Why does he hate white people?
Why does he hate white people?
Telling "black" stories doesnt mean he hates whites.
Just as telling "hite" stories means you hate blacks.
Hes a good director.
Jealousy, like all non-whites
He hates white LIBERAL people.
Pretty based if you ask me
But he is 50% white
Wasnt he raised by whites?
because he's white and white people are supposed to hate themselves now or they're racist. That said isn't us not about white people?
>make movie about white liberals valuing blacks only for their bodies (as seen in sports, porn, voting drives)
>the alt right takes it as a personal insult and a war on white people
He's half black and half white.
Resentment from being born a monkey.
Yea ... it’s like trend now.... See how Brie did. “Us” definitely is going to join 1trillion dollar club like tomorrow (笑´・艸・)
Why wouldn't he? White people are so hateable.
Shhhhhh they don't care about context
He is a good director, but lets not act like Get Out wasn't about racial prejudice
He looks like a nigger to me.
In get out he largely critiques white people who overly and go out of their way to be nice to blacks as well as their fascination with them. It wasn't so much about how whites are keeping the black man down.
Why is the blind white guy still a racist though?
>great idea about turning typical shitty home invasion into grade A material about evil dopplegangers murdering you to replace you and be evil
>last 20 minutes reveal the government cloned literally everyone who’s ever lived and they’re all hanging out together underground with leather gloves and golden scissors just chilling
Fucking dumbass
but takes a 100% victim mentality approach like all mixed blacks. When in doubt scream racism and ask for reparations. gibs me dat
Get Out is more about annoying whites fetishizing blacks with cuck shit, porn, and overly enthusiastic appeals to people of color for virtue points, the evil white people are liberals who gloat about voting for Obama to a black guy’s face.
I don’t even think there’s a stereotypical redneck white supremacist in the movie.
Imagine NOT hating white people lol
I will never watch get out or us, SUCK MY DICK
Well considering one just shot and killed 50 innocent defenseless people. Funny how a black person has never done anything that sadistic
>Why does he hate white people?
because we suck
That doesn't mean anything. It's like dropping a turd into a saucer of milk.
>get out was about subconscious racist liberals
how do people still need to even question this?
Liberals are too dumb to be outwardly racist, it's always some gayer form like bigotry of low expectations
You can tell the retards who never bothered watching Get Out or Us because neither movie is “muh white people bad”. Get Out was satirizing on woke white liberals
>DC Snipers
>HiFi Murders
Good for him! I'm still never watching it though.
>He's a good director
Yeah because someone who rolls an A cam and B cam during an entire movie, while the DP keeps zoom lenses on them the entire time because you know nothing about focal lengths makes you a good director...
This. I think they resent being dragged in to civilized society too, I mean we had to take them kicking and screaming and they've never thanked us. If it wasn't for whites these spear chuckers would be lion food in Africa with an average life expectancy of 8. Those fucking savage animals would never have reached the Neolithic Era, not if we have them another 100 million years
Jesus Christ uncle Ben
Imagine being this retarded
because there's good money in it
Where am I wrong faggot. I await your feedback
we are talking about niggers not women
he’s half black
he’s painfully aware if he had black parents he’d be a toothless bum sucking dick for crack on MLK boulevard
and he’s got a massive chip on his manlet shoulder
I am not a defender of women. I think they're practically worthless, but the white woman is league's more intelligent and capable than the average negro. Now, propaganda tries it's best to make women as shitty as possible, thank jews for that, but unmolested the comparison between white women and the north American pavement ape allows for this simple conclusion.
Everyone over 40 or 50 absolutely hated niggers in their youth
Self-loathing oreo. Mutts typically end up hating one their halves.
All of his favorite filmmakers are white.
Racism is natural.
Africans are the most natural people on the planet.
Jews are the problem.
Africans are the most natural people in Africa. Remove these worthless apes from the Americas
i was 99% sure it was crowder shooped black wtf
t. Some edgy, thin-skinned, euro mutt
If you disagree so much refute my claims. I'll be waiting, nerd
It's clearly not about prejudice. It's about fetishization and virtue signaling.
Yeah, you didn't do shit but sit on Yea Forums and be edgy on a Saturday afternoon
>ignore that anons claim
>people aren't edgy every day of the week
Blacks and self hating whites will watch the movie regardless if it is good or not. Then you have all Movie critics afraid to call it out if it is shit and that in turn makes others watch.
What claim is there to be had?
Haven't done shit but samefag and be edgy.
He doesn't even look mixed. He got 100% black genes in this case
Out of all the questions that left me with, the biggest one was how many of the clones were shot dead.
