Why movies dont show women as they actually are, why dont they picture them as the soulless whores they actually are
Why movies dont show women as they actually are, why dont they picture them as the soulless whores they actually are
Never understood the appeal of clubs - even moreso going to such a place with your partner...?
I'm sorry user, this isn't /r9k/
Shut up i want to talk about movies being realistic and faithful to the actual world
What happened user? Give us a greentext.
why is there a video camera in this club
It's literally a test. You go with your dumb bitch to the club so she can drink, dance, and act like a whore. You go there to ward off thirsty dudes and pay for her drinks.
I feel for my asian brothers. Fuck asian women for abandoning their own like that.
you guys realize that dude is gay right?
that makes it even worse
chinks are so hot
redpill me on the webm
The white guy is filming. She was already waiting for him to return. The Asian guys just happened to catch her when she was alone. The way the video is cut, makes it appear the white guy came out of nowhere and intercepted. But the fact is, he already had her primed, before the cut.
why even film this though?
i know this white guy
he literally cucks chinks in all his videos post them
because you have to show your stuff online and get upvotes, comments to feel good.
Stop blaming women for your virginity.
if I remember correctly, this is that guy who tapes himself pulling asian chicks all the time.
because he's insecure about having an asian girlfriend so he takes it out on random dudes at the club
ie, he mogged himself
Jakebake isn't gay dude, he bangs yellow pussy every night. They run up to him to get his contact information constantly.
He is a twitch streamer, so to make money.
is it weird that he just looks like the sort of guy you'd see with asian girls? they all have a particular weird look to them
The entire purpose of a club is to get a bunch of at least OK looking women in one place and then make money off the hordes of thirsty niggas trying to get in so they can buy them stuff, validate them with attention, and try to hump them.
I guess sorta like a strip club but with no obligations on the women’s part and even lower odds of getting a blowjob on the men’s part.
Plenty of normies go just to be surrounded by loud people though. Extroverts get as much pleasure from crowded rooms as introverts get from empty ones.
t. Bouncer
i understand asianmasculinity now. christ...
They're fun. Drinking and dancing.
>soulless whores
Women are not soulless whores. You're just undesirable.
>t woman