Well this was really boring

Well this was really boring.

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yeah sure, call me back when you're 29

based retard

logan's run is the sexiest film ever made, you are a bad person and this is a bad thread, you don't deserve a (You)

Just fucking kill yourself you massive fagot.

You won't believe me but I'm actually 29. I mean, I get the message but don't you think it dragged on too long after they got out of the city?

It's 10/10 until they escape into the wild, then it becomes a snoozer. 20 straight minutes of asking basic questions to a stupid old man like "What are parents?" and shit the audience already knows. And then you have the absolutely retarded ending, where they force everyone outside and act like it's a good thing. 90% of them won't even survive the winter, great job Logan you imbecile

Thank you. I didn't time it but when they were walking around DC and talking to the old man, it felt like a fucking hour. It's not like they took the opportunity to put in some thought-provoking dialogue either. It was just Logan and the girl acting shocked at the old man, and the old man being senile and annoying. It's a shame too because everything up until then was great.


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Yeah I really, really love the film up until they leave the city. I think if the whole movie took place there, it would be one of my favorite films of all time.

This, the first 30-45mins it was pretty interesting and almost dare i say it, "Kino"

But yes, as soon as they escape the city it nose-dives into boring trash.

First half 9/10

Second half 3/10, if that


Attached: logansrun10.jpg (650x433, 64K)

That teleportation machine Logan had in his room is what I imagine Tinder is like for Chads

>The character of Box, being voiced by black American actor Roscoe Lee Browne, could serve as a precursor to Darth Vader, voiced by black American actor James Earl Jones in Star Wars (1977), in "racializing cyberphobic primers available to Generation X".[12]
People who analyze movies this way should be gassed

Jenny Agutter boners were the best boners

Attached: jenny_agutter_logans_run.webm (1280x544, 2.84M)

is this fucking real? i wonder if they try to lump in that actor who played alien into this thing. You cant fucking see the person and the only thing about their voices that stands out is theyre deep and imposing.

it's a shitty rip-off of THX1138. the only good things about it are the matte paintings.

God can you imagine if they remade this film today?

>live in cool futuristic city with other sexy, young people
>work jobs, hang out with friends, enjoy life
>have your own badass apartment
>at night, have unrestricted, no-strings-attached fuck sessions with a real, beautiful, consenting person at the push of a button
>die in a glorious ceremony with a devout religious intensity, literally flying as you symbolically float into heaven, with your loving fellow citizens euphorically cheering you on and thanking you for making room for the next batch of citizens
>die before you see yourself become a bitter old man, disgusting and past your prime
Doesn't sound that bad desu

The cap for men and women should be different though. Many men don't even enter their prime until their 30s, and are still lucid and strong up through their 60s. They should just kill the women when they turn 40 and the men when they turn like 65 or so.

In the novel they had to die at 21. And it's not a religious ceremony in the book, they go to some drug parlor where they overdose them on pleasure gas

Is the book worth reading?

This is the future, no matter if you're a world renowned doctor, or some junkie that rapes children everyone gets 30 years, because that's "fair"

It would be shit

Well Satan, it's quite schlocky and to be frank I enjoy the movie more. That said it has an interesting proto-cyberpunk feel to it and is worth reading if you are a classic sci-fi completest.

But Jenny Agutter is a goddess.

Attached: Jenny Agutter Walkabout (4).webm (1280x1024, 2.98M)

Just cause black people often have deep voices which are fucking great for strong guy characters (who tend to be big bad just cause you want something imposing) doesnt mean its racial charged these people should be gassed. I never even thought of darth vader as a black guy. these type of people are litteraly the same as the other extreme spectrum where they think everything is a jewish conspiricy

Racial blindness makes the whole world blind, pal

Thanks, I'll probably pass on it then. The movie had interesting themes that could have been executed better. I assumed the book might have been deep or something.

What you should read is Dune if you haven't. The ultimate opus of that era

excellent nude scene in that film.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've been meaning to get into sci-fi novels so that might be a good one to start.

Also check out HG Wells and Isaac Asimov

Agreed. An interesting premise, poorly executed.

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Much appreciated.