New trailer Monday

New trailer Monday

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Isn't he dead? I thought he turns to dust.

The only film that died is cinema as an artform

Imagine being the costume designer and actually thinking its a good idea to put a bunch of stickers on his suit.

Still don't understand why they didn't release this movie earlier.

It shows Peter Parker and Nick Fury alive but they died in Infinity War.

>15th Spider-Man movie incoming

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I'm pretty sure costume designers aren't in charge of the poster art you silly faggot.

Cis fragility, the post

Sony shares rights to Spider-Man and they dictated that Disney show the trailer earlier than they wanted.

So maybe Sony is just fucking with Disney or they're being greedy.

Isnt this a children's film?

I'm gay you fucking homo

Still cis though

I'm also a girl (male)

Better, you may post here then

Say what you will about MCU Spiderman, the villain designs are top tier.

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Can someone please shoop a swastika on there? I need it for a school project or something

Still, costume designera aren't in charge of marketing and promotional art you tranny freak


>Milky milk the capeshit dry until oversaturation

>Normies still aren't oversaturated and are supporting this garbage

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Looking forward to it

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>man gets mad because comic book company makes endless movies based on endless comic books

Looking forward to seeing Zendeya in lewd depth perception

Fuck yourself.

What is creativity?

who gives a fuck, into the spider-verse shits on these "films"

You are a söyboy if you like these movies. Get over it

Tom Holland is a literal faggot, and MJ is a nigger.

I thought the MCU was based on the ultimate reboot, why is peter parker a twink?

based sony not allowing marvel to have everyone in same style uniforms with that shape on the abdomen

Peter is a 15 year old twink in the Ultimate comics

Nah man, he is a college professor chad maximus. And even when he was that age he didn't look like a faggot.

I know, you're pretending to be retarded, but you're talking about Earth 616, not Ultimate Marvel

What ever happened to kino comic movies?
Where's FABLES!?!?!
I want R rated fairy tales.
I don't want Cape-fags anymore

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