Can someone justify the ending of this film, that the mother was the evil doppleganger the whole time ?
I honestly don't understand how this makes any sense, film was pretty quality though.
Can someone justify the ending of this film, that the mother was the evil doppleganger the whole time ?
I honestly don't understand how this makes any sense, film was pretty quality though.
The whole fucking movie made no sense.
Everyone has a fucking "double" living in a beachside town?
It had good cinematography and was mechanically/acting wise well made but people need to get of Peeles dick.
I didn't see the movie and I have no idea what it's supposed to be about
I thought it was just suppose to be Americans, and that the intro bit suggested there were tunnels that connected all through America. It's dumb but one of those things I'd just go with.
The first film was the subversion of the African-American spirit and body in the hands of the Caucasian man due to the traumatic and dehumanizing nature of slavery within the United States from the early 1600's to the end of state mandated slavery in 1865, and segregation afterwards.
Hence the constant dehumanization the African-American individuals experience through the film, mainly as the Caucasian populace, isolated in their power and financial influence to deem only the bodies of the African-American(s) the most worthy aspects, leading to violence, hypnosis, sub-plantation, and death.
The second iteration of the contrast between the African-American experience and the American experience delves within the code-switching habits of the African-American population, seemingly in spirit following the first film's events with the first film's main character liberated from the isolated plantations to the mixed and segregated reality that the act of freedom allowed them to live in.
Thus we see the African-American family switch their demeanor, mode of dialogue, their method of walking and generally the ways they carry themselves around other Caucasian individuals which they later meet within the film. However, during said switching, Peele most likely delves within the facets of a diluted and destroyed true identity as a result of the dehumanizing aspects of enslavement and forced segregation which motivated said colored peoples to switch codes of speaking and demeanor to better fit within the dominant population.
Despite their seemingly beneficial progress in doing so, the ghosts of their long fallen identities return to haunt their house and their families, hunting down any one despite their color or social standing, all with the important tools of the scissors.
You see, these "Clones", later revealed to be the true emanations of the families souls and identities, hope to essentially cut out the fence-walking and false iterations of the African-American and Caucasian spirits to create a more truthful and ideal image of what these people were supposed to be despite the face of such oppression that obviously demented both sides of the conflict.
That's the truth the father of the African-American mother realized when he delved within the halls of reflection, that when revealing his true state of mind and being, revealed that he was the broken reflection, not the vengeful and twisted forms that took his life.
Basically, it was that one episode of the Simpsons where Bart found out he had a twin.
Yes she was, she switched places as a kid and that's why she couldn't speak at first she simply didn't know how
You can even see the true hidden duality suppressed with the forced transplantation of true African-American culture in public demeanor replaced by more "appropriate" demeanor that don't ruffle as much feathers, which still is a form of racialism established not against others but against the self, denying your true feelings and culture in favor of the more accepted one at hand.
The first teaser featured the contrast between the adults understanding and appreciation of African-American produced music and the seemingly alien aspect it had on the more integrated children who faced less contrast between Black and White cultures.
The masks within the poster here also shows the conflict between the masks these African-American peoples held in society to best fit in compared to the still crying and blonde haired African-American suppressed since 1865 and beyond, who liberates herself with the act of Cutting away the false emendation, no matter how pleasing and appropriate she seems to the audience and even to US.
This aspect is still evident in the font of the film title itself, with the lettering of the "US" experiencing a thinner and lighter shadow yearning to break free from the large and bold lettering, establishing the dehumanization of all characters in result to the division of classes and races in such violent natures.
Remember, Peele didn't choose a butcher knife, or a hammer, or another utensil mean for an opposed action turned against their fellow man, he chose the scissors, tools mean to cut out the undesired and untrue aspects of a property in favor of the true self.
The Us title could be meant to highlight the contrast between:
Blacks and Whites
The self of the past suppressed by the tailored self of the present (both in the black and white characters).
The contrast between the more "black" father and mother and the more integrated children.
So what youre saying is it was just dumb.
And that if african-americans get to be "their true selves" they just go on a rampage murderspree???
Also white people had clones too.
>Look at this normal black family. IQ and crime stats are dirty lies and this fine family dindu nuffin! Blax so great, everyone.
>family sees literally themselves approaching
>AWWW HELL NAW we gon die look at these monsters coming our way! Run!!
Jordan Peele, finally telling the truth. Bravo Peele!
>Wife literally tells her husband she had an evil twin stalking her and that she has a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen
>Lights go out
>Hey there's some creepy assholes standing in our driveway in the dead of night
Well go out and offer them some beer bro.
Ultimately the theme I got from the movie was one of envy - it permeates the film. Gabe spends a lot of his time envying what Tim Heidecker's character has, like the boat, and he bitches about how he got that new car just to spite him. In the scene where Tim's lounging in his house, the song that plays is "Wouldn't it Be Nice" by the Beach Boys, a song about wishing they could be older, envying what older people can do together.
Checked, based, and redpilled
So basically you’re saying it’s anti-trump? Of course, what a fucking hack
It's an evil twin revenge movie taken to an extreme and user is just shitposting for (you)s.
It had a huge plot hole, how did the girl perform a dance when the dopple ganger did if the dopplegangers are the ones that follow the real humans movements.
It made no sense why she would act the way she did through the movie, even if it was repressed it doesn't make sense for mimicking movement.
Too bad the twist at the end entirely subverts your argument.
Youre not woke enough user.
>having any criticism towards a majority black led film
Smells like racism in here
I'd hand that up to suspension of disbelief. The idea they were trying to present is the clones experience what the others are doing but don't have the capacity to understand what's going on.
Then OG girl creates this revenge plot because she understands what her clone is doing, she's experiencing. Eventually she comes up with her plan for revenge and expose the existence of the clones.
yes right now your tether is shitposting by banging his fingers on a wall while eating a dead rabbit
So how did they not die from malnutrition if they only had rabbit to eat
It was a fun slasher horror. It wasn't as smart as Get Out, but it was much more entertaining. Most of the "plot holes" that are getting tossed around are just retards needing to be spoonfed every fucking detail. Having said that, there is a giant fucking plot hole.
Why didn't the original little girl just fucking leave the funhouse bunker complex? It's obvious that's a possibility as the doppleganger girl does as much when she switches places. The whole tethering and mimicking thing isn't 1:1 obviously, because the doppleganger family shows up on their own while the real family is getting ready for bed. It's not a plot hole that ruins the film, but if you do want to nitpick that's the easiest one.
probably pulled her in deeper in the tunnels away from the entrance?
The Wheel Of Fortune guy?
Did the og woman get raped ???