>the best tv show of the year is an anime
How does Yea Forums feel about this?
Mob Kino 100
The best kino of the year is Doom Patrol, but Mob is a close second.
that was sweet, I haven't considered watching this one is it good? go with the sub version right?
I like the dub alot because Reigen is incredibly well dubbed, but it's up to yout preference. It's an amazing anime. Season 1 starts a little slow but after episode 3 it starts picking up
I think you should go back to your containment board for pedo abnormies, weebs, and niggers.
That's precisely why I'm not there, friend. You can't even discuss the 5% of actually good anime there because of that shit.
Absolutely patrician taste lad.
What the fuck is Doom Patrol?
Subs are preferable most of the time. The show itself is fairly sweet, has bits of action in it, some drama and character development and exploration. Its a well thought out story that respects itself and the audience without taking itself too seriously or becoming cartoonishly goofy. There's hardly any real dead weight to it either, Thing that happen matter for a variety of reasons and the story is constantly progressing.
haha reference!
It's kino so I don't care.
Oh wow. Grown ass men watching cartoons. Real attractive. You guys must be swimming in pussy
Okay pussy slave, go on shaping your entire life around finding women. I'm sure they really like desperate insecure betas.
I prefer subs, but I'll keep in mind about holding out for the first three episodes, thank you.
sounds very good I'll check it out thank you
sjw le reddit "humor" capeshit
leave normie
I'm watching 10 anime a season and i have a gf.
Fucking based
Not to mention that it has incredible animation
it is an anime, but you’re thinking of the wrong one
>Genres: Action, Slice of Life, Comedy, Supernatural
Is this Jojo? I watched it recently on Netflix and its overrated garbage. Horrible animation as well
they should've killed mob parents desu
looks like gon from hxh
Shinsou didn't want to kill Mob's parents though. So itd make no sense for his parents to actually be dead. He just wanted Mob to be so pissed off he could beat his father
season 3 when
women like whatever most men like it happened with comic heroes and it may or may not happen with anime if it gets popular enough.
The point is, only an idiot would base what they like on what women think. Be a leader not a follower
It's more of a coming of age story
Are you implying women don't watch anime already or something? It may not be an even split but it's easily 20% to 30% women
talking normies
1. no sane person would want to 'swim' in pussy. Sub mental humans with very low IQ already fuck each other like rabbits without protection, are riddled with disease and have five/six children by the time they're 25 and then spend the rest of their life in prison or on welfare or both.
2. Any interest or hobby at all can be a 'turn off' to anyone for any reason whatsoever. I've bored a coworker once by talking about how someone made a lot of money doing something really easy. You never know what will bore someone, it's best to keep an open mind about everything and avoid boring people as much as possible.
3. Homo sapiens under 90 IQ aren't worth fucking or talking to for the most part, although it's nice when you can get involved in some kind of help program for them because they need a support system that usually doesn't exist for them. People who are normal IQ or above can still be assholes or indifferent to your existence: and you'd have to make extreme efforts to convince them to consider you for anything (a job, a relationship, whatever) and it's humiliating to beg for attention like that. And assholes will still fuck you over if they have half a chance. You have 20% of the population too stupid to live independently who you really shouldn't try to fuck unless you are also sub 90 IQ, about 30% of the population that are pure assholes that you would never want to be friends with in the first place much less fuck, another 30% that are 'benign indifferent' and although it would be relatively safe to fuck them it will be like pulling teeth trying to convince them you're worth it. If you can drop your ego than it might be worth it, but these people will only confide that they ALREADY have a boyfriend or girlfriend AFTER you completely prove yourself to be trustworthy. Finally, you have 10% and only around 10% of the population that are 'nice' and will give you an honest immediate response when you ask for a job, references, or a fuck.
of that 10% of the 'nice' population you have the vast majority of them who are already taken (around 75%) and there are also 20% who are too young and too old for you.
In the end you are actually looking for a needle in a haystack : a 0.005% chance (this is generous math, here) and this is the major reason 'good' normal people die alone. Here are your options:
1. Fuck assholes - or more properly, let yourself get fucked by assholes. For women this is going to bars, accepting drinks, getting laid and he disappears and never calls. For men it's paying for a bitch's meals about five or six times and then getting a half hearted hand-job.
2. Fuck a dumb person. Keep em like a pet. Lots of people do this. I don't judge them anymore.
3. Focus on money. Get rich, negotiate with lawyers before you get married. Make sure they can't completely fuck your life up. See if it lasts more than a few years.
4. Join some kind of cult/church and make sure the person you end up with is a true believer. Just pay lip service to the church/cult/whatever and your partner should be loyal.
5. Prostitution. Both men and women can find reliable prostitutes if they're clever and resilient enough. Look for call girls and professional gigolos, Go to Vegas and Atlantic City. Just be upfront with what you want. Far less expensive than the above alternatives.
looks like boring trash