Who is the most pathetic poster on Yea Forums?

Who is the most pathetic poster on Yea Forums?

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Fucking fight me nigger

those who are contrarian for the attention

Sneed posters.

Yeah its this guy.
Fuck him.

Frog posters

Chuck posters.

Metathread faggot, he needs to kill himself already.

That guy who keeps calling actresses "Puta" and trying to do the Mexican version of CreepyThinMan

any jews


The people that come into threads to tell you to have sex. Oh btw this thread sucks virgin

The "have sex" guy
And CreepyThinGuy. (Aka: Harry knowles)

I'll fight you!!!

it's this fucking dick head. christ what a cunt

That tranny discord guy

Every one that bitches about cunny posts.
No better instant newfag giveaway.

anyone who thinks Eva Green is attractive

That one guy who actually watches movie.

ben affleck

cumtown spammer

have sex

that aussie poster that keeps stalking his christian asian crush on instagram

the janny


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the janitor

any newfag who thinks Yea Forums has always been this shit and should just be nu-Yea Forums


Fucking poltarded racist trump Russian shills

I haven't seen him in a while.

That one fucking loser whose never had sex

kek imagine actually watching television

probably some aussie piece of shit

Bill Shitner.

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