive
No, but animals are conscious and have the same senses, feelings and pain that we experience. They even have different personalities. Is it really that weird to feel sympathy for them? I know i sound like a pussy writing this, but its an awful way to lose their life.
It would be tough as shit bro. Like eating shoe leather.
What kineaux accurately describe the extinction of the lion in America, Europe, and Asia?
>Just gonna take a little rest and close my eyes for a second...
that looks like a tiny bitchboy incel tiger lmao
I don't know man, I've always wanted to be killed by being mauled by a bear or a tiger than getting shanked by some random burglar
what would happen if someone were to sneak up on the tiger and kick him in the nuts right at that moment?
tom cruise does it again
These are great, literally saving Yea Forums for me
It was really big
He's mixed race.
And that's a good thing.
Gaurdamn, these things are muscular.
No they don't have the same senses and feelings. Sure they can feel pain (not all of them, for example bivalves), but the human experience is far broader than of any other animal.
Equating the experience of a human to a chicken is just dumb.
would the cat or chicken win in a battle
If they manage to die of old age, there's a special place for them.
How the fuck are butterflies a thing? You've got a worm thing that goes around chomping on leaves, then at some point it starts excreting shit and walls itself into a casket. Then out comes an entirely different animal that can fly. What the fuck. I blame children's books for making everyone just accept this miracle shit without being amazed every time you see one.
Virgin kitty vs the Chad Chicken
poor seals
Imagine living in a time before electricity, seeing this shit run by in candlelight. I'd fucking kill myself.
Probably the chicken if it gets mad
they probably feel a lot of the emotions we do, especially the social mammals. They just can't think about stuff abstractly or use language
your fight is over Pingu, you did well. at ease
they are really incredible, I know they have some core parts that don't turn into goo, the most incredible thing is, even after melting they still retain memory from when they were a worm
>realizing that no one is going to help you in those final moments
>dying a horrible death all alone
>not a single one of the penguins are genetically programmed to give a shit
Man, nature is a cold and uncaring place.
Don't sleep, keep your eyes open.
when will polar bearlets ever learn.
Why the fuck is it so goddamn buff? does it have muscle autism?
In Sri Lanka these fat fucks will lurk around roads and beg passing vehicles for food.
the scariest part is that there are probably at least 5 pack members nearby and this wolf is just a scout
what do walrus look like when they mate?
>Speed Vs. AGI + STR
Cheetah probably had to move over but nevertheless this is one of my favourite animal pics. The cheetah all expanded, kicking up sand and trying to intimidate, while the leopard looks ready to engage and wrestle with its poised head and neck showing its compact strength (they're the smallest of the Big Cats, but very powerful for their size, or in general).
how do I get traps like these bros
Look at that guy, he probably pounds prime Panthera pussy every night
wtf is he so mad about ?
>You will never get half stoned and hunt dugga boys in the brush with your buddies
Top kek
you done good, son.
sleep now.
>beg for food
but he just took it
just like natives and illegal toll boths
literal blacks
"All the best fishes were hers"
At least rabbits have burrows and warrens. Hare are solitary. They're born on the bare ground and only exist to keep predators from starving.
>'tis merely a scratch!
Tom & Jerry scream
Double muscled bovines are regularly consumed. 100% natural, is a spontaneous mutation that reduces myostatin.
jesus christ just end his suffering
Why are penguins so good at portraying human suffering
99.99% of all sentient life on this planet has died a horrific, gruesome death.
Be glad you live in a time period where humans can actually die peacefully.
Imagine how bug your balls need to be to share a bed with one of these
>Just a flesh wound, I can walk it off
I am 100% convinced I can take it down in a fight
god just imagine that BBC.
Cats take care of business.
Its fat that makes the meat tender and flavorful.
Go have some bison if you want stringy flavorless shitmeat.
probably the awkward upright waddling
What if it's this chicken?
When they don't have food on the outside they'll reach their trunks into windows and other openings to see what they can get. Some people keep fruit in their car to throw to the fatasses to distract them.
fucking elephants and their gimmiedats
i want to hug them
Honestly every time I see a big cat I just want to scratch him behind the ears and rub its tummy.
6,000 years give or take retard
fucking retard
hope he wakes up to his face on the floor
If the leopard gets close the cheeta is seriously fucked
fucking HEX user
attack cat attacks.
>Warcraft 3 Intro
the fuck is that, that thing looks like a fursuiter.
Squatz and oats
that doesnt look like a blue whale, second largest whale maybe
either way, look up whales exploding to really see how big they are
>so big and fat if they sit on land too long they explode from all the gases inside being crushed
reminds me of my 6th grade reading teacher.
whale breaching videos are kino
Brb, burning all trees near me.
