Its a Truman goes to a restaurant by himself episode

>its a Truman goes to a restaurant by himself episode
Why does he keep doing this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If he’s anything like me it’s because he enjoys the food at certain locations more than he enjoys the company of people

Why the fuck there's an alligator in his shadow?

Get some sleep

Kek I see it

Serious question, is going to a restaurant by yourself honestly considered weird?

>it's a Truman finally fixed his sleeping schedule and got up before 8 am but now it's 5:30 pm and he still hasn't left his bed episode

>still no Truman Show TV show
why even live bros?

Depends on the restaurant
The fancier it is the stranger it is


Nobody cares enough to notice, unless you act funny

You sir a fine gentleman and have earned my internet points for today.

>it's a Truman wakes up from his failed suicide attempt after 26 hours and discovers that he shat himself episode

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>It's a Truman goes to Wendy's every night because he likes the music their dining area has episode
Lonely fucking weirdo

only for insecure faggots who have to constantly see approval from those around them

I go to restaurants alone all the time with a book and nobody cares.

Here, have a brapp on the house.

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You have to go back

>it's a Truman walks around with headphones on but he's not actually listening to music episode

Depends on the restaurant. Small diner or cafe? Not weird. Fast food joint, restaurant chain or buffet? Weird.

>going to fast food joint alone is weird now

Of course it is user. Fast food has no nutritional value and it's only redeeming quality is the drive thru. Anyone sitting inside a fast food restaurant who isn't with friends, family, or coworkers is automatically going to be judged

>It's a "Truman watches natural disaster and 9/11 videos for 3 hours straight" episode again

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>it’s a Truman does an 8ball and swears it’s his last episode

You got it backwards mate

Fuck off, he can stay. YOU should go where you want him to go


Failed suicide terrifies me more than the thing itself

I don't think I do but I eat alone everywhere regardless

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I'm literally doing this right now. It's comfy.


>it's a Truman discovers the wonder of DoorDash, entering a promo code for big savings on his first order episode

THAT's how you do product placement.

> it’s a Truman loses his license so he has to walk his way to the liquor store with his dog. Truman ties his dog up outside and only goes in the liquor store for three minutes the whole time worrying someone might take his dog episode

>its a Truman jerks off to tranny porn in front of the whole world episode

Did Truman lose his license because of the liquor

>it's a Truman looks at his high school female best friend on Instagram on whom he had a massive crush on for years but didn't do anything about it and now sees she's become even more beautiful than before
I understand they need fillers in between seasons but reruns get tiring fast

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Getting real sick of this one

have sex

> It's a Truman experiences upper abdominal pain and bile in his stool after a decade of binge drinking so he tries to stop drinking. He's made it 11 days so far but doesn't know how much longer he can hold on.

>it's a Truman reads about serial killers on wikipedia in complete silence until 4am episode

KYS my man

>it's another Truman gets high and drunk by himself and ponders why he's alone for what feels like the 10000th night in a row episode
God damn it not again

>Its a Truman tries to change his body and mindset for a couple of months but it doesnt seem to be working

I really hope he makes it.

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>its a truman orders a copious amount of food and hopes nobody assumes it's all for him

Welp at least I'm not alone

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> It's a Truman creates his own successful porn channel for free that he shares with the world. episode

you'd think this plot device would run dry at some point, but it just keeps on going

it's just banter you autist

> it's a Truman leaves a party alone and walks around town for a couple hours before going home and going to sleep to girlfriend ASMR around 3AM
Jesus Christ this is a terrible arc, hope they fire the writers
My least favorite part is when he finds that one bikini pic she posted and just starts masturbating

>Truman thinking twice about going to a restaurant alone
Truman does whatever he pleases whenever he pleases. It won't change the fact that he's alone, but he does whatever the fuck he wants to, always.

Get rid of social media bros. It’s bad for mental health. I know there are positives that can be made from it but overall I believe social media is bad for mental health. Don’t play that game.

> It's a Truman's niece sits on his lap and Truman wonders what the optics of this situation is episode.

> it's a Truman finds similarities between himself and notable mass murderers episode
Jesus Christ these get old

>he sees her smiling and his glad she's happy even though it kills him inside
Thinking about turning off the tv lads

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> It's a Truman can't stop daydreaming about that one girl from years ago that he never talked to, and he's still envisioning their lives together including their house and the names and personalities of their three children and these daydreams are the only thing that has made him happy over the past four days episode.

