Will ASR ever get A-list roles again? She was the lead in her own tv show once and now Hollywood has turned its back on her.
Will ASR ever get A-list roles again...
wtf she has no arms?
>meatball nipples on a surfboard chest
wonder how many faceblind retards will think this is actually her
Is she aware that you can see her nipples?
based love me some meaty nips
that's Depp's daughter. surprised she hasn't been acting with how hot she is.
imagine going all chuck on those fine nips
I'd like for her to turn her back on me and on my face if you know what I mean
Goddess. Now I see why jews like them so much
She was in that shitty Kevin Smith movie with his daughter. I think she mostly models
It’s not fair bros.
She is smol (5'0"), directors like tall women in lead roles.
Wow, the daughter of Depp and Paradis became a whore, what a surprise.
>Hollywood has turned its back on her
She doesn't suck Jew dick, and that's how you get roles. So no.
Worst actress in The Act.
I doubt it, OP.
>ASR thread
>still no ass pics, gifs and webms
I hate nu/tv/
I hope she doesn't I want her just for me :)
>tfw ywn bite these niples
>white guy
Blacks can't swim
>same old pics that have been posted for years
I want to inhale every single fume emanating from her body.
He's done it again
please seek professional help from a qualified therapist
She's acting in French movies lately. She even got nominated in the Césars (French oscars)
Wasn’t her diy show supposed to be out?
>swnb your gf
I thought she was still underage. Just googled her age and she's 20 already wtf? Still, pretty nice fucking nipples.
now it makes sense why you can see her nipples in any picture she has
God FUCKING damn that is such a perfect body. That ass. Those nice, firm tits with big, fleshy nipples. I need to fuck. And i know it's never gonna be with a girl this hot.
Why even try?
>cardinals fan
I’m even more in love than previously thought
just go out to the bar
>go out to bar
>sit there
>everyone ignores you
>people talking all around you
>pay tab and go home after a while
You're either a woman or hot
Jesus christ her body is perfect. It's not fucking FAIR i'm literally the same height and look like a fat sow[/soiler]
I went to a few bars recently. It sucked. It's mostly guys and a few women. Mostly everybody is on the phone or talking to the people they came with.
That's unsanitary.
this is a work safe board user
> seethrough
what a whore. Didn't know she was like that
are you that australian whore?
you're on Yea Forums you should be posting your feet
ASR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that lanky bitch on the right
Looks like a pig that just had a baby
>nipples larger than areola
That tummy needs kisses
Bring a lawnmower.
When was she ever A-list?
I have heard of escort services that cater to guys looking for actress look-alikes. A buddy I had in college said he went to a escort service in Las Vegas, and he brought in some pictures of Vanessa Hudgeons and asked them to give him a girl that looked as close as possible to her. He said the girl they gave him was like a clone of Hudgeons , same face, same tit size, everything. You should look into that.
Anyways, ASR was so cute in Bridge to Teribithia. Hopes she keeps acting.
I want to sniff every single warm pussy fume she has bros!!!!!
What do you think her pussy fumes smell like?
Funny how her height and her breast size stopped growing too early. Her breasts are so small. I would be interested in ASR doing a topless scene to see what her nipples look like, but I imagine she would be very self-councious about the reaction people would have if she was offered a topless scene in a movie, she is probably very scared she would get a lot of negative reaction online from men saying her tit are super small.
>What do you think her pussy fumes smell like?
weird, as always
If she wants to impress she should do an ass scene instead.
I thought that was Jazz when i saw the thumbnail
Is it just me or they slightly brown?
How dare you taint this ASR thread with your mentally ill, goblin looking, exploding """"pussy"""" miscreation?
I want to see a movie where ASR and Kate Upton are forced to compare their bare topless breasts
Imagine if she forced you to lick her asshole and eat her farts and she sat on your face as punishment ewww gross ahhah
You can see they're pretty small but at least they're not Emily Kinney tier
ASR's humiliation acting put to the test....fund it.
How would that situation come about?
True, there is growth, you would be able to cup ASR's tits.
Maybe some comedic scene where they're trapped somewhere and need to combine and join their clothing together in order to climb up or down towards the exit; so they both need to strip down down to their last clothing item one by one. At the end they're standing both completely naked except for their panties
The movie could be about ASR and Upton are both applying to be a nude figure drawing model at a very prestigious art school. They both have to strip totally naked and be thoroughly examined and compared against each other by the art faculty and students to decide which would be the final model for the figure drawing classes at the school.
haha wow
new show good?
I'd have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with you.