What the ideal personality type to truly understand and appreciate Kino?

what the ideal personality type to truly understand and appreciate Kino?

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depends on movie director

ISFJ. a nice guy.

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nothing starting with an I.

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>Can't stop talking about trivial shit
>Interests are mostly having fun with friends and using social media
>Unable to think about complex ideas
>Enjoys capeshit and other lowest-common-denominator entertainment
>Low IQ

>Doesn't waste time with small talk
>Interested in film, politics, science, philosophy
>Appreciates a wide variety of kino
>High IQ

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Es literally cannot enjoy any movie because they can't put their smartphones down


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I wouldn't do either of these.

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this one is better

t. people with "personalities" starting with an I


masterrace coming through

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t. phoneposter that doesn't even use the floens app

>Off topic thread with only a venue reference to the subject of the board

Only if it's a real INFP and not some millennial tumblr ESFP trying to be INFP.

>has sex


That's not ENTP

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Am I the only one who thinks it's funny that people get so high and mighty about these personality types even though the entire thing is just pseudo scientific garbage?

>implying intelligence correlates with introversion
you proved your own retarded theory wrong

I bet you got a shitty one when you took the test lmao

We are the same, brother (or sister).

Probably this.

>implying it doesn't

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it's complete bullshit, there's more correlation between zodiac signs and personalities than mbti.

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>pseudo scientific garbage
it is the most accurate personality test ever designed
and by that I mean an actual test with a professional and not the one from these sites

but you're living proof that it doesn't


Movies are a shit art-form with simplistic meanings, and overall a waste of time for anyone not an office drone.

>Took this long for this to get posted
Yea Forums was a mistake

t. pic related

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>pseudo scientific garbage

Which is why it predominates the Fortune 50 and holds a significant presence in Fortune 500 companies when assessing candidates.....idiot.


Which personalities do they want?

you can't see the fallacy in your bad opinion and you use mbti to stroke your own ego, ergo you're the one with heavy insecurity issues AND you're retarded, you pozzed cunt.

>bit of a cunt
>not lazy


The master

you're the one who brought up this entire debate, Efag
So you're not only a normalfag but also a /pol/fag
Why am I not surprised

what the fuck are you asking?

You can't conceptualize that said companies have 10s if not 100s of thousands of employees...what the fuck are you asking?

that doesn't mean it's not pseudo science sweetie.

I'm asking which personalities they want.

>it is the most accurate personality test ever designed
that's the big five

i got INFJ. why am i not surprised that a brainlet also makes up imaginary lore behind the posters he replies to to make himself feel better

Tfw probably INFP (taken like a dozen of these tests in my life a d always get it, plus it's what everyone guesses I am)

>See at least a but of redeeming qualities in any movie, understand that movies are made for certain audiences most times
>Can appreciate cheesy movies, very low budget movies with heart (Like Cormen's Fantastic Four), so bad it's good.
>Don't get upset about politics in my media, really give no fucks about politics
>Have only ever outright hated maybe a dozen movies

Pretty comfy desu. Movies are nice cause my empathy drives me nuts all other hours of the day

None, because Meyers Briggs is bullshit

every time I do those tests I get a different thing

I find it funny that INTJ's are very rare in the general population, but they comprise half of Yea Forums.

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Based and literallymepilled

Do you vary back and forth between two similar ones? That's pretty common. The whole thing is built around two pairs of thinking types and everyone has a pair that's more or less even and a pair where they favor one over the other. So if they goofed up while making the test or you misunderstand a couple questions it's pretty easy for the relatively even pair to get flip-flopped.

Took it again and got infp


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INTJ and INTP are the People of the Internet.

Everyone who has ever taken one of these tests is "introverted"

>tfw no gf

maybe because extroverts are out there, being productive and doing stuff(?)
they don't care about these things

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That's a lie. I had to take them in some intro to university course and it was 60/40 Intro/Extro

I got that

fucking got me

read a book retard



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Man, even though you're supposed to take this all with a grain of salt,
it's really something to be an ENTP. I don't have social anxiety at all but I'm still a weird guy. The introverts of society can't relate to me and neither can most of the extroverts, it's like living like a cyborg (for lack of a better word).
Whenever i'm chatting to people at bars I overwhelm them without even trying about trivial cultural things and the nerdier guys just find my talkative nature annoying. I don't know what to do with myself half the time. I haven't found a single profession outside of entrepreneurship where I'd be suited.

I know the feeling. My GF goes on about how much of a weirdo I am, but I kind of just don't care.

I ended up working in communications. It fits.

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Where ma INFJ boiiiiis at!