>the jew recoils, knowing he's been found out

>it's a 'truman jerks off to old high school pictures of women he's friends with on facebook' episode
When's the next tornado episode?

How old is Truman's niece this particular episode again?

> It's a Truman tickles his cousin's feet and then spends the rest of the episode masturbating in the bathroom episode
These are just hard to watch at this point

Judging by your post and your taste in disgusting underage goblins, you probably just don’t notice how fucking grotesque you really are

>it's a truman drops out of uni, lives like a cockroach with his parents, masturbates 3 times a day and gains 50 pounds in 4 months saga
Hope this season ends fast

Those are great, desu. My favorite tornado arc was 2011

Lol what do you mean you're not alone? We're talking about the Truman Show. There's no way any of this would actually happen in real life

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>it's a Truman takes a shower for first time in 6 months which clears his sinuses and when he opens the door to his room it suddenly smells like a fart sealed in a sarcophagus for a thousand years episode

Everyone notices but if they're all strangers it's negligible

>it's a 'truman throws pissbottles at the neighbours party' episode
My favourite kind of episode


>it's a truman stays up late most nights, unable to sleep due to memories of afghanistan, all the while laughing while watching the live stream of the NZ shooting, making him question his humanity episode

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>its a Truman remembers that time he made out with a high school crush in the bed of his dad's pick-up truck, and she unexpectedly made him mount her doggy and then unexpectedly switched it up and made him go up her bunghole and he was so surprised he didn't really move and she pushed on for a while then got up and started apologizing to him and he just never could figure out why episode
That Truman sure does seem like a total spazz. What was he supposed to do? He was ok but she got too embarrassed.
>spoiler: Truman loved her but she was such a whore. About six years later that girl crashed her car passing out drunk and died. He still beats off to her amazing brapper.
C'mon Truman!! That was 20 years ago, let it go already -_-

>its a Truman has a good job thats pays insanely well but has zero social life and just spends every weekend wishing he had something to do

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Feels like this one's been running for years

>its a truman stays up until 4am episode
I mean if he's just gonna watch simpsons clips on youtube, why am i even watching?

>it's a truman runs into stacy from high school while getting back into an old hobby and, despite the fact she's put on weight, stacy is better than him at it episode
Still trying to digest that one

At least there are those fan sites that track Truman's net worth and a countdown until he could afford retirement.

>it's a truman is a disabled veteran so he gets paid $1630 a month just for existing, and he just sits around drinking beer and playing video games all day episode

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>the delivery guys cheerfully says he brought plenty of plates and napkins

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>It's a Truman dabbles in the occult and takes the cake of light episode

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>It's a Truman comes home from a night out and breaks down crying because no matter how social he tries to be, he knows he'll always be alone episode
I wish they'd just write a conclusion to the arc already, it's getting really boring to watch

What about that shy girl Truman had his eye on? That arc could be interesting.

Aw keep your chin up user. No really keep your chin up you're turkey-necking

>that episode where Truman rapes the girl next door and everyone at work has to pretend they're unaware even though everybody is visibly more nervous than usual

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>but she was such a whore
jesus how disrespectful can you be to someone who actually initiated buttsex and had the grace to apology when she thought you were put off? many other sluts would just assume you pussied out. apologize to her spirit at once

Truman should be careful with his dog

It was funny the first episode but I feel their using it as a crutch now.

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That's all Truman does anymore is use it as a crutch

>It's a Truman should be finding a job and getting on with his life but is wasting too much time episode

dont ever post on this website again faggot

yes, if you do it more than once they'll ask you to leave

What if I dress dapperly?

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>its a truman has resorted to only being able to talk to one girl and instantly gets a dopamine rush every time she messages but most of the messages are just problems in her life that she talks about because her boyfriend doesn't want to deal with it

oh man, this arc is just as similar to the one where he got himself in a similar scenario but got ghosted

>that Truman episode where he was chastised by an anonymous poster for calling his old crush a whore episode episode
Later on in that season it was revealed that she really was a whore, literally but also did anything you wanted if you picked her up and got her drunk or stoned. She knew what she was and really didn't care as long as you were bringing the party.
>Truman was a long time admirer of hers but only got with her that one time and never again memorial episode
Truman was a bit naive and autistic as a youngster

If you go to a restaurant alone you have to spend the whole time smoking and typing on a laptop with a tortured look on your face.

