
>Black hair with glasses
This show gave me a few fetishes no doubt

what are some androgynous kino

Attached: Cybersix.png (720x540, 230K)

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This was a brilliant show and it gave me a yearning for a thriving coastal paradise like the one in the show that i’ll never be able to satisfy

Name a more kino kid's cartoon

Attached: cybersix3.webm (512x384, 1.13M)

Attached: cybersix1.webm (512x384, 2.86M)

holy fuck this an Carmen Sandiego were TOp kino

Attached: cybersix2.webm (512x384, 1.57M)

where did you get these from based user

OP, That's not Yea Forums

Now THIS is Yea Forums:

Attached: Cybersix_Poster.jpg (170x239, 9K)

>pepe spilling popcorn.gif
lmao they even used a pink floyd song

Attached: cybersix5.webm (512x384, 2.86M)

Attached: cybersix6.webm (512x384, 932K)

i was getting ready for tentacle rape

god i wish that were me

Why is her name Cybersix?
She isn't a cyborg and she doesn't have robotic parts or anything.

Because it's cool


This and Underworld laid the foundation for the giant fetish Bayonetta fully unleashed

this was a very good show

She's actually fully artificial;

>Dr. Von Reichter is a member of Schutzstaffel and Nazi Party genetic engineer, who works at concentration camps in World War II, implanting cybernetic organs on prisoners and attempting to resurrect Adolf Hitler's army. However, Reichter continues to use experiments in South America after the war.

>From one of the experiments emerged the Cyber Series, an artificial humanoids with superhuman strength and agility. The 5000 original Cybers became servants, mimicked human emotions and making free will of their own. When they disobey orders from Reichter, he orders all of the Cyber Series to be destroyed. After the death of Cyber-29 (Data-7), Reichter transfers his brain into the body of a panther. Cyber-6 is one of the survivors, who escapes and arrives in the city of Meridiana

This show had the best opening theme

Cybersix is actually a tranny

She's a genderless synth built in a nazi concentration camp.

the opening song is excellent

>they put so much budget into the animation that the soundtrack was all cheap stock noises

seriously, no joke

Yeah, it's honestly borderline unwatchable as an adult

Which is fucked up because it's beautiful looking show

French animation is pretty based. Too bad they're embracing 3DCGI.

code lyoko was good

Its funny because in the comic she still used the disguise of a male teacher even though her tits are ridiculously huge

this. kino song kino animation

Why does she have tintin eyes?

The animation in this is really good.

I can't believe it's not Japanese!

it really fucking wasn't
weird ass design choices and weirder story

Reminder that the full version is rotting in some studio archive somewhere.

Why hasn’t anyone taken the show and added a soundtrack to it?


Well it is animated by a Japanese studio.

Always felt some kind of sexual tension with this show when there never was.

French animation.

Was this designed by an Argie?

how do we get it