Any famous people in the film industry that browse Yea Forums?

Any famous people in the film industry that browse Yea Forums?

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these two

Well, not really famous. I've worked on a famous show, but as a writer. So only hardcore fans would know me.

Hello I'm Ryan Gosling and I browse Yea Forums and it's great!


I'm John Landis and I spend all of my time imitating my son on Yea Forums

Hi! I’m a huge fan!

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All me btw

I like Backdoor Bangers 7, you work on that series?

I'll drop a hint.

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Nope, but I'm a fan.

Wouldn't be surprised if every single one does. The appeal of these types of sites only has an effect on the wealthiest and the poorest. Everyone between needs to have their face and name attached to everything.

Which seasons

>Backdoor Bangers 7
If I'm being anal about it I could never really get behind that one

this is also me

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Started in season 8.

Only s11e5


I've done episodes as recently as 2014. But working on that episode was the highlight of my career.

I know you. That Sneed's Feed and Seed joke? Huge fan.

Formerly Chuck’s lol

Thanks. Lots of people don't get it right away, but they usually love it once they do.

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Not famous but work in the industry. I've only ever gotten shit pay, and worked long hard hours. Biggest celebrity I've worked with was John Rhys Davies

just got back from SXSW. actor. i hang out with steven soderbergh on an informal basis, a bunch of my friends are novelists and TV writers, and my childhood friend is a director who is premiering at cannes this year.

from an actor's standpoint, the film industry is weird. networking is a matter of hitting on people and making them like you, which is basically like high school. you'll get a role, or an audition, at least, if you can throw a good party at a festival, act attractive, and be a hotspot for women and gays. being a director seems like it has more merit to it, if everyone loves the screenings, then it doesn't matter what the content or the style is, it'll get traction and you'll get money for more work. virtue signaling is definitely a real thing but only for people who aren't able to create genuinely attractive pieces of cinema

Yes, I am Steven Spielberg and I browse this sub daily.

imagine not being taken seriously ever again because you were the main character in a meme show

What was it like working with Adam sandler

Can you explain it for me?

Cool LARP bro

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Mr. Dubs! What a great pleasure to see you again around these parts!

>twitter is so retarded you have to look at the times to follow the conversation

I get asked that all the time.

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How does one get into acting when having a full time job?

Do all actors that get into acting as adults just happen to have really flexible jobs that are enough to support themselves?

Most go to acting school after high school and meet agents and make connections there.


To piggyback off your question, how can I book commercials and become a meme like Flo? I’ll be she’s rolling in dough right now.

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Of course young man!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!

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Very based!

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tom arnold here, ama!

Give me a few years

Hey Yea Forums, it's your pal Big Harv here. Ask me anything!

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What does Winona Ryder's butthole smell like?

Blueberry pancakes

Why are you incapable of being funny?

Im James Cameron, hi /redditv/

not me

I suck at networking. Can I come to one of your parties?

Are you Ian?

Season 6


Stephen Fry used to visit Yea Forums way back in the day. An NFL punter and safety used to post on Yea Forums a while back too. Not sure about Yea Forums

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I'm Max Landis and I spend all of my time making threads about how my dad killed people

Fuck off grandpa

Smells like 3 day old shit

Tell us, it's not like you're career is ruined because you browse some anime forum

my friend used to be one of michael bays assistants and he is regular on /k

Wil Wheaton spends a lot of time talking about how much he hates the chans, so it's safe to say he's been here.

Alright, prove you're the writer of S11E5, show us some early drafts, ideas and other shit like that.
Also tell us the story about how you came up with the sneed joke.

Big Harv reporting in

Hey guys it’s Satan.

Does he? He's a traditional leftist, not the new kind. Nothing wrong with that.