>it's a truman swears tonight is the night he'll start his novel but ends up watching youtube and browsing Yea Forums instead all night

>it's a trumans niece keeps trying to sit in his lap while he nervously laughs and keeps pushing her off while looking around the room uncomfortably episode

>it's a truman falls in love with a woman who doesn't exist in his dreams and spends an hour trying to fall back asleep and resume the dream unsuccessfully

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This arc is still going on? Will it ever end?

sounds kinda comfy actually.

>it's a Truman gets matched with a cute girl on tinder but to his disappointment realizes it's another hacker who wants his whatsapp or skype id for dank purposes episode

>it's a truman and his cousin lose their virginity together one night but it destroys their relationship and makes her bitter toward him for the next twenty years saga

best post all day

Everyone is too self-absorbed to care about you eating in a restauraunt or watching a movie by yourself. No one is going to take a picture of you and make it a social media hit. Relax. In the city there are all kinds of weird people. People talking to themselves. At best people stare. No one really cares. Hell you could even poop yourself on the street and nobody would say anything.

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>it's a truman reaches over to his dog and starts jerking it off curiously for fifteen minutes episode


that's obviously Grimace

>it's a 'truman thinks about the man he could have been if he didn't suffer from crippling anxiety' episode
When is this arc going to finally end?

>it's a truman kills a guy and everyone has to pretend they don't know but everyone is visibly frightened around him episode

>it's a truman drinks a refreshing bud light episode


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Oh shite i remember that one. Its similar to
>that Truman episode where that cute Asian stripper gave him lap dance and she rubbed herself firmly on his penner so hotly that he nutted in his pants but she kept going because she was masturbating on him episode
Truman is a madman even without alcohol or drugs. In fact i believe he will be clean 18 years this year. Great job Truman u da man!

>it's a truman cums in his own mouth then instantly regrets it episode

in Europe: no
in America: definitely

>it's a truman drives around town cruising for gay sex but the crew and actors don't know because no one knows what he's thinking so everyone is left clueless why he keeps driving around certain parts of town at night for hours sometimes

>It's a Truman finds blood and mucus in his stool again but despite his genetic disposition to develop colon cancer he refuses to go to the doctor episode

>it's a Truman decides to turn his life around and finally get that college degree but as the course start draws near he gets filled with more and more anxiousness and realizations of why he left in the first place so he stays at home and spends the next 6 months planning suicide episode
strange how it happens again and again but he never dies and just does the same thing the year after

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>its a truman puts off Uni work for another day and suddenly its exam week episode

>it's a trumans girlfriend breaks up with him after seven years because he either can't or won't get a job despite repeatedly telling her he will and even though she obviously loves him she eventually gets fed up and leaves him to spend an entire year at home, crying almost every day until he makes it through to the other side and starts a self destructive spiral into alcohol and drug abuse which, if he's being honest isn't anyones fault and if anything the breakup was just an excuse to be a selfish prick episode

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K. Rool got fit.

>its a truman scratches his rims again pararel parking episode

>it's a truman does something embarrassing at the grocery store and tells himself he can't return for a few weeks now episode

>that episode where Truman's wife gave birth and he's been having an affair with 2 other women for several months beforehand

>It's a girl smiles at Truman in the grocery store parking lot and Truman doesn't know how to segue that into a conversation episode
That was the first time in months Truman even interacted with a woman his age

>it's a 'Truman deleted Facebook but saved pictures of cute girls he knew and is constantly tempted to create a new account just to see if they've posted more but knows social media is bad for him so he just keeps jerking to the same collection of pics over and over' episode

what the FUCK

i literally just ordered from them tonight for the first time and got a free delivery. never heard of it before in my life and now you make this fucking post

this is fucking with me

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Shut the fuck up dude or they'll block Yea Forums on your internet.

I do hear they have some crazy shit planned for you this week though.

>Its a truman haves sex with his married ex again episode

>it’s a Truman spends several hours grinding and searching for fetish porn he jerked it to 10 years ago episode

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why does Truman not use his GI bill to get into uni and slay a shit ton of sympathy pussy?

