Did they kill her?
Did they kill her?
fucking reddit tier theory
>hey lets pretend to be lost and make elaborate rock and twig figures in the middle of the night and plant speakers outside the tent so that strangely inhuman child noises can play because it'll be real spooky and fun lmao
why not just kill her in her sleep or at literally any time once they got into the forest? why go to all that trouble for no reason? what was happening to them was clearly supernatural and to suggest otherwise is contrarian nonsense
quick rundown?
You're joking?
I fucked her
The Blair Witch Project was 30 years ago user, I doubt anyone here has seen it.
It's not the movie is worth seeing boomer
what movie?
Everyone's seen it.
Jenny is alive and well!
Of course not. The movie was never really trying to trick you with its plot. The guys setting it all up to murder her would undercut most of what the movie was trying to do.
tldr; OP is a moron.
The Blair Witch Project, one of the best horror movies in the past few decades.
imagine putting your dick inside that mouth
To be fair it isn't like murderous psychopaths are logical. I still don't understand people thinking something is "off" about a murder being overly complicated or illogical when it's a fucking murder.
I haven't.
Why the fuck not? It's one of two of the only good found footage movies.
The tent attack scene disproves the theory
Was he taking a piss?
why didnt they just start burning trees as a signal
>What'd you with the map?
>Screw that map. I threw it in the fucking river. That map was useless.
Years later and this still gets a chuckle out of me.
Maybe, but him not using his hands is just as unnaturally spooky
In Big Al's!?
Nah, that's a gay theory. How would they make all those noises outside the tents while they were still in them?
Did you know that she and her family were worried the filmmakers were making a snuff film, so she was genuinely afraid during shooting?