Got an Oscar nom

>got an Oscar nom
>now the lead actor of new Villeneuve kino
Is he destined to be the Ryan Gosling of our generation?

Attached: timothee_chalamet_140322.jpg (1543x2018, 712K)

he would look like ayy lmao without that hair, he will always be type casted.

>type casted.
so is goose

He has the looks and acting for morally ambiguous/villain roles.

him playing a villain role directed by Lanthimos, when?

he looks as pozzed as gosling so sure why not

More like a failed prince of sorts, which is why Dune fits him.
Hoping he manages to not get screen mogged by others in the cast though

he’s destined to be prime fap fodder for me for the next 5 years at least

who's generation ?

what's your favorite fap fantasy?

pretty vanilla desu, just going down on him and swallowing his cum and snowballing it with him or letting him [come all over my face]


fuck lol fucked up the spoiler tags

He cute.

KYS faggot

No YOU kill yourself faggot

What does mogged mean?

He looks like the kind of guy that girls who don't realize they are lesbians yet would date.

It essentially means to get upstaged. Though it was originally used in /fit/ to refer to situations in which one person is super physically attractive, and another is not, the person who is not is effectively “””mogged”””.

Why don't "cute" guys tweeze their fucking unibrows? Pattinson, Goose, Radcliffe, etc. all have these fucking mongoloid Neanderthal eyebrows that they never bother to address. Is it some "look at me, I'm an actor, but I'm still a manly man that can't be bothered to groom unless a role calls for it!" The calculated ignoring of the basic grooming habit seems even more contrived than if they had some meme facial hair that requires daily barber visits or something.

Because they're not gay
Only gay guys tweeze their eyebrows

I wonder if he could pull off a horror movie role. Kinda like Lupita Nyong'o as Red.

Thank you, user.

enjoy your aids

Have sex.

He is a shit actor so he will be.

Because their ego is inflated by retards.

Die in a fire, faggot.

Fuck off retard

Thick, unkempt eyebrows look masculine. Sculpted brows are for fags.

Agreed. He’s not heroic leading man material. Gosling can play a wider variety of roles. Chalamet can play sexually ambiguous twink or sniveling worm.

I was into him until I heard he was an entitled jerk I’ve since dropped him

Jesus Christ. If you’re going to be gay at least be the top. You submissive bottoms are the lowest of the low.

This is 100% true and the reason most guys don't do it
t. Faggot

Snowballing is kino
He doesn't suck his bottom's dick

The eyebrows are the first thing I look for when looking for gay guys

seeing my cum dripping down his chin while he's looking up at me
and then let him keep sucking