Stuff in TV that kills your immersion

>Couple have sex
>The female looks satisfied
Absolute fucking make believe.

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> fight in warehouse.
> boxes get broken but they are empty.

> Character finishes a coffee
>Doesn't immediately go for a nice watery shit

> sitcom character says they're drunk
> acts exactly the same

>Character has sex
Absolute fucking make believe

>character takes a shit
>doesn't take a shower after to wipe

>character says the same thing in multiple episodes

Real people don't have catchphrases

females are never satisfied

>gun with silencer fired
>makes almost no perceptible sound

>the movie is good
>can't help comparing it to my short stories
>start looking for flaws to make myself feel better

Making a girl cum isn't actually that hard. Just actually play with her clit.

t. Did it multiple times with the GF last night

that's why it's called a silencer dingdong

>character goes into a bar / coffee shop / etc
>makes a generic order, beer, whisky or coffee for example
>server doesn't bitch at them and demand more specifics
>doesn't call over their manager because it's probably a scam to get free coffee or beer

Kek this. As a guy who knows even a little bit about weapons and how they work, I know a "silencer" produces a different but indeed quieter sound than a standard gunshot

>I'll have a beer, no ice
Drives me mad.

my gf refuses to climax, says it's too intense, never had orgasm with clit

That's a shame. Having a girl that cums easily is pretty great.

>sitcom actor says he's sober
>acts exactly the same

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>character spends an enjoyable evening out with friends in a social setting
I fucking hate fantasy fiction

>5/10 guy with a shitty job has a 1 million dollar apartment and regularly has sex with 10/10 models

>protagonist's penis doesnt retract inside his body when he's nervous or does aerobic exercise
Immersion ruined.

Watch The Shape of Water.

some actually do

>"I'll have a beer"
>Bartender plonks down a bottle
I've been to the states a couple of times and maybe it's the microbrew places I've been to but I've never come across people just asking for a "beer". In Ireland the bartender would literally just walk away and serve somebody else if you did that.