We gon mediate the fuck out this bitch!
We gon make sure nobody knows about none our personal business!
We gon help and support others so hard they mommas feel it!


Post films only INFPs understand

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I'll consider it.
Yeah it gets tiring after a while, people calling you funny, weird, strange etc. In reality, I'm just insanely stubborn about what I do in my free time and have peculiar tastes, hey presto, you know this kinda thing. Take it easy

The thing that I don't get is how people can't understand I'm equally happy going to parties or being on my own.

INFPs can FEEL EoE more than INTJs. INTJs can UNDERSTAND it more than INFPs can.

wtf I never realized I stands for Incel

I think ENTP types (again, taking it with salt etc.etc.) are the closest people to being true ambiverts. I can stay in my house for weeks and then when I'm needed I'll chew an ear off.
Maybe some people can't understand the functions behind the want to do things.
What do you do alone, what do you do at parties?
In reality, there's no confession without friends, and there ain't a whole lot of friends.

you're making me cr*nge, fellow INFJ

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You got the sane as me. Be prepared for immense loneliness, a mild drinking problem, and never ending lack of fulfillment. Cheers!

dubs of truth

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ENTP is only good at being useless and arrogant

The tests are just bullshit because MB is bullshit. Its a functionally useless metric and the tests are unreliable. No serious psychologist uses it, its like trying to interpret someone else's dreams or figuring out their future using astrology.

get on my level

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>horoscopes for twats

I'm sorry I'm just trying to keep morale up

Only went a week without showering or going outside once? What kind of normalfag wrote this?


I think alot of self-identified INTJs and INTPs are actually ISTP/J which are far more common

Why do people act like this is supposed to be some sort of 100% accurate all the time thing when it's just a way of better understanding how a person may respond to a situation

No I can see how you'd make this mistake if you were stupid but they're not even similar

Horoscopes claim to predict events based on completely arbitrary factors

Tests like Meyers Briggs are just a diagnostic, a means to organise and classify existing information

why do the tests always give me intj? that's the worst one
good thing I'm also a Leo, the best zodiac sign. year of the Snake for the win


>based on completely arbitrary factors
Answering questions on the mbti is completely arbitrary. It's the definition of arbitrary.

thanks for trying. I guess.

>tfw 83% turbulent
what does this mean? Am I an impulsive retard that's winging it most of the time?

>good thing I'm also a Leo
I'm a Pisces, aka the bitch zodiac

at least we're still in my age.

The test tries to class you as a person who reacts to things in a certain way by asking you how you react to things. That's not arbitrary, it's completely rational.

I hate sex. It's course, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.

I don't think you know what "arbitrary" means.

Being ENTP sucks because you lean towards having introverted interests like literature and film unlike other extroverts but can’t really devote yourself to those hobbies like introverts do.

Rate me, Yea Forums.

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Please be my gf

That's only one of the reasons why it sucks. But yeah. You'll forever be interested in specific things but unable to translate that into any sort of actual knowledge or success.

I'm a guy


So... 10/10 I guess?

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>91% intuitive
>85% feeling
based girl

>I don't understand something so it's bullshit!

Ok brainlet.

They don't want entps

I don't think YOU know what arbitrary means. Arbitrary means without a reasoned basis. Like "I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow, let's see, I was born in September so it will probably rain". There's no rational link between the two things. Whereas MBTI asks the question "what kind of person is this person?" and then asks you a bunch of questions related directly to the factors they've used to create their archetypes so that they can see which archetype you fit best. There's a direct link between the assertion and the information used to make the assertion.

Jokes on them, they got one in me

It's literally just a compilation of your predominant personality attributes into a categorical denomination, there's nothing pseudo-scientific about it.

It isn't arbitrary if you're honest when answering the questions

INTJ's are what people on Yea Forums want to be. I'm an ISTJ and proud of it.

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I just took the test and got an intp but the entire description of it made it sound like I'd be some scientist or mathematician when in reality I'm unemployed and spend 16 hours a day sneedposting on Yea Forums.

amen brother

based fellow intp neet

I don't want to die.
I just want to stop existing somehow

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Remember, T, F's are not your enemies. Remember J, P are not your enemies.
Remember E, I are not your enemies.
There is but one enemy, and we all share them, and that is the S retarded. Incapable of any sort of rational nor prospective thought, the Sensor is eternal pleb, the capeshit fan, and complete and utter idiot.

Suffer not a sensor to live.

What about a coma

wow I wish I could be as smart as you one day

>tfw youre intp and literally everyone else is an over-emotional retard

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Everything you're saying is about N, though. S is all about rationality, practicality and factual interpretation of the world.

