Is... is this the Evangelion of Star Wars?

Is... is this the Evangelion of Star Wars?

Attached: thelastkino.jpg (1549x863, 426K)

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yes, it's

Attached: T H I R S T (3.0).png (2008x2265, 3.09M)

Eva is actually good, so no

You're welcome for the free replies OP

nope, its the Dragonball GT of Star Wars

incellular, much?

The incel making this thread every day should get stomach cancer.

>The incel
you referring to you'reself, incel?

Rey should be a nudist


Attached: 1479281830098.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

This is a far more accurate comparison.


Incels don’t have spacebars?

Closer, but GT actually defies expectations by taking things in its own, different direction. Last Jedi doesn't replace your expectations with something else. It sets up for something obvious to happen and then it doesn't; and that's it.

Why are you doing this? I used to think Disney was paying you but now I just don't know

high iq... good taste... large (yet tasteful) dong... any of these words ring a bell, incel?

You're calling people incels because they have mean things to say about fucking Star Wars. If you were any less self-aware you'd be pond scum.

The only good scene of the entire fag sequel trilogy is Rey chomping her bread with her mouth open. It’s the only thing that feels genuine and it’s all down hill from there

ok incel

how subversive

I liked this movie and watched it 4 times at the theater.
It fucks the lore and Rey is a terrible character but the movie was very well made and I enjoyed it a lot.
The Luke send off was great.
While I didn't agree with the death of the character at least they gave him a good death.
I don't think the hyperspace ramming thing was that big of a deal, they can write around it creating countermeasures or something, or just retconning it and forgetting about it, it's just one little scene in the movie.

I appreciated TLJ using establishing shots where things were actually happening instead of Abrams' borderline still-life wide shots with a dash of "look at these practical effects." Shame about the script.

Did your girlfriend like it?

No. The Prequels were the Evangelion of Star Wars.

The Sequels was more like, the Gurren Lagann of Star Wars. All flash and no substance.

It's the Evangelion 3.0 of Star Wars. Tried too hard to subvert audience expectations and ended up being a hollow film.

Congratulations user, you are braindead.

>"The Luke sendoff was great"
>Ren: "When I've killed you, I'll have killed The Last Jedi written and directed by Rian Johnson and produced by Disney, Incorporated!"
>Luke: "Heh. See you around...KID"
>he was a hologram all along
>dies because his astral projection inducing salvia wore off

It was motherfucking awful

Attached: rich.jpg (816x640, 58K)

I genuinely liked TLJ while I totally LOATHED Solo.
Apparently Solo was more liked than TLJ. That I can't understand.
The two leads in Solo were unbelievably bad at acting, the writting was awful, the whole movie was unmemorable, bland and unsatisfying.
It's the only Star Wars movie that I genuinely didn't like and I consider it the worst, along with ep. VII which is a better movie but totally unoriginal.

Luke made the greatest force feat ever made in the whole saga and it was a surprising twist. They should have let him live for ep. IX but it's still possible that he will be a force ghost in IX.
He basically did a Obi-wan like sacrifice so that the others could escape, but on a bigger scale and in a much more dramatic and impressive way.
I think it's the best scene in the movie.

Its The Last Jedi of Star Wars

yeah solo was forgettable dogshit

KOTOR is the only thing left that could be good

>Apparently Solo was more liked than TLJ.
Mediocre beats terrible every day of the week, user

TLJ had great setpieces, it was visually spectacular (throne room scene, etc), had some memorable scenes (luke's death, space ramming, throne room, finn vs phasma, opening space battle, among others).
What did Solo have?

>What did Solo have?
Plot, script and characters that weren't abysmal enough to prevent you from turning your brain off while watching the movie.