>It's a Truman skipped his English composition class again

because he has a gf and no desire to go to school whatsoever

When's Truman gonna realize that e-girls aren't worth it?

>It's a Truman watches Christopher Robin with his widowed grandma before going home to begrudgingly fuck his fat girlfriend episode


Why does Truman bitch about his neet bucks?

>It's a Truman walks the cute girl to her car after church episode

Truman has gotta get moving on this. It may be soon enough to control or remove any supposed cancer. Seriously late stage is hellish on the colon intestinal. My friend died in 3 years after diagnosis. The last year was bad. You can do it Truman we got your back

>it’s a Truman gets in his boat, but only anchors it offshore so he can masturbate loudly, then cry episode

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>It's a Truman tries going to church but gives up after one week when he sees that there isn't anyone in his age group there and everybody else is either married,70 years old or both

The midseason finale where he found a different church seemed sort of paint-by-numbers, but it was worth it when he started going to that church right by the college campus and asked some of the lay people a bit.

>It's a Truman gets smiled at by a cute girl but he's so nervous he cant make eye contact or conversation and she walks away.

how do the writers fix this? it's been 27 years of the same relentless shit.

I don't know what you're talking about. Truman doesn't live near a college, and when he was in one a couple seasons ago only 2-3 students actually went

>Its a truman goes on a date with his wife through fixed marriage who is also his cousin episode

if you paid attention, it was more that he was bitching about alcoholism and lack of drive

I must be thinking of one of the flashback episodes. Although the weekly music video portions got old, those churches where they play Christian rock definitely fit Truman's demographic better.

t. Indian

>The fancier it is the stranger it is
Eh, it's more of a bell curve, from being fine alone at a shitty diner to being a little weird at a higher-up place, for dinner dates or family gatherings, to being normal again at those super rich fine dining places only millionares go to.

>it's a "Truman reads a comic/watches a show to relax for a few minutes after his tiring day, but sees a ginger getting SHITTED and gets so angry he cannot go to sleep, so he stays up until 5 AM drinking whiskey and practising GrecoRoman, while fantasizing about his future empire and listening to triarii" episode
Dammit Truman, Jean Grey isn't real! Yes, I know, somewhere, right now, some actual gingers are getting SHITTED. You can't purge the planet. At least not now, so ease up and get back to work you LAZY FUCK!

Am I the only one tired of these reruns? I mean, current fiction clearly isn't making him happy, and he's done with old fiction worth a damn, so why is he holding onto it? That hour he devotes to it per day is just making him angry. Sure, he needs to relax a bit and turn his brain off, but Jesus... Just learn Latin or some shit, Truman. God...

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these writers just keep hitting closer to home

Are you afraid to be seen in public by yourself? Is that it? It's ok. Lots of people are afraid of themselves.


>it’s a “Truman is asked by his colleague to make a phone call to an important client and it goes to voicemail but he’s too nervous to leave a message and so he just waits there breathing into the phone until enough time has passed that he can hang up and pretend that no one picked up” episode

>It's a Truman tries to understand the connections between how he was molested as a child, how he then molested his sister, and how all of his serious girlfriends have resembled his sister in some way, complete with fucked up childhoods, and how he has a massive incest fetish episode

>It's a Truman goes back to finish college season, but ends up flunking by episode 10

What a fucking IDIOT

>its a Truman falls in love in a dream and wakes up hollow for the second time this week episode

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You’d think the producers would step in to stop child molestation happening on live tv


PS: I'm new to this site, where is the upvote/downvote button??

Do you still talk with her?

Has happened to me more times I would like to admit.

For me, they've even had very specific, completely made-up, yet real names before. Something like "Paula Marie Smith" when I won't know anyone with any of those names.

BIG oof

I don't watch this show. How come Truman hasn't killed himself if his life is so shit?

Having the new Smell-O-Vision Brapascope installed really made this three-part arc come to life for me

>It’s a Truman realizes he was blaming other things for the guilt he feels over the unresolved mistakes he made episode

>it's a Truman burns his mouth on some moderately hot food again and now he can only think of that weird feeling you get on your tongue after burning it for the next few days
Seems like they play this episode 2 or 3 times a week.