>if it wasnt for whites
i dont give a shit if that fag is speaking on behalf of the people who built the world
unless youre just arguing that fact that he's a fag using the advancements of whites to up his own credibility, but thats not how i originally read his thing. You were upset by his 'we' though
He grew up in the Upper West Side. If he was physically the blackest mother fucker on Earth he'd still be whiter than 99% of actual white people.
>raised by white mom
>married a white woman
>makes a movie telling liberals to fuck off with their own brand of racism
I don't think he hates white people, but instead wants desperately to be accepted as white since his hobbies and the things he enjoys are as white as you can get, but hates how people value him for being an 'insight into the black mind.'
>Liberals are too dumb to be outwardly racist
yeah brah racism is too smart for us
So, yes he was raised by his white mother.
Half black/half white people tend to be the biggest advocates of racial activism
Insecurity propped by a society that is conveniently in need of it is my best guess
It's true that 2x = 4, solve for x, is too hard for blacks
Imagine a scenario in which this film was written and directed by a white man, heterosexual and cisgender, and that every character's race was swapped, ie the protagonist and her family are now white, white characters were black, etc. Do you believe the film would have garnered the same acclaim? Do you think this white director would've been so vehemently lauded, shilled, and oft compared to Coppola, Scorsese and even Kubrick? Really activates the almonds when one considers this, doesn't it?
I know literally zero about Jordan Peele. Does he unironically hate white people? Sauce or it didn't happen.
they are way to dumb to understand race and IQ, that's for sure.
Imagine being this much of a delusional retarded cuck
it's not worth trying to explain to someone who wouldnt be ashamed to be associated with modern day liberalism
anyone could do it but it wouldnt be heard or understood
too* you illiterate fucking retard. you make the white race look bad, if you're even white which is doubtful.
too* dumb
he's still smarter than any jerry curl, obama looking, monkey fuckhead
Did you see the movie? That family acted less black than Wayne Brady. Hell, their best friends in the film was a white family.
So yeah, switch out directors and have the protagonist white family be best friends with a black family and no one bats an eye.
desu I just want to see some street niggas have to deal with horror bullshit. I hope his next film is about a monster or serial killer wreaking havoc in the projects and it's up to a bunch of thugs to stop it.
It's pretty amusing watching you faggots turn against each other because of the guy from Mad TV
he hates his mom who exploited him for popularity points
>these spear chuckers would be lion food in Africa with an average life expectancy of 8
he's absolutely right
>only thing keeping clones from leaving their confinement is a fucking backwards escalator
This was some b movie tier shit and while the first few moments of Us was decent, the rest was garbage. How the fuck did it get 97% on RT?
Because if you dont think its flawless youre a massive racist.
With the races swapped, it’d be considered a flash in the pan mumblehorror flick like A Quiet Place or Bird Box.
why would i or anyone put any effort into refuting that pile of vomit you posted.
you can't nerd, you literally can't. Everything I said is correct, it just offends you because propaganda has made you fear the truth. Try killing yourself faggot
>married a white woman
He married a jew
Jheri curl stupid fuckin underage little cunt
why should I care about their fucking ape language, they don't care about ours
Jesus christ is this board so bad now that this is the only thread on this kino?
if we're going to discuss nigs we should have trayvon martin threads instead, they're way more fun
The lives of other people's races can be interesting for that in itself. I don't think it's a big deal.
Can we just end this?
Hate everyone. White black yellow purple.
There's probably tons of families like that. It's ok.
I watched Get Out not long ago, and it wasn't even very good. Some good performances, but I thought the plot was kinda stupid. The movie gets its acclaim from stoking race relations alone.
Quick rundown?
So white people can hate him and he can't hate them back?.
He's alright. That bullshit about him being "the next Hitchcock" is outrageous though. The next Charlie Brooker, more like.
>The next Charlie Brooker, more like.
It’s like everyone forgot that police officer bit
You sirs have won all of my internets for tonight.
I just saw it. Good to great horror flick but flawed. There's a plot twist Stevie Wonder could see coming and a gaping plot hole. It still doesn't detract from a damn good film. Peele isn't the next Hitchcock or anything but he's becoming a very good horror director.
You do realize there are Africans living in Africa that live better than you right now, right?
Why not?
italians are 50% white, not this guy
are you stupid? do you know where black people come from? have you ever seen what an african looks like?
it was but it was literally making fun of virtue signaling whites, not all white people
Then watch Tales from the Hood, faggot
If you don't think the police are out of control, you probably aren't an american.
This. If anything, it was running down elitist lefties.
i think its something expected of famous black people. like im sure black artist hate their white fans and probably get shit by other black artist if they have more white fans than black fans.
Your lack of self awareness is fucking laughable
>why does he hate white people
Because he married a Jew.
Blacks dont naturally hate whites, they're tricked into it.
The hair style was created by Jheri Redding who was a white man.
oh no social commentary on police brutality