This is my favourite movie, what does that say about me...

This is my favourite movie, what does that say about me? I saw it when I was way too young for it but it left an impression on me that only grew with age.

Attached: TheWheat.jpg (1280x720, 100K)


>I saw it when I was way too young
You explained it right there. Nostalgia motherfucker.

Typical plebeian movie

I guess it depends on whether you think it's pretentious or not. I don't think it is and love it too.


Yeah, it's mine too

the republic was more corrupt than the principate. they had also been completely useless and idle for quite some time by the time commodus died. giving them power again would have been terrible, incredibly ineffective and bad for everyone.

We will never now if this is true, Commodus was horrible though. Completely irrelevant to the movie though.

It says that you're probably a meathead or a jarhead. Gladiator is the favorite of football players and other dumb jocks. Ditto Braveheart.

Anyone who doesnt like this movie is a contrarian faggot or extremely based for their BRAVE views

Why is heroism laughed at so much these days? Gladiator is way better than braveheart btw.

>giving them power again would have been terrible, incredibly ineffective and bad for everyone.
Honestly giving them power again wasn't even an option. By the time Commodus took power (180), the Senate hadn't had any real power in more than 300 years. If someone killed the Commodus and said "oh yeah btw Rome should be a Republic now", what would have happened is the praetorian guard would have just picked someone new to be emperor. Either that or whoever was in charge of the Rhine or Danube legions would just march into Italy and declare himself emperor.

It's pretty popular among history nerds too.

>the Senate hadn't had any real power in more than 300 years
*200 years

I was quite succesful athletically, also have a phd though.

because you understood that a man's worth is his honor and his honor comes from virtue

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>It's pretty popular among history nerds too.

I'm a history nerd and I find it laughably Hollywood.

You sure this isn’t a grass mod for Fallout NV?

It says you're pretty based and probably not a Beta, there's hope for you yet.

Great movie i haven't seen it in a while, need to correct that

Heroism isnt laughed at. Machismo is laughed at.

Attached: 60234-macho-man-0-230-0-345-crop.jpg (230x345, 43K)

Well you're in good company because Gladiator is also Rob Gronkowski's favorite movie.

Why are there tyre tracks ?

Wagon tracks user

Why is Maximus not a hero? The arena is just a front, his perseverance in order to survive there and the choices he makes outside of it is what makes him a hero.

That is a "I hate Volkswagen because of Hitler" tier argument. Pleb.

It's only in the story to pander to modern political sensibilities and set up the conflict. It's a janky premise but fortunately everything else works great.