Chain restaurant manager with regular singles here. It's really not.
What this user said desu

>Truman is pulling out the hard drive with the Eliza videos again
I'll check out the recaps tomorrow desu

Meant to refer to

>It's a "Truman can't control his liquor problem and loses his wife and two children" miniseries finale episode

>it's a "Truman Looks for the Perfect Dozen" episode
this is the fifth week in a row, why don't they just give him perfect eggs???

>it's a Truman gets a take home test that's easy as shit and accounts for 40% of his grade and he does it flawlessly in no time at all but forgets to turn it in and skips the next 3 weeks of class then almost has a heart attack when he sees the test in his notebook and gets embarrassed when he goes to talk to the professor about making it up somehow and the professor shoots him down mercilessly despite knowing he's the best student in the class
Fuck that episode

Truman needs to stop going out at night and bringing girls home to ask them to eat them all

Only autists eat with other people

>it's a Truman has pretty good hearing but is utterly unable to understand human speech in person, leading to him having to awkwardly repeatedly ask "What?" or "Could you say again?" several times and still not understand what somebody is saying because it all sounds like garbled mumbling to him episode

>It's a Truman kills a hooker who he finds out is a trap episode

>but is utterly unable to understand human speech in person
this has happened 2 or 3 times to me, where someone is talking and then suddenly none of the noises coming from them make any sense. It's a pretty bizarre sensation. only lasted a couple seconds each time

>it's a Truman doesn't put the word episode at the end of his Trumanpost episode

>It's a Truman walks 10 miles into the woods to get away from his mother but she still "coincidentally" finds him and strikes up an uncomfortable conversation about mundane bullshit for hours when all Truman wants is to scream, masturbate, and get away from all human contact for a short while because he has PTSD and lives in a constant state of paranoia episode
Fuck, can God just give this man a break?

i've seen this episode so many times it's getting scary

>it's a Truman is tripping balls and words just sound like weird noises episode

If you're gonna be a retard with a habit you're meant to sell them nigger. I'm addicted to having the option to do drugs even though I've regularly had 500g of speed that I don't touch once I get my hands on it. It's weird to me to see people with no self control even though I'm addicted to the concept of drugs.

>it's a Truman binges serial killer documentaries throughout the night and starts seeing some resemblance with his behaviour

>it's a Truman is a straight edge faggot but acts more high than his stoner friends, possibly because he is retarded or autistic or both episode

It's a Truman has no life except shitposting in the net and watching kino with his mum for 30 years


That's not a fucking addiction you're just a drug dealer

>It's a Truman finds his old receipts for when he bought bitcoin when it was worth $10 and sold it all after it dipped to $9 episode

>It's a Truman makes himself a Totino's party pizza for the 4th night in a row episode

>it's a truman consumes too much sodium in a day and no amount of water can fix it and he gets a massive headache and can't do anything

We recently reconnected. She had issues with drugs for a long time and cut everyone out and I moved across the country but we're starting to talk again.


>it's a "truman finds out his boss was paying him less than minimum wage and smashes his bosses office and walks out" episode
he's probably gonna regret that one!

No, I'm a server and old men do it all the time. Sometimes women, even. It's pretty normal, but it's more acceptable if you eat at the bar.

hah, reminds me of that episode where Trumans parents recently brought him some old hard drives from a PC he left at home from 2009. He found a bitcoin wallet on them that had 1/4 a Bitcoin he mined in one day and then gave up because it was too slow.

Boy did Truman have egg on his face.

>it's a Truman helps anonymous strangers episode

Tired of reruns, honestly.

Literally none of those are weird. Only fine dining would be weird, and even then if you're rich no one cares what you want to do.

>it's Truman spends another evening making Truman threads on anonymous inkas smoke signals forum and correcting other fake Trumans who forgot to add 'episode' at the end of their posts episode

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Sounds like Truman's having a lot of parties, he must be pretty popular this season.

>it's a Truman has a skinny arthoe who's his type interested in him but isn't sure whether he should do anything since she's kinda ugly episode
Jesus, is this arc gonna end anytime soon?

if she's that type of girl were you can't tell if she's really hot or really ugly then she's the ideal girl to be honest

>it's a Truman puts on a movie but continues to browse the tibetan welders forum, youtube and other sites and gets irritated at the movie when it ends episode
maybe he should check out if he has ADD or something

She's just kinda mousey, the thought of having to stare at her for days on end kinda disgusts me.