>try to open any picture in this thread
>takes 10 years to load
why the hell is this happening
>hope he wakes up to his face on the floor
what did he mean by this
The wolf holds the place it does in folklore for a reason.
Cheetahs are the weakest cat. It's a miracle they haven't went extinct for the amount of other predators who just steal from them instead of hunting on their own.
>on vacation in Medditerrean
>sitting and enjoying tea somewhere
>see a small tree with a chicken on it
>one by one more chickens flap onto it
>tiny tree ended up with 10 chickens
I do not prefer that kind of meat from double muscled, but they are consumed, there is a marbling component that could not be associated with the myostatin-lacking effect.
Myself, I prefer the cattle from my homeland. Big, but standard looking and with nice meat.
We should be planting more trees not burning them.
Is she okay?
Pretty sure that Bear is desperate and eventually winds up trying to attack one of the adult Walruses. The bear gets a tusk to the leg, rendering him permanently unable to hunt. The bear just lays down to starve to death and the Walruses proceed to ignore him.
wtf is that
Is that a parasite?
how do the whales see them up on the ice from under the water
Furries ruined wolves for me, all I can think about is that some guy out there is finding this animal sexy or some shit
What the fuck kind of moth is that?
No, is a sex thing. I am serious.
Based Chad cat dealing with the soiboi
Jesus Christ. While I'd never be that much of a faggot, I'm really glad I don't have any cats.
just a harmless moth
this is my new favorite moth
fucking 'ell
That's a big cock
>ctrl f
>for you
>0 results
Cute as fuck
Fucking asshole animal let seal bros have a comfy time already.
came here to post this
Punished Frog
For you.
>insecure edgelord, has to torture mouse to satisfy its ego
>inefficient, wasting all that energy on something that small
>probably wouldnt eat it anyways because its a sheltered bitch who gets fed by a human, would just leave it to rot and stink
>ruthless but not sadistic, goes for the kill
>starts eating it immediately, killing blows = chewing bites
>gets fed also but knows the value of supplementing its diet
It's probably on your end, m8
The Beatles weren't Americans
based pube tentacle moth
>it's a penis
is this the bbc version of moths
>you want some too, huh?
>i can take 5 of you fags
>you should see the other guys
>i'm just-...a little....tired
Poor Pepe
>not leaving the bug somewhere near where it can catch it on its own
>skipping leg day
I would abandon my fucking house if this thing got in.
why that dingu got gills tho
>donald trump at the G20 summit
>they still retain memory from when they were a worm
how did scientists communicate with them and learn that they had memories?
>what u lookin at white boy?
They often have their kills stolen from them, but they also have one of the highest success rates. Issue is that they can't really climb trees and take their kills to safety like a Leopard can. The fact they're not extinct says something though.
every other website loads fine and speedtest doesnt say im lagging. dont know whats happening
nothing degenerate about admiring the beauty of nature
I'd kill that if I saw it anywhere near me, I'd kill it really hard
Animals experience many or all of the same emotions as us, to varying degrees. We're not magic space aliens with a line of superiority which evolved just as we did. What arbitrary distinction based on absolutely nothing do you think separates us from different animals which operate using and are based off of the exact same chemical signals?
Rats' faces express joy when the animals are tickled.
>Fairness matters to monkeys; when food offered to their social partners is of higher quality than what they themselves receive, they become highly agitated.
>Pigs experience hope, which we know because if raised in decent conditions they anticipate that pleasurable things will happen to them.
Can it even fly?
Based Batman LARPer
I would burn it down. And the entire neighbourhood as well. Hell, just nuke the whole city just to be safe.
Chickens descended from highly capable Jungle fowl. Harsh instincts are still inside of them.
Fuck reality how fucking dare it.
that nigga be pumped full of hormones and antibiotics since birth, his meat is poison
Hi Benson
He's a big guy
>animal walking around in a third world shithole country
>it *isn't* immediately abused by the locals
>nor does it crush a chinaman into paste
What a twist
yes it only extracts its tentacles when it's trying to attract a mate
if I remember it right they got the caterpillars, and played a sound just before giving them an electric shock, once they turned into butterflies everytime they heard the sound they would go crazy
Who would win in a battle?
So, that is a moth-dude. He produces pheromones in order to attract females. He shits them out from those (retractile, IIRC) structures.
The ability to produce those structures and an high amount of pherormones is connected to the diet. If the boy as a caterpillar does not eat the right plants, he has no game.
is this why the fire moth pokemon was based on? because of how large its genitalia is?
hippos, not even close
this is so cartoonish I can't even believe it's real
I am not the guy who took the picture, I just saved it long time ago from some thread.
Not at all. Grow up faggot, animals eat eachother.
