The Crow with a female protagonist

Let's discuss what we would like in a sequel of The Crow with a female protagonist and what we wouldn't. Here's an interesting article on the subject:

Personally I'd love it to have the goth vibe of the first film and little to zero influence of superhero-related action films when it comes to special effects.

Do you think they'll ever consider doing a film like this?

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Anyone is an improvement over Edward Furlong.

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the crow doesnt need a sequel let alone one with a f*male protag

I hated Eric Mabius even more.

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Read the fucking article, you retard.

There is no reason for this to exist, let alone with a female protagonist for the virtue bux

why is this a franchise why as this even a single movje ket alone five fucking movies why is modern cinema the intellectual equivalent to collecting beanie babies

my point still stands dumbass

>goth movies in 2019

Women don't have the same capacity for revenge that men do. Can you imagine a woman caring enough to kill her boyfriend's murderers? She'd just move on.

>a woman
>ever going on a path of vengeance for her ex-mate instead of jumping on the next available dick

Suspension of disbelief can only get so far.

They are making a comeback since that whole big titty goth girl meme.

Ever heard of Kill Bill? Thought this was Yea Forums.

I'll take anything starring a goth grill.

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Women can be some of the most vengeful cunts on the face of the planet, they just tend to be physically weaker and thus rely on manipulating social situations to get what they want.

>expecting m*llennials to know about anything but capeshit

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Isn't the big titty goth gf meme quite old?

I think thats what makes it attractive, it's rarely seen
Look at all the shit Lucretia did as she went mad to give her husband a son in Spartacus

Damn, now I need some women revenge kino

I'd watch anything related to Detroit in the 80s.

I'll only watch if it's got full frontal nudity and a hardcore lesbian sex scene, both in full makeup

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That ship has sailed. Beckinsale is too old now...

I would love it. I still have an old picture of my mother dressing up as the Crow for Halloween. She looked so convincing.


Yes but normies have been using it a shit ton the last few months on Twitter.

The Brave One
I Spit on your Grave
Lady Snowblood
Kill Bill as was mentioned previously
The Bride Wore Black
a shitload of Pam Grier movies have this theme as well, shit watch more movies.

Nice, maybe Twitter will finally do something good for once.

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how can i get a grey gf like this?

She has a black sun necklace, so, I guess be a nazi.

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>When his ex-boyfriend uploaded porn revenge of her, she became... The Crow

As long as the vengeance is the main reason, I see no problem, unless it starts with the feminism preaching shitshow.

>That hairline
>Covering neck
Is this a guy?

Any example?

That's called Razor, and they're making it already.

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Starring best Emma

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this is one of the few occasions were changing the gender would be kino.

the crow is an entity, the dead would could be pregnant, we could really see the revenge thing under another perspective.

is would call the irish lady from that joaquin pheonix movie to direct and get a nice girl like imogen poots to star - she does a good job at GREEN ROOM playing a punk fucked up girl without "muh girl power" shit, it has a very organic tone.

call trent reznor to do the soundtrack and its done.

dammit i wish i was a jew to be a movie producer.

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>the dead would could be pregnant,

Getting raped or getting back at someone who killed their child are the two most cliché motivations in female revenge stories. It's already been done a million times.

I love The Crow and I love goth girls. It'd be a win in my book, especially if O'Barr writes it.
>tfw I randomly see him around my city in record and surplus stores

Is anybody going to read the article I posted ?

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damn Chloe be looking freaking fine
I wonder how Pedro feels about this

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Get out of my thread.

fuck you and your thread whitey

as long as her BF was black

>all her motivation is for something that happened to a man

Blacks can't be goth.

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all of you faggots know one of the original Crow comics written by the creator had a female lead, right?

at least his acting wasn't as bad as Eds whose high watermark will always be T2 and a shitty Aerosmith video

Kek. There has been numeral titles on “a chick on the revenge road” like “Ms. 45”, “Kill Bill”, or “I Spit On Your Grave”. Sooo if they do it right, the outcome definitely become so darn awesome one.

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Make it take place in the arctic, and give it an environmentalist angle


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Goth = pale.

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>trent reznor
Fuck outta here with that awful, try hard bullshit

rape yes, child killing not so much.

and the crow concept is about revenge, there no how to scape the concept of 'loving one dying in the hands of awful people'.

Can't rain all the time