I remember something similar happening to Truman a few episodes ago when Truman thought he wanted a milf GF until he found an older woman that was into him and found himself put off partly by her age and also by her mild autism/learning disability. He was conflicted because he was only interested in her physically and felt like if her pursued her he'd be taking advantage of her

Not if you sit at the bar.

>Another Truman coughs while taking upskirts of teens at the local mall episode

Wonder how he gets away with it

Must live in North korea

My dream is to have a comfy job, comfy condo, and walk around my city with Hegelian Dialectic.

I hated that episode. Never going to watch it again.

>It’s a “Truman can’t stop staring at his niece’s ass since she reached high school and it got so plump” episode

I’m betting somebody notices in the season finale and it gets really awkward.

>It's a Truman gets tendinitis because he was jacking off too much as he doesn't have sex anymore since the last slut he fucked may have given him hiv episode
Why can't Truman just enjoy safe sex? Is it his deathgrip?

I think Truman is going to find out that they've already been noticing and they're most definitely talking about it

No. Especially if you're seated at the bar.



Too relatable. Then again, it was the last Hobbit movie. I don't think I missed anything.

The only place where it looks weird is at a buffet

Ah, but Truman is very stealthy.
He clearly loves his family very much and only wants the best for all of them. He just can’t figure out how such a skinny, little actress has an ass like that.

>when he opens the door to his room it suddenly smells like a fart sealed in a sarcophagus for a thousand years episode
Oh goodness why?
porn when.

Ah shit it’s Truman

>it’s a “Truman has a sex dream and begins to cum immediately after insertion, but wakes up and manages to will himself to stop cumming, and then his dick gradually leaks cum at a steady pace for the next half hour until he decides to masturbate again to make sure it’s all out” episode

Good thing that was a one-off episode. But anytime there’s a sex dream episode, he clearly wonders if everybody cums immediately after being stimulated in the dream or if it’s just him.

>It's a Truman doesn't even have sex in his dreams any more, but watches other people having sex episode.

Truman this is beyond pathetic.

>its a Truman lays in bed all night moving between his laptop and phone doing absolutely nothing, eventually cuminating in him fapping and then laying naked for a whole hour because hes too disgusted with himself to clean up and just wants to fade away

>it’s a Truman is Testing to see if he’s still banned epispde

Go to bed Shinji

There are millions of successful men who travel for business. Do you think they’re locked up in their hotel rooms for every meal?

My intention was to do the 8ball tho. Who’s stupid now you nigger

>have business trip
>have to eat
...? i'm not gonna try to find a date just so i can eat. im getting the meatloaf with side soup and french fries and im gonna eat it by myself.

>he's never felt the cold sting of the no singles policy

Oh shit. That episode sucks

Its a Truman has wet dreams about watching porn after doing nofap for 2 weeks episode

jesus, you’re a faggot

>its an off topic thread left up because shill mod likes it episode
damn what a crazy one bros

>it's a Truman finally gets his ass to his regular AA meeting and a hot girl shows up and is caught eye fucking him, he leaves the meeting without saying hello but his will to live is extended another day

>it’s a “Truman lies in bed at night and imagines himself being murdered” episode

careful, I saw this one - it's when Truman goes on that bender and gets fired after doing too much cocaine

>It’s a Truman 13th steps a newcomer and gets herpes episode

Don’t date in the rooms bud.

>its a Truman also plans on going to a freinds home aa mtg but really he just is fixated on his friends 17 yr old niece and her sweet little fat ass and she always coincidently passes by him and happens to bend over and pick up stuff or walk around in shorts in his view episode
Truman had the opportunity to bang her mom when her mom was 20 but another aa bro got her and then she moved away and became a drug addict and had 6 more kids they were all taken away from her.
>Truman is attracted to pure girls but he knows he most likely will never find one

>writers are rehashing the old plot line where Truman debates fucking the fat girl that constantly hits him up

my chemical romance has had better days

>It's a Truman runs into his old high school friend who is working at a drive thru McDonalds that Truman frequents, he becomes so flustered that he almost leaves before she gives him his drink, and now plans on never returning to that McDonalds again
s-so wacky haha

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Imagine coming into a 300+ post board regular thread and whining the jannie hasnt deleted it. How can you be such a monumental faggot?

