This is the most comfy show of the 2010's

Do you agree?

Attached: Stranger-things-Season1-V2.jpg (1500x1482, 525K)

I do agree. It's great. Season 1 was better than the 2nd season though

I think that S1 was scarier than S2 but season 2 had a lot of kino moments.

Fuck season 2

Why? I liked it except for the episode with Eleven's sister and her gang. That one sucked.

I would like more people to post in my thread please

where is it?

It's this one this is my thread that I made

first of all, don't be such a fag and shill your tread in a more respectful way like responding to previous answers.

But I have already responded to the posters in my thread that I made. I really thought this show would be more popular here :(

How many times has Millie Bobby Brown has been raped (define ass having sex with someone who is 18 or older) and has sex (define as having sex with people her age or less than 18.)

I'm sure those are just rumors

i think the only way we'll ever find out is just waiting and seeing how fucked up she becomes, that or a controversy happens revealing if she's been fucked or not.

S1 is best but S2 has a lot going for it. Redeemed Steve is great, and I actually think Will is by far the best of the child actors. Also Bob ;_;

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You got a lot to learn, kid.

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I like uit
o i meant meta
ok good

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It's sad that some children get molested by Hollywood. I hope she's okay.

Season 2 was a literal disaster of mismashed ideas, half baked plot points, and a terrible filler episode for L that was completely retarded. The finale fell flat and honestly the intrigue for the show ended for me in season 1. Now with the third season I assume its going to be the worst season.

Judging from the trailer, season 3 actually looks pretty interesting in my opinion. I think there is going to be some kind of virus that can infect people. We'll also get more Billy. He might become the monster.

Reddit bullshit


borderline experimental

The Goldbergs is pretty high.
>80s setting
>supportive family unit
>subtle humour as well as over-the-top jokes
>short running time
>based on actual, bizarro events of writer with home footage and interviews to prove it

Also turbo milf

I'm real tired of your nostalgia bait, so lets agree to disagree.

I like to masturbate to the kids

It was better, but season 2 was still very enjoyable and comfy. I liked it.

Blow your brains out

so comfy :)

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season 3 trailer was GARBAGE. i'm planning on watching it

Season 1 is excellent. But now the kids look too old. Thats why this genre doesnt work as a TV show.

Only one

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it is=but i'm gen x.
for gen x it may be the most comfy of all time.

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S2 was got pretty average because they milked all the mystery out of it.

I hope S3 isn't shit

>muh nostalgia
season one was interesting even with the muh nostalgia shit everywhere
after that it was nothing but boring repeats

>Fuck season 2 episode 7
Completed that for ya

>fucking chad kid pretending to be unlikable nerd
fuck him

>>fucking chad kid pretending to be unlikable nerd
Who do you mean?

Literally the only bad episode is Eleven's standalone adventure episode. The rest is some comfy as fuck television.