Just now, a lion devoured Bambi and her family.
fuck off insect fags
on land or water?
white rhinos weight much more than hippos and are faster. hippo gets fucked
Comes with having a good jawline.
hippos are fast on land
anyone have the webm of the moosing rushing in the snow
lions are african and bambis are european tho
fucking lol
have a goat
still clumsy. also would a black rhino or white rhino stand more of a chance?
most cats play with their prey
>mfw spider-man and spider-man 2 are the best capeshit films released in the past 20 years
Wolves are kino
>trying this hard
lol faggot
animals don't tend to have the urges we do. theirs are mostly contained to survival.
"Wouldst thou like the taste of butter?"
holy fuck it killed with the force of screams shieeeeeeeeeet
that rhino has it's horn cut off to deter poachers
What's the point of this image? That tigers are the biggest cat? No shit
fucking bodied
Based demon poster.
>sinatras "my way" gently playing in the background
oh god no whatthe fuck
fucking lol
he cute
No, Volcarona is based on this majestic fucker
The jungle is a harsh place.
merda de cobra, uma delicia.
No oil in sight
user confirmed for never actually seeing Bambi. What a loser.
underrated post
The most amazing part of that is that we've observed orca pods who know how to do it coming into contact with orca pods who don't, and subsequently teaching them how to do it.
fucking kek
based antique memery
Is this the cuck penguin?
wtf is this real?
man fuck poachers that rhino would've fucked that hippos stupid mouth up
could 1 on 1 any of these "animals" itt
peak reddit comment
i giggled for a while, man
why is this thread here and not on /an/?
See, and learn the lesson well, young mortal. Past all the friends, all the family, the women you've loved, past all the relationships, casual acquaintances and casual familiarity, when your time comes (and its coming) you leave this existence completely alone
fuck off, faggot
it is about the monster hunter movie, why would it be on /an/?
Why are you here and not in the ovens?
Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.
Even animals get stage fright.
Based deer
>bugs aren't cute
WOW, rude!
Very true.
that americans are brown.
I wanna fug that bug!
When will science give us permanently tiny baby llamas to keep as pets?
why do they pick random pieces of ice in the middle of the fucking ocean to sleep on?
>the married with children episode with kelly dancing to this
I bet she rubbed one out that very night imagining what would have happened if she had let the deer have its way.
>help I'm retarded
>tfw them Jedi tricks don't work on you
No he hasn’t he’s been breed to be like that
This is straight out of the end of a korean thriller, they are only missing the cigarretes.
literally highway robbery
Thread's on autosage so I'll just post this.
>>inefficient, wasting all that energy on something that small
Maybe this one, but cats are one of the most successful predators out there.
You can see the rhino hit with its horn but since it's cut nothing happen. Had it been there, it would've went through the hippos upper jaw and it would've been utterly fucked
stay calm user, you are among peers
Less likely to get eaten by a polar bear.
On the other hand, they now have cheeky whales to deal with.
I hate poacher even more now.
Wild cats, maybe. Not their pampered bitch cousins.
That's a good boi
nah m8, it's just you. sorry.
Is the huge larvae edible? Imagine being in some bear grylls situation and coming across one that's big enough for a proper meal.
based deer hunting that human pusy
Blessed image
>the pajeets of the animal world
>driving up behind a scared moose running down the street
That's a REALLY good way to get yourself killed. It's what I expected it to end in.
birds unironically deserved that shit
How does it know?
I believe orcas can just put their head above water and see just fine.
schlop schlop schlop
>Ah shit, Mark got hit by a car and died
>time to summon the Dark Lord I suppose
Why is it randomly shooting webs out?
No, really, the house cats too. They can get birds/mice/bugs all the time no problems.
it's funny how cats start being serious business at like 20 lbs
Some men just want to watch the world burn
Cheetahs are pussies. Leopards best cats
Well you say that.
I don't care what's the meaning in spicland and similar, buddy.
Thanks to this site all I could think of was that the deer's been indoctrinated by /k/ visits.
They don't.
magpies are based. possibly the most intelligent animals
looks like the fucking Alien
What exactly is going on here?
Cheeky cunt
>when you have the high ground
Maybe strays, I saw a feral hunt a rat once and it was not a game at all. Snapped its neck instantly and sulked off into the woods
For some people, yeah. But if you play your cards right and have a little luck, you could die with your kin all around you.
I say I say
Manlets, when will they ever learn?
did he died?
been happening to me too. hiro is up to something.
What a tiny big guy.
>horns cut off
>rhino already looked tired/woonded
>fight's in the water
Absoluto bullcrap, fight was rigged. Rhinos are clearly the superior units.
depends how hungry they are, i guess
my cat doesnt even eat his preys
Baited hard. Bird gambled and paid for it dearly.
did he ever figure out how to get the apples out of the ice?