>It's a Truman being determined to fix his sleep schedule but then waking up a few hours before his alarm and just giving up and turning it off and going back to sleep episode

>It's a Truman plans out his next college semester with careful consideration after botching his first, only to panic a few weeks into the semester and drop all but two of his classes episode

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>Trumen get ipad

This is me. I’ve been chasing wealth so hard (trying to compete against favored roasties) and neglected having a social life. What do

Good episode
It impressed me how he’s able to have such fond feelings over a girl that never even existed to begin with in the first place

this is the worst, i've given up trying to sleep right without smoking chrons

>that episode where Truman's crush came right to him hinting that she had nothing to do on valentines and that she'd just be wasting the hours before going home
>watching Truman not get any of those hints and do nothing about it

who the hell wrote that script

>it's a Truman has leaky gas making him stink at all times effectively killing the almost non existent social life and ambitions he had episode
The part 2 was even funnier
>episode had the gastroenterologist send him to a psychologist after the blood, parasite, fungi and celiac disease tests came out negative

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>it's a Truman is having a really nice time around his friends, but he stop and sabotages himself in order to not enjoy fully the experience, thinking he doesn't deserve being happy

>it's a Truman gains 40 lbs and gets rejected by his ex so he starts starving himself and going on 4x weekly 10 mile death hikes in an effort to shed weight
that shot of him taking a triple dose of sleeping meds so he could fall asleep instead of laying awake starving was kino, especially when his stomach started rumbling right when he swallowed the pills

Its not like it used to be pal,for how long did you turn the computer off?
Must feel bad to be such and oldfag,makes you essentially a newfag,and as sad as it feels for me to say this,its lurking time all over again for you

>it's a Truman edges for a couple of hours and eventually cums to THAT again episode
Why does he keep doing this, he knows how tired and disgusted he feels afterwards but keeps going back.

>it's a Truman sits alone in the dark at 5am and giggles at relatable greentexts episode
I love him but this can't be healthy

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Writer here, I'm crowdsourcing this episode to drive engagement. Should Truman get stoned?

Jesuzx fuck Truman has friends!!??
What timeline is this!? Marty get your ass back in the fucking car!

>it’s a Truman gets a flirty smile from a girl and awkwardly smiles back without making a move and goes back home to jerk off while thinking about her episode

>it's a Sweeps Week episode

The Kate Winslet subplot went nowhere, but I think they did a great job with the Jim Carrey cameo.

Don’t starve yourself, go vegetarian. I’m being serious truman

>it's Truman wakes up in the middle of the night and masturbates until sunrise episode
pretty weird episode tbqh

>It's a Truman has sunday evening anxiety because he wasted his entire weekend on the Hungarian sewing forum episode.
They replay this episode every fucking weekend I'm sick of, why doesn't Truman just do something fulfilling with his life.

No. Restaurants are not a social event. If you have the money to burn on a meal instead of cooking at home, no one gives a shit.

>I go to restaurants alone all the time with a book and nobody cares.

FYI everyone who has ever waited a single table in their life hates 'the book guy'. you are lampooned in Slammin' Salmon.

no, but who cares your a paying customer. as long as they make money you they don't give a damn

>It's a Truman recognizes the woman he fired 6 months earlier and now she works at the Casey's, is 30 lbs heavier and looks even sadder.

It was insensitive for him to ask her to make him a whole pizza during morning rush, IMO.

they don't make anything on single tables eating $15 worth of food.

Oh yeah that's also why the internet loves saying how much they tip. Because they are tipping 25% on a 12 dollar tab. Faggots.


hmm you make a strong point I didn't consider that, yeah for waiters I guess it sucks due to tips but fuck them lol

Well I get treated like royalty

>It's a Truman is about to enter the 10th year of his bachelor's degree
Truman is thinking maybe he should've gone the science route instead of engineering route. He'd have PhD by now

>reading in public places

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the restaurant is also losing money unless the stupid book faggot comes in at 3pm and camps until 5.

>comes in and camps during dinner rush...6 to 8
>$15 per head average ticket price standard for corporate chain restaurants
>4 top table averaging 3 guests
>45 minute ticket time
>Book guy camping out costs restaurant 8 guests over the 2 hours x $15 average ticket= $120 lost revenue.

