Why did mike love jesse so much?

why did mike love jesse so much?

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Because Jesse wasn’t a bad person, he was just a fucking idiot. Mike saw him as child-like.

it's obvious jesse is just kind of a "little boy lost" who got in over his head. Mike and others understand this. That there's a big difference between a raging sociopath like Walter and a poor kid who got in over his head.

It's also dramatically why it makes sense that Walter dies but Jesse lives. Jesse deserves to be punished for his crimes (hence the imprisonment and the torture) but he doesn't deserve death

>Jesse deserves to be punished for his crimes
Jesse didn't deserve any of what happened to him

Jesse literally did nothing wrong

Why have there been so many BB threads recently?

nufag rennaisance. The new memers finally got around to actually watching and discussing tv

He dindu


Was it just put up on a streaming service or something?

>Jessie deserved watching not one but TWO of the women he loved die horrible deaths

>Why is one of the most popular TV shows being discussed?
Ever consider using your brain?

>Jessie didn’t do nuffin
He cooked and sold crystal meth before he even got connected with Walter ya simps

it's popular but it's never discussed here, hence why it's surprising to us. Ever consider using your brain?

>drugs r bad mkay
drug dealers don't deserve any more punishment than the tabacco industry. All drugs should be legal

Thanks for admitting you’re a newnigger.

Crystal meth is horrible

doesn't mean he deserved any of what happened

>it was discussed 10 years ago, if you're surprised it's discussed NOW in 2019 you're new
fucking retard

Imaging being so stupid as to not comprehend why a highly acclaimed show, with a fucking currently running spin off show and announced movie is being discussed on Yea Forums.

>as to not comprehend
I never said or imply that did I you illiterate faggot
>is being discussed on Yea Forums.
it IS unusual because there has been next to zero tv discussion in months, you seething retard. Do I have type in fucking baby talk for you to get this?

>it IS unusual because there has been next to zero tv discussion in months
But there has....
You do know the archives exist?

Jesse was a junkie fuck up who deserved worst than what he got.

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>freeloading off parents at the age of 25 to cook meth in the house that they inherited
>came from a hardworking family who gave him every opportunity to succeed and the most he amounted to before Walter was being a wannabe ghetto thug
>screws his parents because he was angry at them for throwing him out even though their intention was to break him away from his own self-destructive habits
>undermines Walt's golden partnership with Gus in multiple ways
>betrays Walt even though Walt chose Jesse over Gus, an act that did not benefit Walt in any practical way
>betrays Walt again because of Brock, even though it was the only thing Walt could do to survive the situation after Jesse betrayed him
>we're supposed to feel bad that his junkie gf died of an overdose
>we're supposed to feel bad that he did not take the threats of a Nazi gang seriously and tried to escape, resulting in his second gf's death
His greatest flaw is that he was a weak person, who made "strong person" decisions. Every decision he made had consequences that he was too weak or stupid to deal with. Walt, Mike, his parents, someone was always there to rescue him. Walt, as evil as he is, would never break down under pressure, he could always be counted on.

Jessie touched his penor

I mostly agree with you mostly but one of the best scenes in the show is Walt breaking down.

Show writers must not understand just how fucking despised junkies are and why most people won't sympathize with them, even in ideal circumstances

>betrays Walt even though Walt chose Jesse over Gus, an act that did not benefit Walt in any practical way

Jesse was about to cook meth on his own and turn Walt to the police if he got cought after Isaac Schrader beat him up

The deaths weren't horrible though. Jane died in peace and drugged pleasure and unaware of her death. Andrea's death was quick and painless and she never knew it was coming.

He killed an innocent man to save scumbag walt

literally everyone I've met who despises junkies shares multiple traits with them.

being a video game addict or cock donation center or a fatass puts you right on par with a junkie in terms of behavior. you've just substituted drugs with something equally as bad
>inb4 you must a junkie lelelele
sorry I'm a christian sir I believe in lending a helping hand to those in need. I would expect a heathen to understand

That's an opinion.

Abusing meth is horrible for health.

Nah they're making a spin off movie and this is first wave astroturfing for it

True, but it's so great because it so rarely happens. And even after he regains his composure and does a little planning, he takes care of business, as usual. Something Jesse would never do.

I was talking about when Walt killed those two thugs to save Jesse, and refused to turn Jesse in to Gus. If Walt did that, the Jesse problem, including everything you said in your post, would have gone away. But you did remind me of another point
>forces Walt to fire Gale and hire Jesse by threatening Walt

Your a junkie for jesus faggot, shut the fuck up

Reminder that Walter most likely didn’t die and Jesse was most likely arrested

get fucked and die in a hole, junkie.

>video games, sex, and cheeseburgers force people to lose their minds and commit heinous crimes
As expected from a Yea Forums Christian sir.

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>playing video games or sleeping around is equally as bad as doing hard drugs
Kek what
At best you can say that they both come from an addictive part of the person doing it. But even then, being a junkie is far worse for you, not just because of the downsides of putting that shit into your body, but because you're also facilitating criminal networks.

>willingly peddled poison to men, women and children for years even before he worked with walt, even kicked out of his parents' house because he was such an asshole

I mean, he killed Gale. Also he was a pusher of a drug that destroys people.

I'm not saying everything he got was proportional to the crime (it wasn't), but he did deserve punishment of some kind.

Also it's arguable that what happened with Jane is arguably partially his fault for being an enabling co-dependent

him trying to sell drugs to that rehab center thing was fucked up