I would accept it only if I can dream

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What's his type?

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Here's a fun practical experiment for you to do: go to a licensed and qualified mental health practitioner and ask him or her about your MBTI. Observe their response.

>waaahh im so sad nobody understands me


t. someone who has never academic criticism of MBTI

so being an INTP is basically an excuse as to why i'm a virgin, right?



the personality description thing was quite accurate
>want to know more about it
>have to buy a book
heck no

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MomAnon here.

>inb4 tits or gtfo

Been on near-obsessively since the Boston Bombings. Yes, I'm an INTJ. I get some good, honest laughs from Yea Forums, love the white knight raids (Jerkin' Joes and the kid who didntknooooo) and think that what was done for Dusty the Cat was an extremely proud moment in the history of Yea Forums.

Only rarely do I identify myself. It's simply not necessary most of the time. Also don't want to be called attention whore, be flooded with tits or gtfo, or other summer-level bullshit.

I also lurk in /pol/ and /int/. Might have to head over to /fit/ one day, stretch my cables and this thread is kind of dumb and off topic.

I think you're missing a verb there champ.


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pseudoscience? on Yea Forums?

nice blog but what does any of this post have to do with personality types and movies?

1) answering questions nobody is asking
2) reddit spacing
3) knowingly saying stupid shit but trying to boss others around about things that are not okay to say
4) Yea Forums hasn't said anything other than 'sauce on this?' for ten years
So I believe you have a cunt between your flabby thighs. Tits or get the fuck out.

>not enneagram

I don't remember. I'll record it somehow the next time I take one.

>feeling anything but anger
I seriously hope you don't do this.

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Holy shit I was chanting his earlier around the house, what the fuck

it's copypasta dumbasses

What am I to do then as an ENFP

You literally posted ot, Op

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It's based on the big 5 and IQ which is a very well studied personality measure, so it at least has some truth to it.

Please feel free to look up the academic criticism of MB test. The general consensus is that they are unreliable enough to not actually have any practical use. It doesn't even measure all of the big five personality traits or tell you or measure the scale of each trait that you are.
Seriously, just go to any psychologists and ask them about it and they'll say its an extremely flawed method and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.

why don't you look it up and read it for me you nerd lol

Any /ESTP/ man in?

"Logicians’ word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it’s not that they are dishonest, but people with the Logician personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners."

o shit that hits home

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The real question is what are your CliftonStrengths? If achiever isn't first you're a failure.

It was made by two uneducated women.

>It's based on the big 5 and IQ

It doesn't even measure all of the big five user and it doesn't even give you a proper figure for the IQ. Its a debunked test made by amateurs and only housewives and idiots take it seriously.

I literally just did that. They all say its unreliable and incomplete. Nobody takes it seriously. Its a fad metric.

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This. I is literally incel excuse making.

>tfw infp and bpd
Not even female. Feelsbatman

If you were a female with those you could proper conquer the 1st world.

>tfw assertive INFP

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>Believes in introvert vs extrovert dichotomy

Not even close to true. These tests are tangible real world categorization of personality traits. There's nothing pseudoscience about it. Astrology on the other hand is new age religious bullshit

I always thought of myself as more of an I type.
I never bloody start conversations with people, unless I need some piece of information from them.

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Not that guy, first of all.

But still, a lot of these questions are very situational. Sometimes, depending on the situation, you might rely more on inspiration than planning. You might soft pitch a criticism to certain people and play it hard and fast with others.

People are more adaptable than a 7 choice slider for agree/disagree.

this is the daily horoscopes for autists

What's even more funny is when you see people start larping as their self-typed personality's stereotype thinking they're special because they have a 4 letter defining characteristic to identify with

i found it to be pretty accurate with what i got and not even close to the other types but idk. maybe it was just a coincidence.

>unless I need some piece of information from them
Apparently you do it enough to be considered an E

Thanks, mate

INTP master race reporting in

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>tfw INTPcel and need to watch kino at 0.7x speed to comprehend it

I'm INTP-T as well with all traits pretty much close to the middle (like 52-48) except prospecting where I hit 60. Am I a fraud?

>need human interaction but at the same time hate people

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Why I am not surprised that the nerdiest type, Intp, is so over represented on here.

The problem with these web tests is that most are too short. A proper test is really long and asks the same questions over and over in slightly different ways. This makes it more accurate in case the wording of a question influenced or confused you but also makes you more honest since mental fatigue prevents you from overthinking questions and unconsciously picking the "right" answer to get a better result.

I wonder what the reported results are like on Crystal Cafe