That's why you always push the book guys to the bar area.

Single diners are usually great just not during peak hours. And even during peak hours single diners are fine as they tend to eat more than the average ticket and get out faster than the average ticket. It's the campers.

t. former FOH Hospitality manager

>it's a Truman makes progress in his life but it all feels pointless episode

>used to go to pho place with gf all the time
>they recognize us
>we break up
>"table for two?"
>just one

Congrats for ruining her life.

>Its a Truman doesnt know how to use dynamic IP or a VPN episode

>It's a Truman gets a new job and Theres cute nice girls he works with but they already have boyfriends then he realises even if they were single they wouldn't get with him so he ends up being glad they are taken so he won't be let down episode

>It's a Truman jacks off again even though he feels nothing and gets no enjoyment out of it episode
This plot element is getting really repetitive

i'd advise truman to not shit where he eats

>Its a Truman suddenly realizes that even though he personally knows over 70 different girls they somehow all have long term boyfriends already, most of which met at highschool, while Truman was too busy playing TF2 and CS 1.6 with random russians, so he missed the train and will be single forever
A wierd way to close off season 23

>It's a Truman rapes that drunk, passed out college girl on his buddies couch and gets away with it episode
Anyone else think this felt really out of place?

The Warwick Davis of gators

>it's a Truman is hugged by a girl he likes and doesn't wash his jacket for months because it smells like her.
I didn't realise he was such a creep. It's a good thing she rejected him..

>It's a Truman knows licking pussy can cause throat cancer but keeps licking his high end escorts pussy because she gets excited when he does it as not many people eat her out episode

yes, the waitresses will laugh back in the kitchen and the chefs probably fuck around with your food

t. ex restaurant worker

there was this loser that went to our restaurant by himself ON FUCKING FRIDAYS at first it was funny but later it got kinda sad

Sounds like that episode where Truman haw bad gas and lost a lot of weight, but it turned out he developed lactose intolerance later in life and now brings lactase tablets everywhere because everything in in his town has milk, soft cheese or cream in it.

Since we are talking about America, I would not be surprised if this were accurate, however in the civilized world on the east side of the English Channel its only considered weird to go alone to a really high end restaurant, your every day food place is fine and nobody cares

>its a truman realises that there is nothing he can do that will offset the pain of spending the next 30 years of his life around people

excellent bait

>it's a Truman can't decide whether he's into men too or just so lonely he's willing to go bi for a bit episode
Don't keep us waiting Truman

this ep really got me, sometimes im into it other times it disgust me

>It's a Truman makes eye contact with a qt on a bus for the tiniest time longer than the usual passing glance and can't stop obsessing over her through several weeks episode

I think it's time for the Truman redemption arc already..


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prison gay

>Truman has never gone to a party

Save some money and get a classy hooker.
200 to 300$ should get you some prime rib.
Use a condom.Then when the boy has become a man go forth and conquer.

Prostitues don't count
You are still a virgin after fucking one

>You are still a virgin after fucking one
No you're not.

>It's a Truman still regrets not taking the shot 15 years ago when he had the chance and now the opportunity is gone forever and he will never experience innocent love without responsibilities and worry episode

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Who cares

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I've been eating in restaurants alone since I was little

I was gonna say 10 years but I feel like I've never had enough 'friends' to do any of that shit with, I mean there are occasions, but usually I'm eating alone


they hire escort gfs for every meal

>It's a "Truman says 9/11 was an inside job and controlled demolition and they cut the broadcast" episode again

>All those non virgin trumen on Yea Forums
My god, this place is far gone

From 11 to 19. I'm so glad I was freed eventually.

Hitting a little too close to home with that one, user

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I do it all the time I couldn't care less type

That reminds me of the episode from way back when Truman found out about the deep web, saw you had to use bitcoin for and chickened out because he thought it was some kind of scam
What a class A chump

I work in a restaurant and nobody cares.

>Its a, Truman episode where he goes to a Mosque and streams himself live with a GoPro, episode.

I could tell they were all fake actors In this one.

>It's a Truman thought a psychology degree would get him a job episode

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Literally laughed so hard I started coughing and seeing those loving dots in my eyes. Good post. Thank you